You need the Rogers 6gb BIS plan to work with BB. If you're on Fido and using an unlocked bold(like I am atm) then you cannot use the 6gb option as it does not have the correct BIS APN to be added.
edit: Kinda related, so I tried to add the 6gb/$30 plan to my account. I currently have the 500mb BIS/$25, getting rid of my Bold soon. CSR said I can't add it unless I give them an Iphone IMEI. I renewed and got an iphone 3g back in Feb. but sold that already. Anybody have different experience with Fido and getting that 30gb promo? Is there any way to circumvent the IMEI? Any help would be great.
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it. Feedback
Last edited by atrin; 06-23-2009 at 11:57 AM.