Blew some syncro's
Well I guess when you're putting a little over double the horsepower that the transmission is designed for these things happen.
Last night the transmission was acting funny, when boosting I couldn't shift out of 2nd, nearly impossible to go into 1st or 2nd.
This morning, woke up, transmission was "alright". Still fucked but driveable, hard to go into 1st and 2nd sometimes. A couple times it was impossible to get into 1st. Drove for the day and didn't think anything of it. Then when I was leaving a "meet" this evening, the shifter popped out of 3rd and I was like, "wtf mate?". Fucker wouldn't go into 3rd or 4th, just grinded the shit out of em. And the couple times I was able to somewhat get it into one of those gears it was like the transmission was locked or something. Anyways, left it in neutral and somehow found out it was locked in 1st gear, so I went back to the parking lot (at like 5k rpm the whole way almost). Friend hopped in and diagnosed my problem for me, kinda thought it was those.
Then I had to double clutch from Queensborough mall to Port Moody
Good thing I my friend has a spare he'll swap me for a some money, or I could go to a jy and get these things for like $100
Oh, and i'm shipping the car away soon. Should probably fix it before I send it off to Montreal
__________________ '16 Ram 1500 |