I'm more excited that it's a film by Gilliam, than the fact that a dead actor is in it.
Brazil and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen were both awesome haha! Especially Brazil though.
But I doubt anyone here has really seen that stuff. The only shit ppl have probably seen is 12 Monkeys, and the point of the movie probably didn't even phase through their mind whatsoever.
Originally Posted by Eugene My experience is that a lot of people who saw it "just don't get it" or have expectations of what it's going to be like from the media hype and then end up with a negative view of it. For anyone who's actually seen and enjoyed The Adventures of Baron Munchausen and Twelve Monkeys, and some of Gilliam's lesser known work, it'll be well recieved. |
of course most people that see it won't get it. infact, most people out there will think it's just some whack movie and that it was "boring" or "it sucked", but in reality they're just too fucking stupid.
the slightly brighter people will come out of the movie slightly confused, but entertained, and probably say something along the line of "I didn't get it." or "what's that supposed to mean?"