passing lanes
When you're driving through a passing lane that ends up ahead, and you're in the right lane and every idiot on the road decides at the last second to pass, thereby blocking you in, and you have no choice but to either drive on the shoulder or hit the car beside you, who is at fault? My understanding it would be the car in the left lane, as it is technically their lane that is ending, not the right the passing lane ends, not the driving lane. The car in the left lane would be failing to yield, or making an "unsafe lane change" by causing me in the right lane to drive on the shoulder, or strike the car beside me. The reason I thought of this is I've noticed it a lot lately with the increase in traffic when I'm towing my trailer. No matter how fast I'm going, people see a large vehicle and figure they just have to get ahead of me. Whenever I see the 200m until lane ends, I signal and start trying to get over. I've had to cut off several vehicles to avoid being stuck driving on the shoulder, as most of them are not paved when driving through the Rockies and such, and I certainly don't want to panic stop in that amount of time towing a 10,000 lb trailer.