K, i don't usually start threads, but this friggin deserves one fo sho.
Holy fk.
I remember hearing bout this show a while back, but totally fell off my radar till a buddy mentioned it the other day. I think all the muthafkin original entourage writers are busy w/ this series. IT IS FRIGGIN HILARIOUS...
Premise: washed up major league baseball player has to go live w/ his brother and family in some semi-rural town. Gets a gig as a substitute teacher at local HS. Hilarity ensues.
Honestly, best comedy in a looooooooooooong time. This show is gonna makeup for the entourage downward spiral. First season recently finished, only 6 episodes. I haven't, umm, "obtained" it from the web yet, but youtube has lots of teasers/clips if ur curious. I can't wait to blast one and watch it...
Here's a clip, enjoy, its the first time i've lol'd in a while watching a show: