Originally Posted by SumAznGuy I don't understand why drivers making a left turn, will inch their cars over to the right before making the turn. Same thing with right turns. They keep their cars as far left before making the turns.
I was on Westminister hwy the other night, and this Nissan Versa was going 80 km/h which I though was an acceptable speed to be behind, especially since the speed limit was 60. But everytime we came up to a side street, he would brake almost to a full stop and then continue back up to 80 km/h.
He did this at 3 streets before I was annoyed and passed him.
Even if they can drive, people make some of the weirdest descisions/choices when behind the wheel of a car.  |
People who do that grew up with Initial D arcade stage and the world of "eraser" turns. =P
But think about it, it does make some sense. I am not saying you should go as far left as possible and sideswiping the adjacent car though.
If you are hugging the curb and turning right, you have to turn the steering wheel so much more and make a much sharper turn. Hoping your rear wheels will not hop the street corner and damage those nice rims you got. X.x
Also, I am totally against this bill to have a speed limiter. Instead, ICBC should do as Chopstick has said, have a much more intense and thorough driver licensing program that is MANDATORY.
and fuck the shortcut if you have a license from China, you can get Class 5 immediately. We all know those people bought their Chinese licenses.