Originally Posted by NEUF I recently received a speeding ticket while on a 4 lane divided highway. I was in the left (passing) lane overtaking a slower moving vehicle and while doing so I went faster than the indicated speed limit and was caught on an officers radar/laser before returning back to the speed limit. Now is there any exception to the speed limit in an instance like this? I was 99% sure i read in the MVA that a driver is allowed to do this, however i cannot find it now.
Any advise?
Thanks |
no, it states that you CANNOT exceed the speed limit, at any time, even when passing. if the car you were passing was going significantly below the limit and you sped up to above the limit to pass safely on a 2 lane road, then the officer may let it go, but since you were on a divided highway "safety" isn't even close to a legit reason for speeding.