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Old 01-20-2010, 09:13 PM   #51
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"not going to explain why"
Hm that's going to help your argument ain't it
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:36 PM   #52
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no its not, i don't really care if anyone goes there or not. but i believe people should know, especially people who are new to the car scene because they are targets for people who are just looking to rip people off like what happened to me. just say one of many things was that they charged me for things that they never did and overcharged me. and using grade 8.8 bolts for the driveshaft and transmission bellhousing isn't really a good idea, also telling the customer that they are bolts that they use in "aircrafts" is ridiculous. oh yea, if your gonna charge me a ridiculous amount, at least give me back my car RUNNING like how it should.

i'm probably not going to be getting my optima you owe me david, i'm not expecting to get it and i don't want anything to do with your shop.

not gonna say anything else, go there if you wish..
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:59 PM   #53
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I remember we trade a "Braille" to your OPTIMA as you agreed.

Your engine swap wasn't in the complete shape so its hard already for us to do. Most of the parts that we ordered were "OKAYED" by you.

I am not sure why you are not happy
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Old 01-20-2010, 10:05 PM   #54
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Your car was missing a lot of stuff, and we had to pull a couple all nighter just to finish the car for you because you said you want your car back as soon as possible. You know we did a lot for you, why don't you mention that we had to take off the rear suspension twice in the middle of the night because you brought us the wrong part in the first place.
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Old 01-20-2010, 10:30 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by made_bucky View Post
no its not, i don't really care if anyone goes there or not. but i believe people should know, especially people who are new to the car scene because they are targets for people who are just looking to rip people off like what happened to me. just say one of many things was that they charged me for things that they never did and overcharged me. and using grade 8.8 bolts for the driveshaft and transmission bellhousing isn't really a good idea, also telling the customer that they are bolts that they use in "aircrafts" is ridiculous. oh yea, if your gonna charge me a ridiculous amount, at least give me back my car RUNNING like how it should.

i'm probably not going to be getting my optima you owe me david, i'm not expecting to get it and i don't want anything to do with your shop.

not gonna say anything else, go there if you wish..
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Old 01-20-2010, 10:30 PM   #56
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Old 01-20-2010, 10:37 PM   #57
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seems like a lot of dramas going on with local shops !!
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Old 01-20-2010, 10:45 PM   #58
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pm dyno info as well please
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Old 01-20-2010, 11:17 PM   #59
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anyway, group dyno pricing still going on? lol how much approx anyone kno
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Old 01-20-2010, 11:18 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by BEEB View Post
seems like a lot of dramas going on with local shops !!
at least this one comes out and explains itself (adequately too) unlike some others..
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Old 01-20-2010, 11:23 PM   #61
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Back to the topic, DYNO

We are doing a special for $70 for 4 pulls + $30 for setting up the car on and off the dyno. There could be other competitive prices out there but this is what we are offering. This is the price for group or non group dyno.

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Old 01-20-2010, 11:54 PM   #62
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You traded me a "Braille" that did not hold charge, which I told you and you said you would find a Optima for me and trade it back, why don't you be a man of your word? It's been MONTHS. I never made you guys do all nighters, you have store HOURS, you run your OWN shop, you WORK whatever time you want and of course if my car sat at your shop for WEEKS maybe even a month of course i'm going to want it back ASAP and it seemed like my car was more like a side job for your hack job partner that is well known in the 240 community to do MICKEY MOUSE work and rip people off, I don't even think he's a "CERTIFIED" mechanic from what I hear. I agreed to those parts because I didn't know any better at the time and it was my first car and I was new to all this, but also I didn't think you guys would do such thing. I PAID what you wanted without even negotiating(actually I tried negotiating $5 fucking dollars so it would be an even number and you wouldn't even budge) and it was 4 TIMES the original amount of $1000 I had been told so I don't see how you could possibly say anything about how you had to do this twice in the middle of the night or doing a lot of shit for me, you billed me for EVERYTHING you did, I PAID you for EVERYTHING you did so don't act like you did me a big favor. I brought the part that I was told was the right one from someone who's been in the 240 game longer than you've been breathing for, and who knows I bet it was probably the right part and you were probably trying to make money off the NISSAN ones you got for me and told me it was the last two in north america, yea right buddy no fucking way it was the last two in north america. Also the ECU you guys told me that was broken was infact NOT broken at all. The ignitor you sold me for $250 was also another one, I called the same person that the mickey mouse mechanic of yours got it from and they told me $150. I confronted him about it and told him to return it but all he did was make up a bunch of bullshit and got all angry. And I swear I paid 50 or so dollars for those welfare bolts you guys used that were worth next to nothing. I could tell you guys the exact amount if I had received a fucking invoice. Oh yea, don't go telling people that your suppose to torque a SR flywheel to 60ft-lbs, you might fuck somebody over.

If any of you guys paid for something to be done, don't you expect it to be done properly if your paying what they want? Do you guys not agree with this?
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:20 AM   #63
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hmm, so this is what i deduct from the whats been posted because bits and pieces of the story are being told.

made_bucky went in to drive hard to get an SR swap, quoted at $1000.

now if this is right, this should only be the labour rate, because thats a hella cheap SR swap if parts are included. $1000 labour to do an SR swap is right, as new wiring for the gauges and engine harness is involved. this is the starting price IF all parts are provided, and IF all parts work right.

car took over a month to get back on the road as it took longer than anticipated. this is understandable if the booked hoist time took longer than expected resulting in either they work overnight on the car, or shift over the remainer customers booked in times, or work on the car on any given free time between booked jobs. a customer IS important, but there is nothing u can do when you only have 1 or 2 hoists, and the allowed job takes longer than expected. shop has to satisfy other customers as well. cant just go and cancell all the remainer appointments.

Parts provided sounded like some didnt fit, some were missing. and some misused. this affects the allowed time for a car. most shops usually if they are a normally busy one, would have an appointment time of 1 week wait. busy shops you have to wait upwards of 3 weeks before they have time to book you in, if its a big big job, like an engine swap, then yeah expect even longer wait.

Wiring on the SR isnt rocket science, BUT considering the wiring harness is 20ft long, and the SR20DET came out like what over 15 years ago, there is a high chance any wire in that 20ft line is broken.

this is what i remember when doing an SR20DET engine swap... its a headache especially if the engine itself isnt the best quality. and if the customer brings it in themselves, they themselves dont know what ot look for and go by word of the wrecker. the wrecker can only do so much for inspecting if the engine is good or not, they are not mechanics.
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Old 01-21-2010, 07:55 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by !SG View Post
hmm, so this is what i deduct from the whats been posted because bits and pieces of the story are being told.

made_bucky went in to drive hard to get an SR swap, quoted at $1000.

now if this is right, this should only be the labour rate, because thats a hella cheap SR swap if parts are included. $1000 labour to do an SR swap is right, as new wiring for the gauges and engine harness is involved. this is the starting price IF all parts are provided, and IF all parts work right.

car took over a month to get back on the road as it took longer than anticipated. this is understandable if the booked hoist time took longer than expected resulting in either they work overnight on the car, or shift over the remainer customers booked in times, or work on the car on any given free time between booked jobs. a customer IS important, but there is nothing u can do when you only have 1 or 2 hoists, and the allowed job takes longer than expected. shop has to satisfy other customers as well. cant just go and cancell all the remainer appointments.

Parts provided sounded like some didnt fit, some were missing. and some misused. this affects the allowed time for a car. most shops usually if they are a normally busy one, would have an appointment time of 1 week wait. busy shops you have to wait upwards of 3 weeks before they have time to book you in, if its a big big job, like an engine swap, then yeah expect even longer wait.

Wiring on the SR isnt rocket science, BUT considering the wiring harness is 20ft long, and the SR20DET came out like what over 15 years ago, there is a high chance any wire in that 20ft line is broken.

this is what i remember when doing an SR20DET engine swap... its a headache especially if the engine itself isnt the best quality. and if the customer brings it in themselves, they themselves dont know what ot look for and go by word of the wrecker. the wrecker can only do so much for inspecting if the engine is good or not, they are not mechanics.
but didn't made_bucky complain about "car not driving like it should be" and wat about the ECU for not being broken??:S, and how come he didn't get an invoice :S

also knew to these mods and shops
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Old 01-21-2010, 12:19 PM   #65
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a grade8.8 should be strong enough for a transmission housing bolt.

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Old 01-21-2010, 02:40 PM   #66
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from the sounds of it, the owner of the car either didnt provide an ecu, or provided the wrong one, either way forcing the shop to go find one. SR20 engines are fairly easy to find these days, a good quality one isnt. and an ecu, no one really remembers about the ecu during an engine swap.

as for not getting an invoice, no clue to me. that usually happens with the owner supplies the parts. OR the whole job was asked to be a "cash deal"

Originally Posted by hJe6 View Post
but didn't made_bucky complain about "car not driving like it should be" and wat about the ECU for not being broken??:S, and how come he didn't get an invoice :S

also knew to these mods and shops
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:46 PM   #67
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$250 for an SR igniter?

The 2 spares I've bought have cost me less than $70 for both! Talk about ripoff

As for wiring harness, new ones can easily be bought.
my feedback
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Old 01-21-2010, 07:49 PM   #68
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maybe for used ones.

most shops try not to sell used parts
1) they are caught at the short end of the stick if the used part happens to fail.
2) this shit happens.

Originally Posted by jing View Post
$250 for an SR igniter?

The 2 spares I've bought have cost me less than $70 for both! Talk about ripoff

As for wiring harness, new ones can easily be bought.
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