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10-22-2009, 12:09 AM
#26 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by ws6ta fuck that its police brutality. right now they are just SUSPECTS. they aren't charged, they haven't gone in front of a judge. let the jail be the punishment not the fucken pigs kicking the guy in the stomach and stepping on the guys legs. These cops obviously do not know how to behave in a normal setting like this where the suspects aren't even a threat. these are the same cops that would be trigger happy and shoot someone or really rip you a new asshole on the side of the road when you haven't done much. they are just angry!! fuck them they are supposed to enforce the law they aren't the fucken law. cops are cops because they are too stupid to be anything better then a cop. | Wow.. Are your parents from India?
Ask them how things work out there in a situation like this.
I'm not gonna even comment about the cops being stupid thing.
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10-22-2009, 12:24 AM
#27 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by penner2k Wow.. Are your parents from India?
Ask them how things work out there in a situation like this.
I'm not gonna even comment about the cops being stupid thing. | yeah my parents are from india but this isn't india. its canada and cops here aren't allowed to do shit like that. the ones that do should not get a desk job or a leave WITH PAY. They should get the boot and never be allowed back in. they need go work security or something.
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10-22-2009, 12:27 AM
#28 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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oh wow he lifted his head up a couple of inches. after you got kicked a few times wouldn't you. theres a cop with a damn gun pointed and he is kicking you and another one that steps on the back of your legs. I'd be lifting my head up too wondering what the hell is going on.
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10-22-2009, 12:32 AM
#29 | i like gifs
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Man you guys complain a lot.
You complain that the justice system is too weak in Canada.
Police officers use a borderline step on one of the guys and you guys scream brutality.
Come the fuck on people.
Last edited by Ch28; 10-22-2009 at 12:49 AM.
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10-22-2009, 12:36 AM
#30 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by ws6ta oh wow he lifted his head up a couple of inches. after you got kicked a few times wouldn't you. theres a cop with a damn gun pointed and he is kicking you and another one that steps on the back of your legs. I'd be lifting my head up too wondering what the hell is going on. | well evidently you shouldn't.
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10-22-2009, 12:40 AM
#31 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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the guy wasnt selling drugs, he was the purchaser
the calm guy was the dealer (he's used to getting taken down, all come n shit)
the user is tweaking for a hit so he's constantly moving, fidgeting (like the police noted when they were walking up)
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10-22-2009, 12:45 AM
#32 | My dinner reheated before my turbo spooled
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the stepping of the guys legs seems immature to me
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10-22-2009, 12:52 AM
#33 | y'all better put some respeck on my name
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I have mixed feelings about this. Sure the cops were wrong to kick and step on the guy’s legs but the suspects, one who is a drug dealer and the other a drug user, are scumbags so I don't feel sorry for them.
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10-22-2009, 12:55 AM
#34 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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when someone is a drug user he has mental issues so i dont think its fair to call him a scumbag
thats like calling someone who's on vicodin or prozac a scumbag
back to the video:
I didn't notice this the first time but i do have an issue with how the officer stepped on the suspects head at the very begining where the officer tripped it looks like he had the chance of misfiring his sidearm..
the officer with the gun out really should have just stayed at a distance with the gun while the other officer ensured the suspects were laid flat on the ground
but no issue with the acts of the grey haired cop other than the safety issue
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10-22-2009, 07:06 AM
#35 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by Teg4Life They deserved that for selling drugs and stuff so i wouldn't call it brutality. | In this country, what is DESERVED is supposed to be decided by a JUDGE and not the police.
What you are suggesting is practically vigilante justice.
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10-22-2009, 07:30 AM
#36 | Banned (ABWS)
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i see Old Snake !! |
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10-22-2009, 08:34 AM
#37 | I subscribe to Revscene
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fucking cops ...
seriously, that was so unwarranted. stepping on the guys legs like it was some sort of a game ? i love how he kept saying stop resisting stop resisting .
what, how the fuck do any of you guys know that they were doing a drug deal ? were you guys there? even if they WERE (yes, im pretty sure they were), that's not for those fucking cops to decide.
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10-22-2009, 09:37 AM
#38 | has a homepage?!
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Do you have to act in professional manner at work? Yes, so should the cops, the drug dealers are both face down and in submissive positions, i dont think the gun should be pointed at the guys head at this point, the kicks and stepping on the dude seemed unnecessary as well.
i am bias though as i hate cops, i find a lot of them to be useless power hungry fools, that being said some of them are great and can be helpful. I change my stance, i hate some cops.
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10-22-2009, 10:31 AM
#39 | MOD
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Originally Posted by nns Didn't you want to become a cop?
OT, Abbotsford PD has some fine looking police cars. I like the LEDs right next to the rear center lamp. | Yes, but that doesn't automatically make me a fan of other police officers actions. Posted via RS Mobile |
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10-22-2009, 11:41 AM
#40 | I'm better than you.
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they should just let ppl do drugs, sell and buy them.
with most people, if you REALLY WANTED something, you're gonna find a way to get it.
with drug dealers and buyers, if they really wanted some blow, the junkies will find a way to get it. and drug dealers will find a way to make money and get the drugs.
they should just legalize pot and stuff so people dont need to be all secretive about this shit
its not like cops can stop everyone. in the end if someone really wanted to buy drugs they are gonna find a way to do it some way some how.
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10-22-2009, 11:41 AM
#41 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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After watching the video everything seemed justified except for the walking on the legs.. Obviously.. But think if you were in the cops position... You are outnumbered, you havent searched anyone yet since you are outnumbered.. You tell the suspects to stay completely still so you know they wont try and pull a knife or a gun out... You know there is a drug deal hapenning.. Drug dealers carry guns aswell remember that or even knives... Now dont get me wrong I'm not a big fan of cops since i'm a weed smoker but when its a matter of life or death, its either your life or theirs... So would you rather let the crackhead move and figit around while you are trying to clear the sceen being outnumbered or would you rather have control over your suspects, knowing they could be a danger to your life or worst have some kinda diesease and attack you...
If I were the cop I would act in the same manner as them and knowing for a fact that a drug deal was hapenning and those guys usually never listen... The Drug dealers are 100% in the wrong but they still think they can do what they want, and then they do they whole I wasnt drug dealing when its clearly in the visible(not in the scenario but in most cases they think denial will get them free)..
Also on a side note did the guys car roll down the drive way??? I betcha that made the cops even more angry having to run after the car.. LOL
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Last edited by Dragon-88; 10-22-2009 at 11:48 AM.
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10-22-2009, 11:45 AM
#42 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by Great68 In this country, what is DESERVED is supposed to be decided by a JUDGE and not the police.
What you are suggesting is practically vigilante justice. | The problem is the judges are doing nothing to deal with people like this.
The drug dealer is just doing what the cop tells him to cuz he knows that by morning he will be out again.
The other guy just wants his fix. He will be out by the morning breaking into peoples cars for the quarter he sees sitting out in view.
I wish the cop would beat the shit out of the addict some more so maybe he would be stuck in the hospital long enough to detox.
The harder I lift and the more I eat, the better my genetics seem to get.
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10-22-2009, 11:53 AM
#43 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Originally Posted by penner2k The problem is the judges are doing nothing to deal with people like this.
The drug dealer is just doing what the cop tells him to cuz he knows that by morning he will be out again.
The other guy just wants his fix. He will be out by the morning breaking into peoples cars for the quarter he sees sitting out in view.
I wish the cop would beat the shit out of the addict some more so maybe he would be stuck in the hospital long enough to detox. |  beat their asses until they want to leave the city... Even better leave the province...
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10-22-2009, 11:57 AM
#44 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by penner2k The problem is the judges are doing nothing to deal with people like this. | That is a completely separate issue.
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10-22-2009, 11:58 AM
#45 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Wait! So that isn't how you treat the scum of society?
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10-22-2009, 12:01 PM
#46 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by Dragon-88  beat their asses until they want to leave the city... Even better leave the province... | They have not been proved guilty of anything yet. How is it appropriate to "beat their asses"?
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10-22-2009, 01:18 PM
#47 | HELP ME PLS!!!
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Some of the moves by the cops are to protect themselves. However, the walk on the legs is unnecessary IMO.
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10-22-2009, 01:28 PM
#48 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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boring vid
lets see them have a fist fight without guns
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10-22-2009, 01:39 PM
#49 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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It's pretty clear in this thread which posters in this thread have had bad experiences with cops in the past.
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10-22-2009, 02:17 PM
#50 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Not sure what the problem is. Like many people said, the cops were outnumbered and I'm sure they've dealt with some VERY uncooperative people in the past.
I'm sure most of you (especially the cop fanboys) would be speaking differently if video showed one of the suspects suddenly pulled a concealed gun and shot the 2 cops.  These guys might get sued but imho they didn't treat the suspects badly at all. ps a kick in the ribs is the fastest way to knock the wind out of someone, which I'm sure is EXACTLY what that cop with the shades wanted to happen as that guy wasn't exactly staying still.
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