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Old 09-25-2009, 07:49 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
here are some more canto car slang terms for you guys to guess, some are self evident some hits you like a falcon punch after u see the answer. Feel free to add more terms.
爆tec - bau tec - VTEC kicked in yo
followed by its pronounciation and meaning

can you guess the following terms for meaning? For help I'll put it what it means "literally"
大tec - daai tec - hint: big tec
細tec - sai tec - hint: small tec
起turbo - hei turbo - hint:wake up turbo
mivec黎料 - Mivec laai liu - hint: check VTEC
快cam - faai cam - hint: fast cam
power-lock - power-lock - hint: not power door locks
大尾牙 - dai mei nga - hint:big tail teeth
縮缸 - suk gong - hint:invert erection pot
大包圍 - daai bau waai - hint:big around
好捽 - ho jut - hint:good rub
蝦鬚 - ha so - hint:shrimp whiskers
鮑魚 - bau yu - hint:abalone
東菇 - dung goo - hint:mushrooms

大咬 - daai ngaau - hint:big bite
爭口 - jaang hau - hint: fight mouth

99% of car people in HK and Southern Asia knows these terms, how many terms do you know?

edit: ooooh MIVEC = Mitsubishi's version of VTEC

Last edited by Spectre_Cdn; 09-25-2009 at 08:34 AM.
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Old 09-25-2009, 07:51 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
鮑魚 - bau yu - hint:abalone
.............Pau tec?
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:22 AM   #28
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bau tec just kick in?
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:29 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
here are some more canto car slang terms for you guys to guess, some are self evident some hits you like a falcon punch after u see the answer. Feel free to add more terms.
爆tec - bau tec - VTEC kicked in yo
followed by its pronounciation and meaning

can you guess the following terms for meaning? For help I'll put it what it means "literally"
大tec - daai tec - hint: big tec
細tec - sai tec - hint: small tec
起turbo - hei turbo - hint:wake up turbo
mivec黎料 - Mivec laai liu - hint: check VTEC
快cam - faai cam - hint: fast cam
power-lock - power-lock - hint: not power door locks
大尾牙 - dai mei nga - hint:big tail teeth
縮缸 - suk gong - hint:invert erection pot
大包圍 - daai bau waai - hint:big around
好捽 - ho jut - hint:good rub
蝦鬚 - ha so - hint:shrimp whiskers
鮑魚 - bau yu - hint:abalone
東菇 - dung goo - hint:mushrooms
大咬 - daai ngaau - hint:big bite
爭口 - jaang hau - hint: fight mouth

99% of car people in HK and Southern Asia knows these terms, how many terms do you know?
You lost me after Ho Jut.
and wtf are the first 2.

3: Hit boost
5: High revving
6: Full lock (steering?)
7: Spoiler? Diffuser?
8: Suspension travel
9: Body kit/Widebody
10: Stiff suspension
Rest I don't know. I'm guessing the last one is "Exit point"

Fuck my Canto sucks.
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:29 AM   #30
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Bau Tec = The ricer version of ejaculation
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:41 AM   #31, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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鮑魚 - bau yu - hint:abalone = Means Brembo

東菇 - dung goo - hint:mushrooms = those air filters thats shaped like a sponge?

and thats all I know.
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:44 AM   #32
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what are mushrooms? Like mushroom filters? No idea lol
What are shrimp whiskers? a grille?
LOL these are hard!
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:52 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by impactX View Post
That just means your cantonese is not fluent enough!
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you must not get out much then haha because it's a pretty common term
god damn!

can some one write it out in chinese? chances is I can translate chinglish to chinese
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:58 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by danizer View Post
no if it was a nammer dish it would be...LIKE A SAM BOOO DEE RANGAHANGA MONGOYA DEE LUM DI SUMDEE OM CHO...
lol jokes :P
hate to break it to you...but you're not funny.
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Old 09-25-2009, 09:34 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by shenmecar View Post
鮑魚 - bau yu - hint:abalone = Means Brembo

(hint: my last name is 鮑)
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Old 09-25-2009, 09:47 AM   #36
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大tec V6 v-tec
細tec 4 cylinder v-tec

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Old 09-25-2009, 09:49 AM   #37, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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a few more for more fun:

盤頭 - poon tau - tray head
中缸 - jung gong - middle pot
油底 - yau dai - oil bottom
底擔 - daai daam - bottom "weight bearing bamboo" (I don't remember what that's called)
雞翼 - gaai yik - chicken wing
搭橋 - daap kiu - building a bridge
頂巴 - ding ba - top bus(?)
死氣蕉 - sei hei jiu - dead air banana
腳仔車 - geuk jai cheh - little feet car
N組喉 - N jo hau - N group tap
老/怒劈 - Lo/no pek - old/angry chop
和尚頭 - woh seung tau - monk's head
光頭 - kwong tau - skinhead

I was thinking about all these when I was driving to school today LOL. Each term has a bit of history and explanation to make them make sense, but when I lay it out for you you will facepalm.

Will make a detailed explanation to these terms tonight keep guessing.
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Last edited by hk20000; 09-25-2009 at 11:06 AM.
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Old 09-25-2009, 10:03 AM   #38, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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雞翼 - gaai yik - chicken wing

Probably not the same definition you got. When I was a kid, my dad's minivan's rear windows open outwards. We would call them 雞翼. hahaha.

Oh, and I can't wait until you reveal what all these slangs mean!!!
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Old 09-25-2009, 10:33 AM   #39, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by shenmecar View Post
雞翼 - gaai yik - chicken wing

Probably not the same definition you got. When I was a kid, my dad's minivan's rear windows open outwards. We would call them 雞翼. hahaha.

Oh, and I can't wait until you reveal what all these slangs mean!!!
those I call them 雞翼窗, but there's another part that all cars, not limited to minivans, have that's under this name.
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Old 09-25-2009, 11:33 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
a few more for more fun:

盤頭 - poon tau - tray head
中缸 - jung gong - middle pot
油底 - yau dai - oil bottom
底擔 - daai daam - bottom "weight bearing bamboo" (I don't remember what that's called)
雞翼 - gaai yik - chicken wing
搭橋 - daap kiu - building a bridge
頂巴 - ding ba - top bus(?)
死氣蕉 - sei hei jiu - dead air banana
腳仔車 - geuk jai cheh - little feet car
N組喉 - N jo hau - N group tap
老/怒劈 - Lo/no pek - old/angry chop
和尚頭 - woh seung tau - monk's head
光頭 - kwong tau - skinhead

I was thinking about all these when I was driving to school today LOL. Each term has a bit of history and explanation to make them make sense, but when I lay it out for you you will facepalm.

Will make a detailed explanation to these terms tonight keep guessing.

damn I only know half of them and I'm CBC.... i should've took more chinese classes or hung out with my honger friends more
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Old 09-25-2009, 11:35 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by shenmecar View Post
鮑魚 - bau yu - hint:abalone = Means Brembo

東菇 - dung goo - hint:mushrooms = those air filters thats shaped like a sponge?

and thats all I know.

Dai Bao wuy = Big wrapped surounding = Body Kit

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Old 09-25-2009, 12:18 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
a few more for more fun:

盤頭 - poon tau - tray head
中缸 - jung gong - middle pot
油底 - yau dai - oil bottom
底擔 - daai daam - bottom "weight bearing bamboo" (I don't remember what that's called)
雞翼 - gaai yik - chicken wing
搭橋 - daap kiu - building a bridge
頂巴 - ding ba - top bus(?)
死氣蕉 - sei hei jiu - dead air banana
腳仔車 - geuk jai cheh - little feet car
N組喉 - N jo hau - N group tap
老/怒劈 - Lo/no pek - old/angry chop
和尚頭 - woh seung tau - monk's head
光頭 - kwong tau - skinhead

I was thinking about all these when I was driving to school today LOL. Each term has a bit of history and explanation to make them make sense, but when I lay it out for you you will facepalm.

Will make a detailed explanation to these terms tonight keep guessing.
That's pretty cool. We should start a YouTube series to educate the masses.
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Old 09-25-2009, 12:38 PM   #43, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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here is a short list of funny terms for driving feel. I'll just give out what it means here:

撬住撬住 - giu jue giu jue - getting pried (x2) - describes the situation where the car's anti-roll characteristic is too heavy that the car is not willing to turn, it turns flatter than expected but the tires' limit is used up very early.
耷頭 - dup tau - downward head - forward rake in car setup. Also for heavy dive when braking.
推頭 - tui tau - push head - understeer
甩尾 - lat mei - lose tail - oversteer
拋 - paau - thrown - underdamped
DUN - DUN - bumpy ride (funny how in Cantonese there are so many words that don't work in type/writing)
重耷 - chung dup - heavy braking

these are not particularly funny or interesting actually. those fruits and seafood related names are best. Will tell tonight.
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Old 09-25-2009, 01:11 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
here are some more canto car slang terms for you guys to guess, some are self evident some hits you like a falcon punch after u see the answer. Feel free to add more terms.
爆tec - bau tec - VTEC kicked in yo
followed by its pronounciation and meaning

can you guess the following terms for meaning? For help I'll put it what it means "literally"
大tec - daai tec - hint: big tec
細tec - sai tec - hint: small tec
起turbo - hei turbo - hint:wake up turbo
mivec黎料 - Mivec laai liu - hint: check VTEC
快cam - faai cam - hint: fast cam
power-lock - power-lock - hint: not power door locks
大尾牙 - dai mei nga - hint:big tail teeth
縮缸 - suk gong - hint:invert erection pot
大包圍 - daai bau waai - hint:big around
好捽 - ho jut - hint:good rub
蝦鬚 - ha so - hint:shrimp whiskers
鮑魚 - bau yu - hint:abalone
東菇 - dung goo - hint:mushrooms
大咬 - daai ngaau - hint:big bite
爭口 - jaang hau - hint: fight mouth

99% of car people in HK and Southern Asia knows these terms, how many terms do you know?
大tec - big vtec engine? 1800cc 2000cc? B18, B20?
細tec - b16?
起turbo - when turbo kicks in?
mivec黎料 - mits engine kicking in, so same as bau tec..ef
快cam - aftermarket cams...
power-lock - ?
大尾牙 -final gear?
縮缸 - smoething to do with over heating
大包圍 - aerokit
好捽 - ? good grip on tires?
蝦鬚 - sway bar
鮑魚 - brake calipers
東菇 - air filter
大咬 - fuel consumption
爭口 - gasket
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Old 09-25-2009, 01:48 PM   #45, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Since this guy almost got them all let me start dissecting
大tec - big vtec engine? 1800cc 2000cc? B18, B20?
細tec - b16?
Originated from the 1990s when Civics came in 1.5 and 1.6 with VTEC. In Asia, a car that has displacement under 1600cc requires less licensing fee than a car that's over 1601cc. It is therefore a luxury to own a 大tec (referring to EG SiRII or EK TypeR with the B16A/B16B respectively) Also in Asia 大tec is always DOHC and 細tec is always SOHC. Street racers like to think that the 細tec is comparable to 大tec even though the 大tec is more powerful, the 細tec variant is generally lighter (because there would also be a lack of luxury items being not top of the line) and cheaper to maintain. Now in 2009 it has generally lost its meaning because Honda Civics are now in 1.8 (non typeR) and 2.0(Type R) variations which costs exactly the same to license, being in the 1601-2500cc bracket.
起turbo - when turbo kicks in?
the reason turbo doesn't "bau" like VTEC is because the effect is "gradual" and it feels like waking it up rather than a sudden change in tone or power.
mivec黎料 - mits engine kicking in, so same as bau tec..ef
MIVEC is Mitsubishi's version of VTEC, back then when the Lancer MR (with the 1.6L Mirage Cyborg R engine) and the Civic EG/EK with 大tec were the synonym to street racer's ride. Bau Vec would work too but it's just too easy to mistake that with 爆tec and MIVEC's effect isn't nearly as "explosive" either.
快cam - aftermarket cams...
yes, or the "high cam" profile on the VTEC is also known as 著快cam (activate the powerful cam lobes)
power-lock - ?
Limited Slip Differential. This is because that's what's on the box of a Nismo differential back in the 80s.
大尾牙 -final gear?
Shorter Final Gear, it's 大(big) because numerically it's bigger. (think 5.3:1 vs 4.3:1) of course the opposite would be 細尾牙
縮缸 - smoething to do with over heating
Combustion Cylinder Failure, total loss of compression in that cylinder. "Pot" is a direct translation to cylinders for Hongers and not just for engines either.
大包圍 - aerokit
Bodykit. This is described in such a way because if you put a set of bodykit around the car it'll literally surround the car. And because it's bigger than the factory bumpers and stuff, the adjective "大" is used. There is distinction between 大包圍 and simply 包圍 in that the bigger version includes wide fenders.
好捽 - ? good grip on tires?
Yes, as "捽" is literally the action of using your eraser on paper. The same term can be said to a primary school student about his newly bought eraser. If it's good then it's 好捽, and if it skids and slide (like those crap erasers from dollar store that does nothing but smearing) it's 唔好捽
蝦鬚 - sway bar
Correct. The reason why it's called shrimp's whisker is because the shape of the sway bar (it bends backwards, like a shrimp's whisker in water!)
鮑魚 - brake calipers
correct. This is again due to the shape of the part. An abalone can open up, and it's like a brake caliper when you look at it without the brake rotors. also "pot" is translated to 遮 which is same for umbrellas. So 4遮鮑魚 (abalone with 4 umbrellas) would be the idea of a 4pot brake caliper. The term umbrella again is used because of the nature of the product (one side is wet, one side is dry, amirite?) Also Abalone is a metaphor to a woman's reproductive system in Cantonese so the term sticks very very well(think of the meaty part inside an abalone, and then think of a pussy, you with me there right? Both things need to be "opened up" to get to the good stuff)

Holding onto an abalone vs holding onto a caliper
東菇 - air filter
This is limited to cone air filters. The reason is again its shape. Ever since HKS and Greddy come out with their mushroom air filter design this term came and stuck.

mushroom vs mushroom type air filter
大咬 - fuel consumption
BAD fuel consumption. Like burgers, if your car takes a "big bite" every time, it's bad on gas.opposite would be 細食.
爭口 - gasket
Correct. Sometimes the word 爭 is read closer to "Jam". I have no idea how this came about but all sorts of gasket on your car can be named XX爭口
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Old 09-25-2009, 01:57 PM   #46
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holy shit you guys know all those chinese dictions. The only one I know is banana = header
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Old 09-25-2009, 02:59 PM   #47
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holy crap, i need to talk to more hongers. I'm a full honger & I only know like 1 or 2

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Old 09-25-2009, 03:00 PM   #48
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That doesn't even look like a Caliper. It looks like something else. Damn I think i'm gonna go get some tonight.

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Old 09-25-2009, 03:09 PM   #49
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^that looks like that 'gorilla pussy' pic from the fucked up shit thread, do not want
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Old 09-25-2009, 05:42 PM   #50, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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actually the abalone analogy comes in how if you stick your finger into the center of an opened abalone it's going to close on you and grab so tight like a brake caliper.

here are the rest of the terms:
盤頭 - poon tau - tray head
Engine head. a 盤 is a cylinder as well (many words can carry the same meaning in Cantonese, of course)
中缸 - jung gong - middle pot
Short block. Again the 缸 refers to the cylinder. It's between the 頭(head) and the 底(bottom) so it only makes sense to be the 中 (middle)
油底 - yau dai - oil bottom
Oil pan.
底擔 - daai daam - bottom "weight bearing bamboo" (I don't remember what that's called)
This is the subframe. The words are carefully chosen so it describes where it is "底" (bottom) and it also describes its function "擔" (load carrying item)
雞翼 - gaai yik - chicken wing
This one takes some imagination. First, you do the chicken dance. Next you imagine how your elbow would move if your torso is a car chassis and your arms are the lower control arm. It immediately becomes clear why this is what it is called right? LOL. For cars with double wishbone suspension there's 上雞翼(upper chicken wing) and 下雞翼 (lower chicken wing), rear control arms are generally called 雞脾 (kai bei), which means "chicken thighs". But mixing of these terms is acceptable in many situations a control arm is a control arm afterall.

chicken wings and more chicken wings.
搭橋 - daap kiu - building a bridge
This is getting into a more technical aspects of modding a car. In Asia everyone wants to upgrade their brakes because 1st it's cool and 2nd the ambient temperature makes brake fading an everyday business and it's not nice to crash. to "build a bridge" is to machine a bracket for mounting aftermarket multiple "umbrella" "abalones" onto your car. An example would be this:

This term is extensively discussed because in Asia and the UK a bracket like this will certainly fail your annual VI.
頂巴 - ding ba - top bus(?)
Strut Tower Bar. the "巴" has nothing to do with a bus but it's all about the sound of "bar" turned into Cantonese. Variation to 頂巴 would be a 頂架 (multi-point strut tower bar that makes a "架", as in a frame), 底架(frame that attaches to the bottom of the car for maximum strength), 底巴(bomber bar from Cusco, and DC bar that links the rear control arms together on a Civic),etc.
死氣蕉 - sei hei jiu - dead air banana
This is most misunderstood by foreigners, the banana is exactly what it means: a banana. Why is it called a banana? Look at the following picture:

FWD manifolds all look like bananas, and the name comes naturally.
腳仔車 - geuk jai cheh - little feet car
Daily driver, as opposed to 跑車, which means sports car. However the first word in 跑車 does not mean sports, it means literally "running". So for a daily driver, it doesn't run, it only replaces your small tired legs and help you get around town.
N組喉 - N jo hau - N group tap
Group N racing exhaust. It soon turned into a general term for all those melon shooter mufflers out there. Group N racing required that there be a "muffler" but there is no restriction as to how free flowing it has to be, it is there where the common cannon-ball muffler is invented, and loved by all the ricers alike.
老/怒劈 - Lo/no pek - old/angry chop
It means driving aggressively. The earlier version is sound-derived from the word "魯" which makes up the meaning in 魯莽 (reckless). 劈 is the action of chopping, and that adds to the sense of choppy driving. So it literally means reckless choppy driving. The second version sounds like you are doing "angry(怒) choppy(劈) driving". My PSN name has this thing in it in English "Lopak". Someone asked me if it's a coffee ROFL.
和尚頭 - woh seung tau - monk's head
CV shaft ends. This is very deep indeed. What you have to think about is that in typical Chinese myths, the high monk has 6 dots on his head burnt-in with those 香(incense). And then if you take apart a CV shaft, there's a bearing inside that also has 6 spots saved for 6 ball bearings. Hence a "monk's head" means a CV shaft end!
光頭 - kwong tau - skinhead
As in English where you say your tires are bald, exactly the same idea.
⇐ If I bothered replying, that's the face I made while I typed.

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