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-=K20A=- 06-29-2009 11:52 PM

Animal Pak
has anyone taking these? i tried ordering but stupid Canada banned them so i cant get them i might just go to the states pick up some and bring it back up here.

yamahar6 06-30-2009 01:18 AM

go to reflex in surrey, they have them. pretty good vits!

BlackV62K2 06-30-2009 03:53 AM

Wtf it's banned in Canada? Good thing I still have a can left that I brought back from Sweden lol. I personally dont like it because it's a pain to down all 11 pills @ once and they are massive + it stinks. I take Orange Traid now from Controlled Labs, 3 pills twice a day.

lacubrious1 06-30-2009 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by BlackV62K2 (Post 6487999)
Wtf it's banned in Canada? Good thing I still have a can left that I brought back from Sweden lol. I personally dont like it because it's a pain to down all 11 pills @ once and they are massive + it stinks. I take Orange Traid now from Controlled Labs, 3 pills twice a day.

anywhere they sell orange triad locally?

hal0g0dv2 06-30-2009 11:50 AM

u just piss that stuff out and it is pretty pricey

hal0g0dv2 06-30-2009 11:51 AM

RRxtar 06-30-2009 11:54 AM

is taking an 11 pill multi-vitamin really necessary?

penner2k 06-30-2009 11:55 AM

I popped my animal pak in and chased it with boars blood, and then the unthinkable happened today, I was going to enter my gym through the main entrance when animal instinct took over. I knew something was wrong. It was my large torso, too wide to get through the door. I calmed myself down thinking, i'd better be able to get into the gym. I went back to my car, popped another animal pak, reved up my engine, and drove through the door. The crash cleared 4 more feet in the entrance, wide enough for future visits to the gym, because I know i'd only be getting bigger by the second. The animal pak was in full effect at this point, I lost control. I reved up the engine once more and ran over the people on the treadmills. All those doing curls I played bumper cars with, they didn't stand a chance. I saw my target, I drove to the squat rack. Parked my car on some pussy benching 400. I got out, and immediately loaded up 1000 lbs for warm ups. Not having enough 45 plates in the gym to suffice my ultimate animal needs, I went around collecting bodies, bodies ranging from 150 pound weaklings to 300 pound blobs. I stood them all in a line and threw an olympic bar like a javelin through their torsos, making a human shish-kebob weighing 3000 lbs. I threw it up over my head, took a deep breath into my belly of human flesh and blood, and repped for 20. Then I siphoned some of my cars gasoline out onto the floor beneath the 3000 pound human squat bar, lit it up and cooked myself a well balanced animal meal. Some might call it murder, I just call it instinct, animals can't be arrested for murder. Animal Pak, can you handle it?

penner2k 06-30-2009 11:58 AM

Ya bro. Like the other day I was doing bent over rear delt fly's. I was on my last set, and decided to really go balls to the wall. I picked up the 80lb dumbbells, too light. I looked around and saw a 150lb faggot and said "Hold these faggot." I threw the 80's up in the air and did a double volleyball spike right at the faggot. Fuckin bullseye motherfucker, the kid was pinned to the ground with all his ribs crushed. I eyed the ultimate test. I went over and grabbed the 150's and started cursing the shit out of them, letting them know who's fucking gym they were in. I carried the motherfuckers over to my bench that I had pissed all over before incase anyone didn't know it wasn't taken. I threw them on the ground, sweared at the bitches even more. I took my seat, grasped my huge fucking hands around the handles, and prepared to rep for 10. I got to my 5th rep and what's this? Some old motherfucker on death's doorstep was coming over to get the 5lb dumbbells to bench with, and he farted right in my face. I looked down to check - no, I automatically knew that I didn't have sand in my vag. Here's a little science lesson for you faggots - Animals don't get sand in their vag. The shit didn't even phase me though brah, I was too in the zone to even care. I rep'd out at 10 with the 150's, stood up, and looked for that old motherfucker. I took a dumbbell in each of my animal hands and swung my arms like 2 windmills as I ran full speed at old man river. By the time he finally lifted his head it was too late. The last thing he saw was my animal eyes ready to speed up his meeting with death. I pulverized his puny body and beat him with the dumbbells until he turned to powder. I gathered up all the powder, put it in my jug, mixed it lion's blood that I carry around with me, and chugged. Some people might say it's inhumane. Some people might say being in the zone is unsafe. I say I'm just an animal.

BlackV62K2 06-30-2009 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by halogodv2 (Post 6488420)
u just piss that stuff out and it is pretty pricey

LOL your piss is super yellow too. Like almost glowing haha.

ninja_bart 06-30-2009 08:14 PM

they have them at popeyes. pissing out mountain dew for like 70bux a bottle haha

Wagonized 07-02-2009 12:02 AM

I used the old style animal stack from the US when I was about 18 and had very good results from it. This was a stack of prohormones, ephedrine and liver support though which is nothing like animal pak. But I was happy with the results and used it as a precurser to starting steroids for my first time.

I think universal makes some pretty good products based on my personal experiences so Id give the pak a shot if thats what ur after. However this is just a stack of amino acids, vitamins and minerals basically so I wouldnt expect results that are anything special.

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