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Boostaholic 07-23-2009 10:01 PM

looking for car for FREE photoshoot
ok for whatever reason my last post got removed, if it because it seems like i wanted to make money or i was advertising, lets make it clear, FREE photoshoot with model. I wasn't meant to advertise, it was just last time i remember someone said I should post pictures of my work so people will know what to expect.

so ya, who wants free photoshoot?

btw, I didn't get to see any post from my last thread. I wasn't on RS for the last 2 days.

oh ya, i'm looking for something colourful and more classy.

mr_piggy 07-24-2009 02:19 AM

post pictures of models please :D

boatcaptain 07-24-2009 02:44 AM

wuuu model wif my mini sounds funnnn

Matsuda 07-24-2009 06:48 AM

you can only have mini models though, bring on the midgets!

Boostaholic 07-24-2009 12:34 PM

you! 07-24-2009 12:40 PM

^^wtf she looks possessed
any other pics of other models?

Boostaholic 07-24-2009 12:56 PM

haha I'm doing one model and one car at a time, but I do have couple other models that asked me to shoot them with cars.

Supafly 07-24-2009 01:07 PM

check PM....i have 2 E46 M3 cabrio (one white and the other silver), CLS63 (silver) and a CLK (white) if you're intrested....but i wanna see some hot models..

edit: forgot to mention i got a e92 m3 aswell in gunmetal...

boost, check your personal email, for the documents.

124Y 07-24-2009 01:53 PM

^ Oh damn...that's ballin!! :eek:

I have a black evo X with a huge park bench...I wanna get some shots too!

Tgo 07-24-2009 01:54 PM

any info when this would happen? time or date?

Boostaholic 07-24-2009 02:10 PM

date is flexible. probably in the next few weeks. I might do several in the month of aug since I will finish school.

og_greek 07-24-2009 07:42 PM

I nominate Invader!

mr_piggy 07-25-2009 01:43 AM

I don't have a car but can I be in the photo shoot? I can pretend to be a chair and the models and sit on my lap :D

boatcaptain 07-25-2009 01:55 AM

or i can pretend to b a bed!n they can lay on top of mee

you! 07-25-2009 12:28 PM

ill pretend to be a didldo and stick it in their bum
need more pics of these broads

ELITE_TRAYUNZE 07-25-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by you! (Post 6521761)
ill pretend to be a didldo and stick it in their bum
need more pics of these broads

Please excuse me, but this just absolutely disgusts me. Calling these women "broads"? Are you still living in the 19th century? Have some fucking respect.

no, i'm jk. ;)

..::lazybum::.. 07-25-2009 02:00 PM

hey boostaholic congrads on finally getting the photoshoot thing going on!!! i cant wait to see some stuff!
I just dropped my Lsvtec in ;) Thad look sexier then the lady.
I could model ...cause i model, but then you would have to photoshop my mustache out. :P

ELITE_TRAYUNZE 07-25-2009 02:34 PM


but then you would have to photoshop my mustache out. :P

CivicTypeRice 07-25-2009 02:54 PM

This thread has gone epic!

..::lazybum::.. 07-25-2009 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by ELITE_TRAYUNZE (Post 6521854)

its the new thing, not shaving your arm pits was so 2006. ;)

I wanna see these models!

you! 07-27-2009 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by ..::lazybum::.. (Post 6521877)
its the new thing, not shaving your arm pits was so 2006. ;)

I wanna see these models!

hey lazybum!...can i..
stick it in ur bum?;)

Supafly 07-27-2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by you! (Post 6523868)
hey lazybum!...can i..
stick it in ur bum?;)

your posts lately are really have nothing good to contribute do you.....stop being a troll.

Its one thing to be funny, its another to be stupid and annoying to others on the forum....

Seeing you in real life, and then reading your posts online really makes for a disturbing sight. Im serious.

..::lazybum::.. 07-27-2009 03:23 PM

epic is correct.


you! 07-28-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly (Post 6523963)
your posts lately are really have nothing good to contribute do you.....stop being a troll.

Its one thing to be funny, its another to be stupid and annoying to others on the forum....

Seeing you in real life, and then reading your posts online really makes for a disturbing sight. Im serious.

didnt know some ppl take posts on rs so seriously:rolleyes:

what about the previous post about mustache and armpits? wouldnt u consider that offtopic? then when i make an offtopic comment on something that was already offtopic i suddenly sound stupid and annoying?

think again dude, there are far wayyy more ppl that make much more retarded comments than i do
pics or it didnt happen? am i really hitting ur nerve everytime i say that? do u lose sleep at night when u see that phrase posted by me?

also didnt know that ur the kind of person who judges ppl based on their posts in a forum and after meeting them once in person for 5 minutes.
thought u were a pretty chill guy but i guess i was wrong. pretty sad to think internet comments that doesn't affect u in any way actually creates drama in ur life.

Supafly 07-29-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by you! (Post 6525488)
didnt know some ppl take posts on rs so seriously:rolleyes:

what about the previous post about mustache and armpits? wouldnt u consider that offtopic? then when i make an offtopic comment on something that was already offtopic i suddenly sound stupid and annoying?

think again dude, there are far wayyy more ppl that make much more retarded comments than i do
pics or it didnt happen? am i really hitting ur nerve everytime i say that? do u lose sleep at night when u see that phrase posted by me?

also didnt know that ur the kind of person who judges ppl based on their posts in a forum and after meeting them once in person for 5 minutes.
thought u were a pretty chill guy but i guess i was wrong. pretty sad to think internet comments that doesn't affect u in any way actually creates drama in ur life.

majority of your post in almost all the forums have been nothing but perverted and disgusting garbage...its one thing to make it funny, but your posts are not; too much of it and other members gets annoyed...
Im willing to bet im not the only one who is recently annoyed of your posts....Im just the first one to confront you, because i actually met you in real life.
Im just stating a fact, and it IS a FACT that you clearly think you're posts are full of win, when in reality it is just plain retarded.

Im gonna leave it at that.

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