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10-28-2009, 09:53 PM
#1 | Official Texas Ambassador
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| [Confidential] Choosing between sister and girlfriend The following is an Anonymous submission from a Revscene member. If the OP would like to respond to anything said in this thread, please PM me.
Meh.......This shit is tough.
I am getting a new place soon, there is only 3 room.
The dilemma is, if my sister moves in with me, then my gf wont.
Cuz I need 2 extra ppl in the house to carry the mortgage=.=
And no, I dont want my buddies to move in my place, cuz god knows what they'll bring home.
Am I been selfish or what is there a way for the girls to work out.
My gf just hates the idea of living with my sister, how to sort this problems?
Anyone who has success in good balance in family vs. relationship please provide some words of wisdom. TY
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10-28-2009, 09:56 PM
#2 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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why won't they live with each other?
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10-28-2009, 10:00 PM
#3 | has a homepage?!
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not enough info, is the gf and ur sis not in good terms? not getting along with each other?
blood is thicker than water if you ask me, but you might get sick of seeing ur sis all the time with no privacy with ur gf
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10-28-2009, 10:07 PM
#4 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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Why are you getting such a big place if you can't even afford the mortgage by yourself? |
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10-28-2009, 10:31 PM
#5 | :inoutugh:
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assuming you arent going to share a room with your sister. and that if you take your sister in, she will get her own room. meaning only 1 empty room left.
why cant you share a room with your gf and let your sister rent out one. still leaves you with one.
but if you truly can not take in both of them, how long have you been with your gf and are you and your sister on good terms.
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10-28-2009, 10:48 PM
#6 | has a homepage?!
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who are you planning to spend the rest of your life with? your sister or girlfriend?
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10-29-2009, 12:10 AM
#7 | I don't get it
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Living with a gf for a year or more (?) constitutes a common law relationship and she may have some legal entitlement of your stuff should you guys break up and she fights for it.
Do correct me if I'm wrong.
The gf better get along with the sister if she plans on sticking around for long. You should never make enemies with your SO's family. Family appears to be a more sound deal financially but if you're at the stage to settle down, gf may be better.
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10-29-2009, 03:50 AM
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^ half a year and she must prove she contributes living in your place.
Buy a smaller place instead!
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10-29-2009, 04:49 AM
#9 | I keep RS good
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your sister will pay the mortgage even if she's pissed off at you.
your girlfriend on the other hand won't pay diddly squat the day you guys break up, and you must consider that possibility.
unless you guys are BUYING the place together and you guys are all the owners of the place, then whatever.
but if you are the sole owner, family first.
the only bitches you can trust in this world with this shit are, mother and sister(s) and other close family, and your gf aint your family yet.
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10-29-2009, 04:52 AM
#10 | I keep RS good
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Originally Posted by asian_XL ^ half a year and she must prove she contributes living in your place.
Buy a smaller place instead! | wrong, talked to a few cops i knew, lol, they said it's actually 1 year, and she actually has to be contributing, she can't just be a squatter (aka sleeping over 90% of the time), and she has to be staying there for X consecutive days too, which is hard to prove, and gives you a lot of time to break those days up. there actually has to be evidence on paper that she is a contributing person, otherwise it don't fucking count. at least that's what he said, don't quote me on that though ahaha.
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10-29-2009, 04:56 AM
#11 | I keep RS good
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omfg i just realised, you said three rooms!?
your gf aint gonna be sleeping in the same room as you? FUCK THAT SHIT. wtf? doesnt this defeat the purpose of living with your gf?
i don't think you wanna be living with two women in the house anyways, you know they're disgusting and they'll shed like the dogs they are, all over the washroom and clog the sink/bathtub, and they won't even have the common courtesy to pick that shit outta the drain and dispose of it. the washrooms will be littered with bottles of all sizes full of cosmetic things you've never even seen or heard about. they'll take over your space. i guarantee it lol.
you'll also go through toilet paper about 284x faster than you would be if there were two less women in the house.
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10-29-2009, 05:04 AM
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^ =/ that's what my lawyer told me when we bought the apartment in Richmond.
btw, it is equity shit. I am actually posting in my Property Law class right now. It's within the judge discretion to decide whether she contributes and entitles any remedy. Just don't fucking tell people your gf LIVES at your place. Don't even think about asking her to pay your mortgage, that's risky and silly.
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10-29-2009, 07:21 AM
#13 | VLS Barista Brat
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Why the fuck would a guy WANT to live with two girls?
Quem deus vult perdere dementat prius.
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10-29-2009, 09:20 AM
#14 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by Trinity Why the fuck would a guy WANT to live with two girls? | Sometimes, I wonder if you really are a girl...
__________________ Do Not Put Aftershave on Your Balls. -604CEFIRO Looks like I'm gonna have some hot sex again tonight...OOPS i got the 6 pack. that wont last me the night, I better go back and get the 24 pack! -Turbo E kinda off topic but obama is a dilf - miss_crayon Honest to fucking Christ the easiest way to get a married woman in the mood is clean the house and do the laundry.....I've been with the same girl almost 17 years, ask me how I know. - quasi |
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10-29-2009, 01:22 PM
#15 | VLS Barista Brat
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Originally Posted by Gumby Sometimes, I wonder if you really are a girl...  | There's a reason why I don't want to live with roommates. I'm not used to sharing a bathroom and I hate cleaning up other people's crap.
Quem deus vult perdere dementat prius.
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10-29-2009, 01:42 PM
#16 | Ubereem Mod
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I don't even get why you're considering your GF or SISTER?
That is completely the wrong idea when it comes to owning your home. If you can't carry the mortgage, YOU GET ROOMMATES.
SiS - it's FAMILY, you don't ask for rent, imho, usaully the case would be you asking her to contribute an amount, and it usually is smaller amount then out on the market.
GF - What most ppl said above holds true. Also like someone said, if she's paying you and lives with you over a year, is that common-law or rent? ARe you signing documents saying she's paying you rent? She can "argue" that she was helping you pay with the mortgage. What then? And don't get me wrong, but when you guys move in together, isn't that "MOVING IN TOGETHER?" and not paying rent.
As a landlord, yes you want someone you can live with but also someone that consider the "rent" first before say entertainment or things like that. Smaller things you aren't even beginning to cover, food cost? Utilities? Internet? TV?
I would suggest FRIENDS.
1. You're friends so things is more white and black when it comes to rent. You can state it way more clearly when they first move in, what is allowed and what isn't.
Thinking is completely off wacked imho.
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Originally Posted by Culture_Vulture sometimes I like to use kindergarten art class scissors to cut my pubes | |
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10-29-2009, 05:45 PM
#17 | I *Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap* to RS
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Originally Posted by jackmeister who are you planning to spend the rest of your life with? your sister or girlfriend? | x2 ..
Q: What do you like most in a woman?
A: My dick Quote:
Originally Posted by JL9000 this is the internet and everyone knows better about what happened sitting behind a desk than the people who are actually involved. | |
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10-29-2009, 05:53 PM
#18 | Official Texas Ambassador
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| The following is a reply from the Anonymous member
I think I am gonna give up the idea of the girls to live together. However, I am not going to give up roomates, I just like people around.
Its not that I can't afford my mortgage, its just easier when I get a new ride lol.
Obviously, my gf and I gonna be sleeping in same room, but she got so much stuff I dont want her taking up all my space.
My sister and I are in good terms, and my gf and I been together more than 3 yrs.
So best I can come up with, my gf and her sister both live with me. OR, my sister and one of my frds live with me. What you guys think?
Just curious bout 'Common Law', can't I get a lawyer to write up some stuff stating the property is solely entitle to me.
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10-29-2009, 11:49 PM
#19 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma i don't think you wanna be living with two women in the house anyways, you know they're disgusting and they'll shed like the dogs they are, all over the washroom and clog the sink/bathtub, and they won't even have the common courtesy to pick that shit outta the drain and dispose of it. the washrooms will be littered with bottles of all sizes full of cosmetic things you've never even seen or heard about. they'll take over your space. i guarantee it lol.
you'll also go through toilet paper about 284x faster than you would be if there were two less women in the house. | LMFAO, so fucking true. Quote:
Originally Posted by El Bastardo The following is a reply from the Anonymous member
I think I am gonna give up the idea of the girls to live together. However, I am not going to give up roomates, I just like people around.
Its not that I can't afford my mortgage, its just easier when I get a new ride lol.
Obviously, my gf and I gonna be sleeping in same room, but she got so much stuff I dont want her taking up all my space.
My sister and I are in good terms, and my gf and I been together more than 3 yrs.
So best I can come up with, my gf and her sister both live with me. OR, my sister and one of my frds live with me. What you guys think?
Just curious bout 'Common Law', can't I get a lawyer to write up some stuff stating the property is solely entitle to me. | Instead of a place with 3 rooms, what you should really be looking for is a place with 2 rooms and storage lockers in the parkade/basement or den/office. way cheaper that way, if the problem is her shit is taking too much space.
Common law in BC is 2 years of conjugal (sex) relationship under one roof (joint bc hydro/telus phone bill, joint bank account, etc.)
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10-30-2009, 07:34 AM
#20 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by TracerFX LMFAO, so fucking true.
Instead of a place with 3 rooms, what you should really be looking for is a place with 2 rooms and storage lockers in the parkade/basement or den/office. way cheaper that way, if the problem is her shit is taking too much space.
Common law in BC is 2 years of conjugal (sex) relationship under one roof (joint bc hydro/telus phone bill, joint bank account, etc.) | that's insane
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10-30-2009, 02:59 PM
#21 | Da Vinci's real masterpiece: The Mona Diesel
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Fuck both options. Just build highly sophisticated androids that look like your sister and your gf. Now you don't have the deal with clogged toliets and shit. Just the nuclear waste that is emitted from their nuclear reactor cores. DONE!
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11-01-2009, 07:32 AM
#22 | Captain Happy Bubble is my Homeboy
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i say sister 1st , shes still not a part of your family yet.
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