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Old 07-12-2009, 08:08 PM   #1
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I got this idea from another forum and it was hilarious, post your most awkward moments of situations you've encountered or been in.

There was this one time when i was at tim hortons high as fuck, and i ordered a medium ice cap and then i think i heard the guy said "oh, it's okay" lol so i was like "aight cool, hes going to hook me up" so i leave and i go to the side where you pick up your shit and im standing there with my friend. Then he comes up to me and asks me to pay for it. It was kinda awkward cause there was so many people staring at us. lol

and i got this one from another forum lol

Weekend I turned 18 me and my buddies hit up a strip joint. Now I was still somewhat whipped by my girlfriend at the time and I kinda of sat near the back while my friends were at the stage with their faces two inches away from multiple labias. Now i'm at the back drunk and nursing a Corona and a chick from my english class comes out of no where and says hi and the usual shit. Now she was dressed extra skankier than her usual attire i've seen her wear at school. So I asked her if she worked there and she said yes then plopped herself on my lap and started grinding the shit of me. Now I sat there awkward as fuck, kinda slumped back with a stupid look on my face pretending not to enjoy it. (she was good). Then she blatantly made it clear she wasn't wearing any underwear. So i'm sitting in the back of some dirty strip club getting my shit dry-buffed by one of the sluttiest girls in my school and all I can say is "Are you going to be in class on Monday?".
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Old 07-12-2009, 08:26 PM   #2
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1. Never date a girl that lives in a Condo
2. Do not break up with her at HER house.
3. Do not park in the underground parking lot.

For some retarded reason, I decided to break up with my ex at her place since she was avoiding me. Screw it, I'll go over and make it quick. Except that didn't happen. Long story short, she was crying blah blah blah..

I was like, "ok, well I guess I'll see you around. Cheers." EXCEPT, in her condo she had to walk me out with the key fob thing. Worst, was that she had to let me out of the parking lot and it was like 5 doors..

That kinda sucked.
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Old 07-12-2009, 08:39 PM   #3
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^ lol i know what you mean

i was on a date once with this girl, we just finished watching a movie then just chilled around town, we ended at the mall, she had to check out the puppies and animals in the pet store, i happen to open my bag to check if my book was still in there. we left the store, went to a clothing store and she made me try on a shirt, we went into the changing room together and fooled around, the sales rep told us only of us were allowed in at once so we had to cut short and exit, we see about 5-8 big tall security guards, looked like cops actually, we were the only ppl in the store so i thought something crazy must have happened here

they ask me to open my bag and check if i had stolen any pet food or something, that was awkward but not incredibly awkward b/c not many witnesses

i have a really good story, but ill wait and see if anything blows it away, if not then ill post it up some other time
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Old 07-12-2009, 10:40 PM   #4
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i called my grade 3 teacher "mom" a couple of times. She always made a big deal out of it and everyone in the class would laugh. lol
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Old 07-12-2009, 11:27 PM   #5
OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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this didnt happen to me but i was the one that caused it.

so at school theres two nursing classes on either side of our class. now this class is full of guys as its a trades course. basically we're really loud and talk about rude ass shit so all the other classes knows about the "class of guys".

to the chase: i was walking out of the class when a nurse walked by with a tight fucking ass. one of the guys in class decided to go follow her, i proceeded down another hallway and yelled "STALKER".

the chick turns around and had a huge smile on her face while buddy was standing there like "ah fuck" so he just smiles too and turns around and walks back to class. all the guys in class were cracking up.
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Old 07-13-2009, 12:36 AM   #6
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I was on the first date with this girl, and after we went to a movie we parked with a view over a bay. Things were going great, we were kissing, then 2 police cars arrived... cherries lit. 3 officers come to the side of my car. Apparently a house down the street called the police since they saw me parked there.

So, they were taking my information, and they ask the name of my date in the passenger seat... and I blank. NO idea what her name is. So all I can answer with is "I don't remember".
Originally Posted by MajinHurricane View Post
who would ban me? lol. Look at my post count.
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Old 07-13-2009, 12:58 AM   #7
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So this is second year in University. A month into this particular course I had decided to move to another class because my prof was crap. Now, in this new class the prof loves to ask for your names when anyone answers a question. Since I'm not on the class list I decided to call myself "Morris XP" (one of my friends is called Morris, and he regularly annoys the class) because "I was the better version".

So this one day, bored as hell, I decided to pull a little harmless prank on the original Morris. In front of us were 4 nerdy China girls that we often joke about. I had written a small note, it said, "Hi my name is Morris, I'd love to go out with you, let's study together sometime." and intended to toss it the the weirdest looking one. As I was about to toss it, one of the other girls caught it, and proceeded to pick it up for the girl I was aiming. I was like "FUCK".

10 mins before class ends, I'm already packed. At the precise moment class was over, BAM I was out. Glad that none of them came out to talk to me, we were greeted with Morris as he came out. He was like "Diu, one of them turned around and was like 'hi my name is zhang liu (or whatever) and stuck her hand out for me to shake'"
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Old 07-13-2009, 01:16 AM   #8
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^ Was the girl hot at least?

I threw a bbq where one of my friends got totally plastered. He's twitching on the floor in the hallway that connects the entire house including the bathroom, and burping up stuff and swearing in Cantonese at everyone. He's yelling randomly "Diu lei lo mo, sei pook kai" (go fack your mother, you stupid b@stard) to anyone who passes by. Unfortunately, my mother decided to come home during this time with a family friend, and runs into my buddy who thought she was just another guest.

The funny part is that my mother has been asking me for the last year or so why I couldn't be more like this friend, as she always thought the guy was like the perfect son. I find out later that my mom was ready to throw the guy out into the back yard. Oh, and did I mention my mom also caught this guy hurling all over the carpet?

I sense a really nice dimsum lunch in the very near future with my mother and this guy.

Last edited by slammer111; 07-13-2009 at 01:39 AM.
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Old 07-13-2009, 01:17 AM   #9
Ask me about how I answered the question "How fat is TOO fat?"
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So one time I was trying to hook my buddy up with this girl i was friends with at school. Basically some friends, myself, and the both of them come with us to YBC for some drinks. Prior to the occasion I told both of them individually that they should hook up with each other (without telling them that I told the other person the same thing).

Anyways, back at the bar we're all kind of just hanging around and notice that the both of them haven't really talked to each other even though they are sitting beside one another. I decide to send them both of them a text message saying "Yo! Make a move already!"
Text message gets sent.

The girl gets up for a drink but she sees her phone vibrating on the table and pauses to pick it up. They both receive the same text message, check their phones at the same time, think for a second and kinda just look at each and realize what I have done. They don't talk to one another for the rest of night except for when we leave they say "bye" to one another. Both didn't seem too pleased with my awesome plan. Oh well, seems that it happened for the best.

To make it even more awkward my buddy is also on RS and will probably end up reading this. However, his identity will remain a secret. haha
I'm so stance my roof rack got a roof rack

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Originally Posted by toyota86 View Post
the guys over at lambo vancouver said there are 60-70 pre-orders already. don't quote me though.
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Old 07-13-2009, 01:33 AM   #10
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shit, some of your stories are hilarious. i'll maybe post some if i can remember any
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Old 07-13-2009, 01:38 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Wongtouski View Post
So this is second year in University. A month into this particular course I had decided to move to another class because my prof was crap. Now, in this new class the prof loves to ask for your names when anyone answers a question. Since I'm not on the class list I decided to call myself "Morris XP" (one of my friends is called Morris, and he regularly annoys the class) because "I was the better version".

So this one day, bored as hell, I decided to pull a little harmless prank on the original Morris. In front of us were 4 nerdy China girls that we often joke about. I had written a small note, it said, "Hi my name is Morris, I'd love to go out with you, let's study together sometime." and intended to toss it the the weirdest looking one. As I was about to toss it, one of the other girls caught it, and proceeded to pick it up for the girl I was aiming. I was like "FUCK".

10 mins before class ends, I'm already packed. At the precise moment class was over, BAM I was out. Glad that none of them came out to talk to me, we were greeted with Morris as he came out. He was like "Diu, one of them turned around and was like 'hi my name is zhang liu (or whatever) and stuck her hand out for me to shake'"
LMFAO way to screw a friend over hahahahahaha
Originally Posted by MajinHurricane View Post
I had some girl come into the busser station the other day trying to make out with every staff member and then pull down her pants and asked for someone to stick a dick in her (at least she shaved).
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Vtec doesn't kick in on Reverse.
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its like.. oh yeah oh yeah.. ohhhh yeah... OOoooOohh... why's it suddenly feel a bit better... ohhhh yeahh... ohhh...oh..fuck... it probably ripped.
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Old 07-13-2009, 03:13 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by slammer111 View Post
^ Was the girl hot at least?
No, they all looked like.........imagine younger versions of the old ladies roles in TVB/China dramas. They look like that.
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Old 07-13-2009, 04:11 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Wongtouski View Post
No, they all looked like.........imagine younger versions of the old ladies roles in TVB/China dramas. They look like that.
Oh, C-lais in the making. Eww On the bright side, maybe your friend would never have to cook or clean again?
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Old 07-13-2009, 10:24 AM   #14
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A little of a read but it should be worthy our time.

So I'm sitting in class right now pretty much ignoring the professor. It is a regular class. A core 200 level class so you'd expect that all the retards have either been put on AP or have dropped out. Apparently stupidity never ceases to stop and is always present. I realize that achieving a 200 level course isn't a really great feat but once you've read this story, you'll understand why I am amazed that this person is still in university.

Class began at 2:30. The prof went up to the front of the class and began talking. He spoke about our up coming midterm in 2 weeks and how we will have a mock exam next week to help us study. He was clear, understandable and concise. This is the part that will make you hate freedom. Just as the professor finished explaining how the mock exam was going to run, a girl raises her hand and asks...

"Will the mock exam count and be graded?"

The lecture hall falls deathly silent. All the students begin to look towards the direction that noise just came from in awe. It seemed like an eternity before anyone made a peep, not even the creaking of chairs or shuffling of papers were heard. The professor in awe, as well, took in a deep break and replies...

"No it won't count or be graded, that is why it is called a mock exam."

The lecture hall who a moment ago was as silent as a tree pumping thousands of liters of water via transpiration bursts out in a lively laugher. Not realizing what had just happened, the girl put her hand and along with her dignity.

Sound mean? I don't think so. To avoid these kinds of situations, just do what everyone does in class. Sit down, write notes and SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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Old 07-13-2009, 10:35 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by CRS View Post
A little of a read but it should be worthy our time.

So I'm sitting in class right now pretty much ignoring the professor. It is a regular class. A core 200 level class so you'd expect that all the retards have either been put on AP or have dropped out. Apparently stupidity never ceases to stop and is always present. I realize that achieving a 200 level course isn't a really great feat but once you've read this story, you'll understand why I am amazed that this person is still in university.

Class began at 2:30. The prof went up to the front of the class and began talking. He spoke about our up coming midterm in 2 weeks and how we will have a mock exam next week to help us study. He was clear, understandable and concise. This is the part that will make you hate freedom. Just as the professor finished explaining how the mock exam was going to run, a girl raises her hand and asks...

"Will the mock exam count and be graded?"

The lecture hall falls deathly silent. All the students begin to look towards the direction that noise just came from in awe. It seemed like an eternity before anyone made a peep, not even the creaking of chairs or shuffling of papers were heard. The professor in awe, as well, took in a deep break and replies...

"No it won't count or be graded, that is why it is called a mock exam."

The lecture hall who a moment ago was as silent as a tree pumping thousands of liters of water via transpiration bursts out in a lively laugher. Not realizing what had just happened, the girl put her hand and along with her dignity.

Sound mean? I don't think so. To avoid these kinds of situations, just do what everyone does in class. Sit down, write notes and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Hey, i got a question ...

was she a blondie ?
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Old 07-13-2009, 10:44 AM   #16
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Lulz, it reminds me of a story in IB Biology 12 in High school.. where we were talking about Whales, and this girl (brown) says.. "If whales are so big, wouldn't they fill up the entire OCEAN????"

Man. Game over.
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Old 07-13-2009, 11:14 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by CRS View Post
A little of a read but it should be worthy our time.

So I'm sitting in class right now pretty much ignoring the professor. It is a regular class. A core 200 level class so you'd expect that all the retards have either been put on AP or have dropped out. Apparently stupidity never ceases to stop and is always present. I realize that achieving a 200 level course isn't a really great feat but once you've read this story, you'll understand why I am amazed that this person is still in university.

Class began at 2:30. The prof went up to the front of the class and began talking. He spoke about our up coming midterm in 2 weeks and how we will have a mock exam next week to help us study. He was clear, understandable and concise. This is the part that will make you hate freedom. Just as the professor finished explaining how the mock exam was going to run, a girl raises her hand and asks...

"Will the mock exam count and be graded?"

The lecture hall falls deathly silent. All the students begin to look towards the direction that noise just came from in awe. It seemed like an eternity before anyone made a peep, not even the creaking of chairs or shuffling of papers were heard. The professor in awe, as well, took in a deep break and replies...

"No it won't count or be graded, that is why it is called a mock exam."

The lecture hall who a moment ago was as silent as a tree pumping thousands of liters of water via transpiration bursts out in a lively laugher. Not realizing what had just happened, the girl put her hand and along with her dignity.

Sound mean? I don't think so. To avoid these kinds of situations, just do what everyone does in class. Sit down, write notes and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

My friend who goes to an international school in HK actually had a mock exam that was being graded, probably because they don't try if it's not? Mock just meant that it wasn't the actual final but the practise? maybe worth less of the mark i dunno
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Old 07-13-2009, 11:29 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by silk View Post
Hey, i got a question ...

was she a blondie ?
No. She is an EI. It was very awkward.

Originally Posted by ilvtofu View Post
My friend who goes to an international school in HK actually had a mock exam that was being graded, probably because they don't try if it's not? Mock just meant that it wasn't the actual final but the practise? maybe worth less of the mark i dunno
11. feigned; not real; sham: a mock battle.

Hence a mock exam = practice exam. If they are graded and "real",then the word mock would have been used inappropriately. So there may have been a translation error there.
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Old 07-13-2009, 11:29 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by sas View Post
1. Never date a girl that lives in a Condo
2. Do not break up with her at HER house.
3. Do not park in the underground parking lot.

For some retarded reason, I decided to break up with my ex at her place since she was avoiding me. Screw it, I'll go over and make it quick. Except that didn't happen. Long story short, she was crying blah blah blah..

I was like, "ok, well I guess I'll see you around. Cheers." EXCEPT, in her condo she had to walk me out with the key fob thing. Worst, was that she had to let me out of the parking lot and it was like 5 doors..

That kinda sucked.
Something similar happened to my buddy once. We were out partying and some chick he had been hooking up with showed up. After teh bar we end up back at her place. My buddy was gonna stay the night there and just take the bus home in the morning so he lets me out. Well he is wasted and realizes he doesnt know what floor or unit she lives in. She has his phone in her place. She ends up passing out and my buddy ends up falling asleep in the lobby of her apartment.
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Old 07-13-2009, 11:32 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Nightwalker View Post
I was on the first date with this girl, and after we went to a movie we parked with a view over a bay. Things were going great, we were kissing, then 2 police cars arrived... cherries lit. 3 officers come to the side of my car. Apparently a house down the street called the police since they saw me parked there.

So, they were taking my information, and they ask the name of my date in the passenger seat... and I blank. NO idea what her name is. So all I can answer with is "I don't remember".
I was dating a girl for 2 weeks before I knew what her name was a couple years ago.
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Old 07-13-2009, 11:33 AM   #21
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This thread has lots of potential
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Old 07-13-2009, 11:43 AM   #22
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I was in Kelowna a while back. I got really baked before we went out and then drank all night. I'm giving girls really really bad nicknames all night. Well this one chick thinks I'm the funniest person in the world and her and her friend end up leaving with us.
We are walking towards the hotel and I come up with the great plan that we should go for a swim. We head down to the lake.. I'm right by the water taking my clothes off when I loose my balance and fall in the lake.. still fully clothed.. I get out of the water and everyone is laughing.. I say fuck it and get fully naked and jump in.. I'm swimming for like 5 minutes while everyone keeps laughing.
I'm getting out and am putting on my wet clothes and I look over and there are two homeless people sleeping almost right next to me. I yell out "holy shit there are two homeless people here"..
Surprisingly after all that the girls still came back to our hotel. lol
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Old 07-13-2009, 11:58 AM   #23
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Props for this thread =]
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Old 07-13-2009, 02:01 PM   #24
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some awkward moments from the rs drink nights i could think of...

1 - when Spugen pulled out a racist filipino joke that made around 20 ppl silent for a good 10 seconds trying to figure out what was so funny about it

2 - when Ulic, Zhangfei, Spugen, I, and 2 other dudes from rs (cant remember ur name) headed down to e-hwa for second round. we got in, sat down at the big table near the washrooms, saw 2 korean chicks having a nice and quiet time and decided to move there and sit with them. After moving to the table beside them, the other dude (tall guy with shaved head and wearing a white beater, spugen's friend i think) suddenly dragged our table and connected it to theirs and then we all started to try and talk to them. Keep in mind that the table where the girls were sitting at were at the corner so they were basically cornered by us that everyone had to get first before they could. Ended up getting moved to another table after the girls bitched at the waiter and made us move

3 - after ehwa, when Zhangfei said some un-necessary comments to some drug dealer at the park where some people showed up with some mary j. Spugen and I was looking back and forth at each other thinking, what the fuck is this guy saying? hes gonna get shot!

ahh good times...
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Old 07-13-2009, 02:14 PM   #25
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Damm this is a great idea for a thread and I have lots too lol

Let's see prob about 8yrs ago I was fooling around with the g/f and went down on her and I was busy
Doing my thing then all of a suddon my bedroom door opened a lifted my head up just to see
The door close again, that was my old man of course and she didn't leave until he went to sleep
That night. Can you say akward? Lol fricken funny tho nothing was ever said about it and at least he knocks
First after that hahahaha
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