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06-03-2010, 11:14 AM
#25751 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Mclean was pushing interview in entertainment value...
What a game last night.....Greatly enjoyed Pronger nail Kane then just fall on him..
"A chicken crossing the street is poultry in motion"
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06-03-2010, 01:04 PM
#25752 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Did anyone happen to catch Dan Hamhuis on Team1040 last night? Sounded like he was hinting at coming to Vancouver 
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06-03-2010, 01:16 PM
#25753 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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^^ What did he say?
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06-03-2010, 01:39 PM
#25754 | i like gifs
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Originally Posted by woob ^^ What did he say? |
Summary: -He knows about the talks with him and Vancouver (during the trade deadline)
-Family wants him to come here easier for travel
-Nashville slow in getting back to him about his UFA status, future, and contract negotiations
-Says Nashville has an uncertain future, and is a little concerned signing a long term contract with Nashville due to uncertainty in moving the team or other factors
-Talks about Chicago series, Niemi -Wants both a place to win and a good value(contract). Wants to be closer to family.
-Vancouver is the most convenient place
-Going to Haiti for rebuilding of a childrens hospital, raised half a million for the hospital. Going down with George Laraque Team 1040 Interview with Dan Hamhuis here: http://www.team1040....ne_2_Hour2~.mp3 |
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06-03-2010, 01:58 PM
#25755 | HELP ME PLS!!!
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Originally Posted by Ch28 | fast forward to 47:00 if you interesting
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06-03-2010, 03:28 PM
#25756 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Just listened to the interview. It's kind of ambiguous, you can pull so much from the interview depending on how you look at it. I mean yes you could say Nashville was "slow" in getting back to him, and it's easy to emphasize that point when you're a homer and you really want to see Hamhuis in blue and green next year. However, the fact is that Hamhuis said that he hasn't "completely left Nashville" yet.
I felt like the questions Pratt and Taylor were intentionally worded to evoke a positive response toward Vancouver. Regarding P&T asking if his family wants him in Van: isn't that a "no shit" answer? Almost all parents would want their kid nearer rather than far.
I'm not trying to shit on anything that's been said in this thread; it's just that the Vancouver bias in the interview questions seems quite strong. And as much as I would absolutely LOVE Hamhuis to be playing in front of Lu next season, I wouldn't be surprised if he signs elsewhere.
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06-03-2010, 04:28 PM
#25757 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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he's most likely out of Nashville - they're not going to dish out the dough and he wants to go somewhere competitive
Vancouver is a good bet because of all those things listed above
- we got money to spend
- we 'should' compete for the cup
- good organization/city
- and if he cares, its his home province
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06-03-2010, 04:31 PM
#25758 | manage the cap you say????
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it would be great if hamhuis could come here
i wonder how much it'll cost us though
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06-03-2010, 05:30 PM
#25759 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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He currently makes $2 mill a year but I'm guessing he's going to get at least 4 mil.
What's our cap situation?
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06-03-2010, 05:31 PM
#25760 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Sportscaster Ron MacLean helps rescue man from Delaware River in Philadelphia Quote:
PHILADELPHIA - Just call him the hero of "Hockey Night in Canada."
Ron MacLean played a part in a bit of heroism today in Philadelphia during a water rescue.
MacLean says he was having lunch on a patio by the Delaware River with Don Cherry when a panicky woman came up saying there was someone in the water.
MacLean and a few others sprung into action — he grabbed a velvet rope, jumped a wrought-iron railing and ran down to the water.
When he arrived he saw another man had already jumped into the river and pulled the man to a raft.
MacLean says he and a couple of staff from the hotel used the velvet rope to pull the man onto the wharf, while the person who had jumped in to save him climbed out.
MacLean says he heard the man had been trying to take his life, but seemed grateful after being rescued.
| Go Ron haha! Don Cherry probably wussed out, didn't want to get his suit wet.
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06-03-2010, 06:31 PM
#25761 | what manner of phaggotry is this
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Don Cherry has completely lost his mind and doesnt even know where he is most of the time. He didnt wuss out, he probably continued his conversation with Ron even after he ran off.
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06-03-2010, 06:35 PM
#25762 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Don Cherry would notice that the drowning guy was foreign and would proceed to watch him drown.
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06-03-2010, 06:42 PM
#25763 | In RS I Trust
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good for Ron. Even tho I would of done the same thing if I was in the position.
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06-03-2010, 06:45 PM
#25764 | i like gifs
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Ron MacLean has always been a pretty upstanding guy. I still remember when he was on air and found out his mom passed away. He stayed on to finish his duties and told everybody on air that his mom passed away but he had a job to do and that he'd fly home afterwards. Respect.
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06-03-2010, 07:49 PM
#25765 | HELP ME PLS!!!
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Originally Posted by RRxtar Don Cherry has completely lost his mind and doesnt even know where he is most of the time. He didnt wuss out, he probably continued his conversation with Ron even after he ran off. | the guy is like 75 isn't it?
and ron mclean took alot of heat for the burrows incident, but i've always loved the guy.
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06-03-2010, 08:08 PM
#25766 | JDMEK9Mod | DogWhisperer
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^ yes, i was going to mention the burrows incident too. up until that point, i had total respect for the guy. but, i guess everyone makes mistakes.
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06-04-2010, 12:16 AM
#25767 | degenerate extraordinaire
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|  this whole Hamhuis situation feels a lot like the Gaborik rumours
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06-04-2010, 08:16 AM
#25768 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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Originally Posted by Ikkaku  this whole Hamhuis situation feels a lot like the Gaborik rumours | The Gaborik
The Forsberg
The Gretzky
The Sundin too (We had reports that in summer that he's practically a Canuck when in reality, he was holding out mid-season for the Rangers to make cap-space for him).
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06-04-2010, 08:46 AM
#25769 | i like gifs
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Originally Posted by Noir The Gaborik
The Forsberg
The Gretzky
The Sundin too (We had reports that in summer that he's practically a Canuck when in reality, he was holding out mid-season for the Rangers to make cap-space for him). | Gretzky was legit though until Brian Burke f'd it up.
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06-04-2010, 08:58 AM
#25770 | ninja edits your posts without your knowledge
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So, who has seen Hamhuis in town shopping for a house?
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06-04-2010, 09:11 AM
#25771 | HELP ME PLS!!!
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Originally Posted by CRS So, who has seen Hamhuis in town shopping for a house? | i saw him, i think around west end |
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06-04-2010, 10:13 AM
#25772 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by Ikkaku  this whole Hamhuis situation feels a lot like the Gaborik rumours | Exactly.... I think people in Van have a tendency to count their chickens when it comes to FA signing and trades.
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06-04-2010, 10:36 AM
#25773 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by Ch28 Gretzky was legit though until Brian Burke f'd it up. | Burke ? when ? Don't you mean Pat Quinn when he gave Gretzky a deadline ?
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06-04-2010, 10:39 AM
#25774 | ninja edits your posts without your knowledge
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Originally Posted by will068 Burke ? when ? Don't you mean Pat Quinn when he gave Gretzky a deadline ? | Are you guys sure it wasn't Mike Keenan?
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06-04-2010, 10:43 AM
#25775 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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I think it was Pat Quinn too.
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