Originally Posted by Jingwu3 Back to the topic, what's wrong with having Asians in Vancouver, we bring in loads of money to boost up the economy and education. Who do you think are buying houses, cars, groceries, clothings and finishing college here? |
OK try not to read too much into this, I'm not trying to be racist, its just how I see it.
Asians are a threat cause they actually have money. They can immigrate here and lead a better life than many Canadians. We should view this as a good thing, cause living here means spending money here... yet we don't - why?
Jealousy is part of it. I always remind my friends who complain about hongers and their money to note how many Asians they see at bus stops. Its just a bigger divide between rich/poor in an emerging nation like China than we're used to in our bludgeoning middle-class socialist Canada.
Culture is part of it. I remember my first experience getting on a bus with Asians - they pushed to the front of the line, which here can be viewed as rude. One of my Asian friends explained its just a cultural difference, go to large Asian cities, if you don't push, you don't get on the bus. Now that I know, I don't consider it rude, yet do wish new immigrants would learn our values rather than I have to understand theirs - Canadians aren't pushy.
Neighbourhoods are part of it. When Europeans immigrated here they setup their own neighbourhoods. We still see neighbourhoods marked by their original settlers - ie "little Itay" that seems to be in every major city, and yes most cities have a "Chinatown" too. The difference is over decades "little Italy" now speaks English and most feel comfortable there while "Chinatown" still displays most signs in chinese and negotiates different prices whether you can speak mandarin/cantonese vs english.
As for your comment about college - how many stay after college? This has been discussed, that foreigners come here for a good education that even at international student rates is still subsidized. If they don't stay, Canadian tax-payers have subsidized education we'll never benefit from.