WTF I feel like in in an prison break or something
So I work downtown in a building located on the corner of Alberni and Bute. I was looking out the window in the south/western direction at around noon today and noticed what looked like a bunch of small white paper squares floating in the air (at about eye level – I’m on the 18th floor) right above Robson/Bute intersection. It looked like someone had thrown out the paper from one of the buildings near by. After a few minutes, the ground in the surrounding area was scattered with all the little white squares of paper.
On my way to lunch I decided to pick up one of the pieces of paper to see what it said. Anyways, this is what is written on every single piece; and I quote……
“I have contacted members of the United States Congress this past February 9, March 25, April 29 and July 9. I have taken to them dozens of discs that support without any doubt my claim that I am the target of the illicit activities of an large very well connected group, presumably associated to an agency. I have man more DVDs (more than 300) containing more supporting information. I presume that this group is able to get the cooperation of many innocent people by plainly lying ab out me. I have tried to contact honest authorities, the D.A.O. in Manhattan, the press, the ACLU, even the largest Law Firms to no avail. I have been completel isolated from reaching proper authorise. My closest relatives and people living in the building where I reside have information about my ongoing predicament; authorise will have to press them. Alexander De Filippi, 336 East 4th Street, Apt 2A, New York City, 10009.”
I googled the guys name and found his blog (assuming that this is the same person) which basically talks about his religious and political beliefs.
Weird. Is this some sort of prank or some promotion for something? Anyone else see and read this?