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threezero 11-09-2009 01:35 AM

First car suggestion
Ok this is not for me, my gf is going to be getting her license soon. so new driver, ZERO experiences. here's what she wants

- sporty coupe that looks nice

no other requirement :rolleyes:
she would prefer new cars but excellent condition used car is also ok, so far a 30g budget.

here's what I came up with
-civic coupe
-genesis 2.0
-used g35
-use 350z

now here the problem
- its going to be her only car, so must be able to DD in all condition
(to me this pretty much crossing out everything on the list above except civic)
- I rather she not get the civic because I want to have some fun with whatever car she gets

any suggestions?
she will get base for sure, the only option she wants is a backup camera. if the car doesn't come with it I will likely get her one install aftermarket to be on the safe side

godwin 11-09-2009 01:48 AM

First, get her address, put a MY next to your choices and walk into an Autoplan office and ask for an insurance quote for a car with 0% discount.. that would have a pretty big impact.. especially on cars like g35, 350Z.

RWD + snows will do fine. You have more control in snow in a RWD than a FWD anyways. It is not the 90s anymore where there is no traction control. If you are that worried, get her a car that has LSD.

threezero 11-09-2009 02:22 AM

so you think she will be find in a RWD in snow? I told her she might need to get a set of winter tires if she plan on getting any of these cars she don't like the idea. I have drove my parent's rwd car in the winter with all season before it was slippery and going anywhere with slope is a joke but otherwise I did ok but I don't have any experience with any of the cars I mentioned assuming LSD is included, all season ok?

I do realize the situation with new driver high insurance with the 350 and g, how is the genesis on insurance? right now she really like the genesis, especially after i told her it take 87 octane.

RWD have more control than a FWD in snow? really??? I've never driven FWD in snow, only RWD and AWD. the RWD i DD for a few weeks in winter has every fancy traction control gadgets and still slip and slides quite a bit. Wouldn't call it uncontrollable but I reckon it would be quite scary for a total noob. And I have always been told that FWD=AWD in snow?

Inaii 11-09-2009 02:30 AM

If she's never driven before, just get her the civic. At least if she busts it up, it'll be easy and cheap to find replacement parts.

simsimi1004 11-09-2009 02:38 AM


how abouts Lancer? is New Accord over 30k? not sure.
A Used TSX
or a IS

threezero 11-09-2009 02:52 AM

^ she wants a coupe lol, or else there would be so many choices.

I suggested a use sti she changed the topic after I show her the picture lol.

Mr.Jay 11-09-2009 03:19 AM

i read ur post and the 1st car that came to mind is the tibby

works out if you dont think she can handle rwd in the snow

godwin 11-09-2009 03:28 AM

There are 2 components to driving one is getting control and traction to go and the other is getting enough control and friction to stop.

RWD in the snow requires more concentration to steer the car when it is going, however because the driveline and weight is at the back, when you stop and need to maneuver, it is more neutral.

FWD, your weight is all on the front, getting going might require less hand eye coordination.. but when you need to stop (especially in a hurry).. you don't have leeyway to steer.

Most people don't have problem driving in the snow, it is the stopping part and sudden weight transfer that causes majority of the accidents.

As for you gf don't want to get snow tires, put it this way.. it is cheaper for a set of snow tire than the 30% surcharge she is going to get on her insurance.


Originally Posted by threezero (Post 6674754)
RWD have more control than a FWD in snow? really??? I've never driven FWD in snow, only RWD and AWD. the RWD i DD for a few weeks in winter has every fancy traction control gadgets and still slip and slides quite a bit. Wouldn't call it uncontrollable but I reckon it would be quite scary for a total noob. And I have always been told that FWD=AWD in snow?

taylor192 11-09-2009 07:41 AM

This was my and my brother's first car. It was a tank, and great to learn to drive on. It was so big that I had to learn to park properly. It had half the side dented in, so when people saw it they moved out of our way! :D

RE-Jo 11-09-2009 08:17 AM

I think Genesis 2.0T will be the best choice for her, because power wise it is not as high as G35 or 350z, so it should be easier to handle for a new driver.

Mugen EvOlutioN 11-09-2009 08:24 AM

a corolla is suitable for the woman

illicitstylz 11-09-2009 08:24 AM

Get something that'll be cheap to fix up since knowing accident rates and females..... Lol
Posted via RS Mobile

TheSalesman11 11-09-2009 08:27 AM

if she decides to go with a civic, PM me.
a few things a civic is good for a first car:
easy to drive, reliable, safety. But, after shes had a few years under her belt of driving, I would definately go with the g35 or something like that but for someone that is just starting to drive, a civic will do.

roastpuff 11-09-2009 08:35 AM

What about VW Golf/GTI? 3-door version... looks nice. FWD, has the DSG transmission. Altima coupe looks nice as well.

Also, 2-door will be more expensive for new drivers. Difference between 2-door and 4-door Civic Si came out to be a few hundred for me when I was getting quotes. Genesis coupe was also quite high insurance for me (5 years) - about 400 higher than a Civic Si 4-door, and 200(?) higher than 2-door.

too_slow 11-09-2009 09:17 AM

Audi TT

Other choices
-Altima Coupe (ugly as sin)
-Accord Coupe
-BMW 328i
-Audi A5

Qmx323 11-09-2009 09:35 AM

a mazda 3 sport
accord coupe
altima coupe

please for the love of god dont suggest her to get a RWD (even if there is traction control) right now, or ever until she has lots of driving experience. think of her and the other people on the road

124Y 11-09-2009 10:00 AM

A Mitsubishi Eclipse is FWD and a coupe. You can look into that.

Mike5.0 cammer 11-09-2009 10:04 AM

I used to have a 97 Firebird and had no problems in the snow with a good set of snow tires, and Ilived in Edmonton for 3 years that car was my DD. Tell your gf winter tires is a must and put your foot down.

taylor192 is also on to something with his sugestion an older car is cheaper to buy, insure and fix your gf will be happier with a newer car only untill she hits things as the scratches, scuffs, and dents pile up she wont be happy any more.

Backup cameras are nice but she also needs to use her head and sholder check I'v seen people rely on cameras too much and they wind up cliping things

TOS'd 11-09-2009 10:07 AM

Get her an X5, its proven to be a tank.

CRS 11-09-2009 10:11 AM


I'm wondering what the insurance for the genesis is as well. I hear it is 1900-2000 for someone who has 40% off.

shenmecar 11-09-2009 10:33 AM


its got 2 doors....though its a hatchback......which only means its easier to see when you back up!

cl9 11-09-2009 10:45 AM

GTI will be a good choice
or Subaru WRX for AWD

hk20000 11-09-2009 10:55 AM

RSX is cheap isn't it? like non Type S. Or its predecessor like DC integra hahaha.

TOS'd 11-09-2009 10:58 AM

yea just get her a rsx.

icemiko 11-09-2009 11:22 AM

Used RSX.

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