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Vancouver Off-Topic / Current EventsThe off-topic forum for Vancouver, funnies, non-auto centered discussions, WORK SAFE. While the rules are more relaxed here, there are still rules. Please refer to sticky thread in this forum.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Westwood Motorsport Park 1958 Groundbreaking Ceremony, Opening Day - 26 July 1959, Bob McLean, Thanks to Tom Johnston, Director - Peter Lipskis, Editor - Paul Trudel
__________________ "The guy in the CR-V meanwhile, he'll give you a haughty glare. He's responsibly trying to lessen his impact, but there you go lumbering past him with your loud V8, flouting the new reality. You may as well go do some donuts in a strawberry patch and slalom through a litter of kittens." Dan Frio, Automotive Editor, Edmunds
Always wanted to see what the original plans were for our highways before they got shelved. Finally came across something. Hope it hasn't been posted before.
Looks like one would've ran down Quebec St (science world), Waterfront Rd, and then turned into a tunnel where coal harbor is (connected to bute and jervis), maybe connect to lonsdale quay? the viaducts would've went east, maybe connect to highway 1? and i guess highway 99 would've connected to this
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Just an update...........
The construction of Chong Lee is well underway. I think they're a bit behind. Undergound parking and all.
As for kitty corner, the 7-Eleven will close permanently as of October 25th. So sad to see it go. WTF are school kids going to do? I bet the new Chong Lee complex will have something awesome...........
"there but for the grace of god go I"
Youth is, indeed, wasted on the young.
YODO = You Only Die Once.
Dirty look from MG1 can melt steel beams.
"There must be dissonance before resolution - MG1" a musical reference.
Looks like one would've ran down Quebec St (science world), Waterfront Rd, and then turned into a tunnel where coal harbor is (connected to bute and jervis), maybe connect to lonsdale quay? the viaducts would've went east, maybe connect to highway 1? and i guess highway 99 would've connected to this
Very cool!
Just to add a little to this, I was taught that the viaducts were an experiment in how they proposed to build the highway. Federal funding allowed for a km of elevated highway which they used to build the viaducts. Ideas changed in the late 60's and the public was now against a highway running through Vancouver. So they turfed the plans and ran with the viaduct as a way into the DT core.
This is eerily reminiscent of the Deas Island tunnel/bridge fiasco. In 50 years our grandkids could be talking about how they had a plan for the crossing, and never went through with it.
No idea about that place.
But we used to go to the Green Door Chinese restaurant in the late 70's/early 80's. I remember it being just outside of an alley in the DTES. Back before that area got stabby and scary. It was the ultimate greasy spoon Chinese restaurant, and a treat for us as we didn't have much money back then.
Very cool!
Just to add a little to this, I was taught that the viaducts were an experiment in how they proposed to build the highway. Federal funding allowed for a km of elevated highway which they used to build the viaducts. Ideas changed in the late 60's and the public was now against a highway running through Vancouver. So they turfed the plans and ran with the viaduct as a way into the DT core.
This is eerily reminiscent of the Deas Island tunnel/bridge fiasco. In 50 years our grandkids could be talking about how they had a plan for the crossing, and never went through with it.
Unfortunately, the viaduct was also a means to displace Vancouver's black population at the time.
Crazy. Jimi Hendrix grandmother lived at Hogan's alley for decades https://www.vancouverheritagefoundat.../hogans-alley/
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Beginning in 1967, the City of Vancouver began leveling the western half of Hogan’s Alley to construct an interurban freeway through Hogan’s Alley and Chinatown. The freeway was ultimately stopped, but construction of the first phase – the Georgia viaduct – was completed in 1971. In the process, the western end of Hogan’s Alley was expropriated and several blocks of houses were demolished.
That looks like no.4 and st edwards used to connect underneath hwy99. Would've been nice if they kept that....
i think it looks more like a level-crossing with stop signs or the such.
doesn't look deep enough to be an underpass...
i think it's the optical illusion from the darkness of the through lanes of HWY99, because the shoulders are about as light as the cross st
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Originally Posted by welfare
Unfortunately, the viaduct was also a means to displace Vancouver's black population at the time.
Crazy. Jimi Hendrix grandmother lived at Hogan's alley for decades https://www.vancouverheritagefoundat.../hogans-alley/
It seems like every fricken alley in the DTES has a nickname.............
Shanghai Alley, Blood Alley, Hogan's Heroes, Canton Alley, etc.
Then, there's MG1 Alley. It's quite famous now that Deadpool came out. The apartment dude was in was the very same MG1 grew up in. I couldn't believe it when my son told me of this. Went out and bought the DVD. Sure enough, the same brick wall. I don't think the actual room itself was even shot on location. It was too clean to be the same one, lol. Dead, pun intended, giveaway cockroaches or mice in the movie. Like WTF? That's what made that place so special.
Anyway, carry on carrying on.
"there but for the grace of god go I"
Youth is, indeed, wasted on the young.
YODO = You Only Die Once.
Dirty look from MG1 can melt steel beams.
"There must be dissonance before resolution - MG1" a musical reference.
Don't forget dead man's alley. Located between Florence nightingale and Tupper. Probably not terribly famous but those from the area might remember it.
Had to be one of the steepest alleys you could fly your kuwahara down sans brakes.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Originally posted by v.b. can we stop, my pussy hurts... Originally posted by asian_XL fliptuner, I am gonna grab ur dick and pee in your face, then rub shit all over my face...:lol Originally posted by Fei-Ji haha i can taste the cum in my mouth Originally posted by FastAnna when I was 13 I wanted to be a video hoe so bad
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Bumping this thread..........
For some weird reason, I decided to drive along Kingsay back to Burnaby. I don't like driving that way, but damn. Place has changed so much. Thank god, Dad Tung is still there. Hoping it's still a decent place to eat. Some older buildings I recognized. Consumers Distributing. Anyone remember them? Then the old Mopac which is now Midland Liquidators. Does anyone remember what Mopac was called before they became Mopac? And that Chinese restaurant on the corner of Kingsway and Slocan? Dragon Inn, along with Wally's.
I used to live on Clarke and 24th, two blocks south of consumers. Was born in that house actually. Mr sub, the Video Nest. Hoy's Wonton is still there, I believe. Same with triangle market..I think. Been awhile since I rolled through.
As kids we'd head into consumers and dig through the catalogs just to browse. Never bought anything. Don't know why but we thought it was fun.
Fields just down the street where mom used to buy our Lobo and Excalibur shoes. Anybody remember those? They were probably the cheapest shoes you could possibly find. The plastic soles were so hard it would take weeks to break them in haha.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Wally's burgers haha. I remember when they filmed that episode of 21 jumpstreet there. My older sister and her friend got a Polaroid taken with Johnny Depp. She probably still has it somewhere.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz