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Old 06-26-2009, 10:01 AM   #1 Licensed Sponsor
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Waterless Car Cleaning - Do It Yourself

We offer the Waterless KozaK Auto Drywash system from Lexol. Cost is $9.99 plus tax,

Come over for a Demonstration any time

or just watch this young lady

The KozaK Auto DryWash cloth removes dirt particles by trapping them in the millions of compartments within the cloth’s napped finish. Once the heavy dirt and dust are removed, it continues to polish the car’s surface as it cleans and can even improve its finish with regular use. Use it any time of year on any type of finish, including waxed or clear-coated finishes. Each cloth is guaranteed to clean the typical car at least 50 times, though it is not uncommon to get hundreds of cleanings from a single cloth, then use it many more times on wheels, rims and rocker panels. Use Kozak Auto DryWash as a part of your complete car care program to clean, shine and extend the life of your car’s finish. For best results, include a “water” wash for every fourth or fifth cleaning to remove road tar, bird droppings, bugs, tree sap, etc., and a proper wax job on a seasonal basis.

Overseas Auto

210 E 4th at Main
Vancouver BC V5T 1G5
Telephone - 604 879 6288
Toll Free - 1 800 665 5031

Text 604-836-7278

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We take Interac, Cash, Visa, MC, Amex,

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Last edited by Overseas Auto1; 08-11-2011 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 06-30-2009, 12:06 PM   #2 Licensed Sponsor
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Here are the instructions and the Q & A from Lexol for the Kozak Product

Fine care for fine cars

Waterless car cleaning was born in the
roaring twenties, a time of fine living and
fine automobiles. In those days, if you saw
a perfectly polished Bentley or Rolls Royce,
chances were good that it had been cleaned
with KozaK Auto DryWash – a specially
woven, deeply napped all-cotton cloth
infused with the exclusive KozaK cleaning
and polishing formula. Over the years,
millions of automobile enthusiasts and
professional detailers throughout the U.S.
and Canada have sworn by the results they
have achieved using the KozaK cloth.

How Auto DryWash works

The KozaK Auto DryWash cloth removes
dirt particles by trapping them in the millions
of compartments within the cloth’s napped
finish. Once the heavy dirt and dust are
removed, it continues to polish the car’s
surface as it cleans and can even improve
its finish with regular use. Use it any time
of year on any type of finish, including
waxed or clear-coated finishes.
Each cloth is guaranteed to clean the typical
car at least 50 times, though it is not
uncommon to get hundreds of cleanings
from a single cloth, then use it many more
times on wheels, rims and rocker panels.
Use Kozak Auto DryWash as a part of your
complete car care program to clean, shine
and extend the life of your car’s finish. For
best results, include a “water” wash for every
fourth or fifth cleaning to remove road tar,
bird droppings, bugs, tree sap, etc., and a
proper wax job on a seasonal basis.

For best results

Follow these simple instructions:

1. Keep it dry
Kozak is designed to be used on dry surfaces
only. Never wash the cloth – it would ruin the
nap. Knock out excess dirt often by hitting the
cloth against your hand.

2. Keep it folded
The cloth works best when folded as packaged.
This padding makes for even pressure in use.
Make wiping motions in straight sweeps.

3. Begin with a quick once-over
Use light strokes to get the heaviest dirt off
first. Knock out excess dirt often, then refold
the cloth to use a different surface, applying
some pressure to polish.

4. Clean heavy dirt spots, bird droppings, etc.
with a damp rag
Use a damp rag for hard-to-remove spots, then
allow surface to dry before polishing with the
KozaK cloth.

5. Store carefully for reuse
Knock out excess dirt, then refold the cloth
back to its original shape, then place it in its
convenient reclosable pouch.

Not recommended for use on glass.

Five reasons to use it

1. It saves time
KozaK Auto DryWash is the fast, easy way to
shine and clean your car.

2. It saves money
One KozaK cloth is good for at least 50
cleanings. That’s only pennies a wash!

3. It’s completely safe
KozaK Auto DryWash will not harm your
car’s paint, wax or other finishes when used
as directed. It will not scratch even the finest
paint job, and it will not harm your hands.
After using the cloth, use mild soap and water
to clean your hands of dirt and dust, or wear
gloves to avoid contact with dirt.

4. It saves water
You don’t need water at all for a typical KozaK
cleaning. (For hard-to-remove spots, a damp
rag will do.)

5. It’s scientifically tested
The KozaK cloth is made of selected long,
cotton fibers, specially woven to a thick,
plush nap and infused with an exclusive
formula designed to safely remove dirt and
dust from your car’s finish. Best of all, it gets
better with age: the cloth’s deep nap becomes
“meshed” with use; this naturally random
pattern enhances its polishing power.

Questions and Answers
Q: What is KozaK Auto DryWash?

A: KozaK Auto DryWash is the easy way to
safely clean and polish your car without
water. Constructed of a unique all-cotton
fabric treated with an exclusive chemical
formula, each Auto DryWash cloth will
clean an average-sized car at least 50
times – eliminating the need for four out
of five “wet” washings. KozaK, from the
makers of Lexol, has been a favorite of
automobile owners and detailers since

Q: How can I be sure KozaK won’t scratch
my car?
A: Three special features of KozaK Auto
DryWash help it safely remove dust, lose
dirt and grime from your car’s surface
without the slightest harm to its finish:
1. Constructed from the finest 100%
cotton domestic fibers using a special
weaving process, Auto DryWash is one of
the softest materials known.
2. Only Auto DryWash has the exclusive
double-sided deep plush napped finish
designed to lock in dirt particles.
3. The exclusive KozaK formula in
the cloth acts like a magnet to pull
dirt particles away from your car’s
surface and trap them in the millions of
compartments within the cloth’s napped

Q: How can I make sure I’m using the
cloth properly?

A: 1. Make sure the car is completely dry
before using the KozaK cloth. No water
should be present either on the car’s
surface or in hidden areas such as body
side moldings or chrome trim.
2. Keep the Auto DryWash cloth folded
into a thick pad – do not open it up
like a towel. The layers of folded cloth
help distribute the pressure of your
hand evenly and gently across the car’s
3. Begin with straight swipes, wiping
lightly to remove the heavier dust and
dirt and knocking the cloth frequently
against your other hand to release
the loose, heavy dirt from the napped
fibers. Then refold the cloth and use a
different side with heavier pressure to
polish. The tiny particles that remain
act as a polishing agent, similar to the
effect of a fine jeweler’s rouge.

Q: If my car’s really dirty, do I need to
wash it before using the KozaK?

A: Auto DryWash will safely remove most
of the loose dirt, dust and grime your
car normally accumulates. For best
results, however, you should
removed any caked-on mud
(usually found on the lower
panels behind the wheels)
before using Auto DryWash
because it can contain imbedded
stones or large grit particles that can
scratch your car’s finish. The following
should also be removed before using
Auto DryWash: road tar, grease or
other sticky substances such as bird
droppings, bugs or tree sap. And,
remember, no amount of cleaning
or polishing can replace a quality wax
job or improve a worn-out, oxidized
paint job.

Q: How do I clean the Auto DryWash

A: For best results, frequently knock the
cloth against your hand to release the
loose, heavy dirt from the napped fibers.
From time to time, you should also
open up the cloth and shake it out, then
refold it. (If a few threads along the
edge of the cloth begin to unravel when
you do this, simply snip them off with
scissors – the edges are left unsewn to
prevent the accumulation of particles
which could damage the finish.) Other
than the shaking out of loose dirt, Auto
DryWash does not need cleaning. It
should never be washed with water or
cleaned using any other process. It is
normal for the cloth to darken in color
with use. It is still safe to use as long as
there is still a visible raised nap to the

Q: How many times can I use the

A: We guarantee at least 50 uses per cloth
under normal conditions. This depends
in part on the size of your car and how
long you go between uses. Many Auto
DryWash users say they can get more
than a hundred uses before the cloth
loses its effectiveness.

Q: How do I know when it’s used up?

A: When the nap becomes hard to the
touch and appears crusted and flat, it’s time to get a new Auto DryWash
cloth for your car’s finish. But don’t
throw the old one away yet – it can
still be used on wheels, wheel wells,
hubcaps and under doors.

Q: Is KozaK safe to use on clear coat,
fiberglass and other specialty

A: Yes, KozaK DryWash is safe to use on
any car finish when used according
to the instructions on the package. It
works as well on modern clear-coat
finishes as on the softer, older paints
on classic cars.
Note to detailers and auto body shops: there
is no silicone or wax in the KozaK cloth.

Q: Will it harm my wax job?

A: Absolutely not! KozaK Auto DryWash
provides excellent results on waxed
surfaces, with no harm to the wax job.
Proper waxing is an important step
in protecting your car’s finish – we
recommend a thorough wax job two to
three times a year.

Q: Does Auto DryWash remove
water spots?

A: Water spots can be difficult to
remove, especially when they are
caused by water droplets left on
the paint or waxed surface in hot
sunlight. If water spots remain after
you have used Auto DryWash, rub
them gently with a slightly damp
sponge, let the area dry completely
and then polish with KozaK Auto
DryWash. If spots still remain, they
may require spot polishing.

Q: How does KozaK stand up to winter

A: Use Auto DryWash anytime in winter
– as long as your car is absolutely dry. Be
aware, however, that salt retains moisture,
so it’s important to make sure the salt is
completely dry before removing it with
Auto DryWash. (If moisture is present,
it may cause smearing or streaking.)
Generally, the salt on the upper areas
of your car’s finish is easy to remove
with Auto DryWash. You may want to
use a bucket and water to remove heavy
coats of salt from lower areas of the
car. This can prevent large amounts of
salt from filling up the nap of the cloth
and reducing the number of effective
cleanings you will get.

Q: Should KozaK be used on car windows?

A: No, KozaK is not recommended for
cleaning your car’s windshield and other
glass surfaces. Because the KozaK formula
is not compatible with water, streaking
could occur when windshield wiper fluid
is used. We recommend using a product
specifically formulated for glass surfaces;
there are several on the market.
For more information

If you have more questions, please contact:
Overseas Auto, 604 879 6288 or the manufacturer

Summit Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 7329, Marietta, Georgia 30065
Overseas Auto

210 E 4th at Main
Vancouver BC V5T 1G5
Telephone - 604 879 6288
Toll Free - 1 800 665 5031

Text 604-836-7278

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We take Interac, Cash, Visa, MC, Amex,

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We have been supplying quality accessories, parts, tires, wheels for 51 years.
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Old 03-05-2010, 01:19 PM   #3 Licensed Sponsor
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Overseas Auto

210 E 4th at Main
Vancouver BC V5T 1G5
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Text 604-836-7278

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We take Interac, Cash, Visa, MC, Amex,

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Old 03-11-2010, 01:42 PM   #4 Licensed Sponsor
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Overseas Auto

210 E 4th at Main
Vancouver BC V5T 1G5
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Text 604-836-7278

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We take Interac, Cash, Visa, MC, Amex,

Open 8-5 Monday to Friday, 11-1 Saturday

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Old 08-11-2011, 10:14 AM   #5 Licensed Sponsor
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Overseas Auto

210 E 4th at Main
Vancouver BC V5T 1G5
Telephone - 604 879 6288
Toll Free - 1 800 665 5031

Text 604-836-7278

MSN Messenger

We take Interac, Cash, Visa, MC, Amex,

Open 8-5 Monday to Friday, 11-1 Saturday

We have been supplying quality accessories, parts, tires, wheels for 51 years.
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