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Old 12-24-2009, 06:29 PM   #26
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LOL first the issue was that Manny was "superstitious" about giving blood and wasn't comfortable doing so before a fight. Now it's because they don't trust the agency

Why not just admit that he already knows he'll test positive

This guy just screwed a lot of people out of a lot of money, and millions of people get screwed out of watching one of the biggest events in recent history.

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Old 12-25-2009, 01:56 AM   #27
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if this fight dosent happen then itll be another knife in the back that is boxing. the sport is slowly killing itself with all this bullshit.
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Old 12-25-2009, 03:14 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
LOL first the issue was that Manny was "superstitious" about giving blood and wasn't comfortable doing so before a fight. Now it's because they don't trust the agency

Why not just admit that he already knows he'll test positive

This guy just screwed a lot of people out of a lot of money, and millions of people get screwed out of watching one of the biggest events in recent history.

Steroids FTL
First off, there is no basis on allegations by Mayweather Sr. ... his "GUT" feeling tells him that he's using cause no one is that good going up through weight classes ... oh wait ... Mayweather Jr. did the exact same thing, going from 10? to his current weight class ...

Second off, Pac said it himself that he didn't like the feeling of drawing blood too close to the fight date during his first fight against Morales ... Mayweather knows this, so he's insisting to use USADA who's methods are known to be very abrasive to athletes, drawing blood even as far as the day off the fight ... this was most likely Mayweather's 2nd plow (1st plow being the asking for a fight date so close to elections back home in Phil where Pac is trying to go for a senate seat, that's why they were fast to the table, cause they want to play all those mind games and shit)

Pac and Arum already said that they would agree to using the agency that the other Pro Sports use, MLB, NBA and whatnot ... USADA is more olympic testing, which to me is for amateur sports ... so why not agree to testing from an agency that is good enough for other PROs ... what makes them different? USADA's methods would want blood the day off or close to, which Mayweather knows Pac does not like and so Mayweather can go and say how he didn't duck this time cause Pac's camp would have been the one that said no ... but then at the same time, why not use the other agency which would do the same job ...

Pac has been tested many times before and all came up negative ... I don't see how he got "BUSTED" ... the person who is middle manning this with Arum and Mayweather was also the same guy who didn't even want Mosley (who was a juicer) to be tested this way in a previous fight where Golden Boy was involved ...

And there is Oscar ... still trying to assert his personal vendetta against Manny cause of the whole clusterfuck from before ... This guy really needs to get the hell out already cause its clear that he's out to get Pac no matter how obviously contradicting his statements are from day to day ... first it was "Manny is a great fighter", then after the fight with him "Oh Manny's punches didn't hurt me at all" (even though his face was swelled up like a balloon) ... and now "I got punched by some boxer's who were juicing before and I can definitely tell you that Manny's punches feel exactly the same" ... REALLY ...

I believe the Nevada State Athletic Commission is probably going to step in and can conduct the tests, both blood and urine and Pac will most likely agree to this ... the question is will Mayweather agree to it ... is it not fair enough? He's getting the testing done ... we forget that Pac is the champ here and Mayweather is the challenger ... how many more fights does Pac need to do to get the respect ...

Mayweather has more of a history of ducking fighters than Pac has with steriods ... I'd say the former statement is more in tune to where this is going than the later ...
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Old 12-25-2009, 04:08 AM   #29
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There is only one reason to turn down a blood test day of the fight: You know you will fail it.

Manny will fail his blood test, and Mayweather knows this. Chances are, if Mayweather was caught off guard, he would fail too. But all professional athletes know how to cycle their drug usage to get around drug tests (and this would be how Pac passed all his prior tests). Mayweather probably cycled his so he would pass and Manny would fail, screwing him over for the first planned date.

The fight will still take place, but Mayweather has already landed the first blow. He basically 'outed' his opponent as someone who would fail a strict drug test. If anything, the fight will be even bigger than before, and should easily be the highest selling PPV in the history of the world
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Old 12-25-2009, 06:21 AM   #30
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Manny said there's no problem with taking a blood test after the fight just not before the fight. They know Manny doesn't want to take blood samples close to his fight. It's all Mayweather camp playing mind games. He just want a way out to not fight Manny without the public knowing it. We all know Mayweather is scared to fight the best out there just like with Mosley.
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Old 12-25-2009, 06:55 AM   #31
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Considering that Mayweather will earn many many millions of dollars, and become one of the most famous athletes in the world, I don't see why he would not want this fight to take place.
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Old 12-25-2009, 10:37 AM   #32
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The fight will take place ... there is no doubt about it ... considering how the Lennox-Tyson fight was one of those "It will never happen" fights and it did (mind you a boring one) ... this can be done ...

I don't agree with you about the doping for both fighters but I agree that Mayweather did land the first punch with this, it was calculated and premeditated as the first talk of doping and Pac were thrown out a while ago by his dad ... Mayweather clearly had this intention from the start considering it was like a record how fast Mayweather agreed to the contract offer, which he is known to love to drag negotiations a while ...
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Old 12-25-2009, 04:13 PM   #33
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It's his record that's at stake. With Mosley he will earn many millions as well. So...

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Old 12-25-2009, 04:35 PM   #34
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i think Mayweather knows he's gonna lose that's why he's pulling all this shit to get out of it, i still want the fight to happen though
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Old 12-26-2009, 01:14 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by j3d View Post
It's his record that's at stake. With Mosley he will earn many millions as well. So...
Mosley needs to beat Berto first in January ... plus Mayweather has been ducking Mosley for almost a decade now ...

Out of all of them, I'd give the biggest props to the first one to challenge Paul Williams to a fight ... its clear that he's not unbeatable from watching the fight against Sergio Martinez last month
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Old 12-26-2009, 09:24 PM   #36
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Here's the latest

Dan Rafael of ESPN reported today that Golden Boy Promotions have come off its hardline stance regarding drug testing by Manny Pacquiao.

They are okay to have someone other than the U.S. Anti-Doping Association handle the testing, but are insistent that there would be regular and random blood and urine testing and it Pacquiao would get no advanced warning of when he would be tested.

The two sides are attempting to agree to a cut-off date for the final test. Pacquiao's side agreed to take tests on specific dates, the last being 30 days before the fight. Bob Arum said Pacquiao's side was willing negotiate on that 30 day stance but didn't want the USADA doing the testing because they were inflexible because they would not come on board unless they had the right to test at random, any time they chose.

But Arum today changed his stance again, saying they would not even agree to the previous terms unless Nevada asked for it. Nevada has generally only tested the day of the fight, although for big fights, such as the main matches on some UFC PPV events, they have done one unannounced urine test.

Nevada has never asked fighters to submit to blood tests, which in theory would be able to detect some drugs urine could not. He said they would do what the Nevada commission wants, but nothing more.

Keith Kizer of the Nevada commission noted Nevada has never tested blood and it would be unlikely that something would change before the fight where they would ask to do so. He said one side would have to ask the commission, they'd have to do a special meeting and that right now nobody has formally asked and no meeting is scheduled.

Golden Boy did agree to Pacquiao's unprecendented demand that if Mayweather fails to make 147 pounds, he would be fined $10 millon. Arum's side can't be thrilled because they put out Paulie Malignaggi as a sub for Pacquiao to fight on 3/13 if this fight falls apart, and then the first thing Malignaggi did, was say that he thougth Pacquiao was using performance enhancing drugs.
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Old 12-26-2009, 11:22 PM   #37
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LOL ... Paulie was the only other guy who was backing up Mayweather Sr. allegations of doping ... but I heard that Paulie is starting to have a different stance now that his name is being mentioned and I heard he is pretty Pro-Pac right now cause if a fight does happen with him, he's gonna get a gigantic pay day ... I heard HBO is probably going to veto the Pac-Paulie fight cause Paulie is not a big enough draw ... but let's hope that all this BS is done with and the mega fight is still on ...
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Old 12-27-2009, 12:10 AM   #38
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Like I said, I am 100% positive the fight will take place. This is just building hype, and fucking over an opponent. When people like me are interested in a boxing match, they are doing something right, that's for sure!
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Old 12-27-2009, 07:14 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
Like I said, I am 100% positive the fight will take place. This is just building hype, and fucking over an opponent. When people like me are interested in a boxing match, they are doing something right, that's for sure!

Taken from MMA Thread
Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
Nothing would ever make me want to watch boxing again. Every time I hear of a "big" fight, I check it out and it is the most fucking boring shit I could possibly imagine. Even with awesome hype, the shows never deliver.

Now you are interested in watching it ?
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Old 12-27-2009, 07:22 PM   #40
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Yeah! You can thank Mayweather for that!

Don't get me wrong, the fight itself will still be boring as fuck. But I am still going to watch it.
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Old 12-27-2009, 07:52 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
Yeah! You can thank Mayweather for that!

Don't get me wrong, the fight itself will still be boring as fuck. But I am still going to watch it.
What did Mayweather actually do that made you interested in it? I could have missed it but has it been confirmed that it was HIM and his camp that requested this bloodtest or is it all speculation at this point?

And of course.. I love how you make a comment that NOTHING (This will include Mayweather) will make you watch boxing AGAIN but now there is LOL

I just find that hilariousssss!!

Edit: Anywaysssssssssss is Thursday still the Deadline for this Bloodtest crap? lol

Last edited by 411ken; 12-27-2009 at 08:00 PM.
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Old 01-01-2010, 01:58 AM   #42
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Pacquiao sues Mayweather for defamation

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (AFP) – Manny Pacquiao is fighting mad, and taking on Floyd Mayweather jnr in court even as a potential blockbuster bout between the two is on the ropes.

Filipino hero Pacquiao filed a lawsuit in federal court in Las Vegas on Wednesday alleging that Mayweather and others defamed him by falsely saying Pacquiao used performance-enhancing drugs.

"Calling a professional athlete a cheater is the most serious charge one can make," the lawsuit says, "and in today's world, accusing an athlete of using performance-enhancing drugs - however baseless and lacking in evidence - is toxic."

Pacquiao has been angered by the Mayweather camp's insistence on doping control blood tests in the buildup to their welterweight showdown - a demand that has the March 13 fight in doubt.

Mayweather has said the blood tests, which could detect substances not found by urine tests, are vital to ensure a fair fight, although blood tests are not routinely used in boxing.

Pacquiao - who says he fears having blood drawn less than 30 days before the fight would 'weaken' him - has taken exception to the demand and to comments made by the Mayweather camp in media interviews.

His lawsuit asks for damages in excess of 75,000 dollars and names Mayweather, his father, Floyd snr, and uncle Roger Mayweather as defendants. Oscar De La Hoya and Richard Schaefer, who operate Golden Boy Promotions and are promoting Mayweather, are also named as having "stated publicly that Pacquiao has used and is using performance-enhancing drugs, including steroids."

The lawsuit cites several interviews given by the Mayweather camp, including the unbeaten US boxer's comments in a radio interview in October about Pacquiao's physical development, when he said: "cause we know the Philippines got the best enhancing drugs."

Also quoted in the suit were Mayweather's remarks published in the british newspaper The Guardian, in which Mayweather said he had "great doubt as to the level of fairness I would be facing in the ring that night."

"The truth did not stop Mayweather and the others," the suit alleges. "That is because they are motivated by ill will, spite, malice, revenge and envy."

Pacquiao, who has supplanted Mayweather in the estimation of many as boxing's best pound-for-pound fighter, has earned titles in seven weight classes.

Their fight could bring each as much as 40 million dollars, and it had appeared to be virtually set after squabbles were settled over issues including the division of the purse and the type of gloves to be used.

The dope test procedures, however, have proved a sticking point.

The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday that Pacquiao promoter Bob Arum is preparing to open negotiations with World Boxing Association super welterweight champion Yuri Foreman as talks with Mayweather falter.

Arum, contacted by the newspaper while on vacation in Mexico, sounded pessimistic that Pacquaio-Mayweather would happen on March 13.

"This is only my opinion, but I don't see the fight happening now," he told the Times. "Positions are hardening ... Manny's fit to be tied. He's very angry."

Arum acknowledged there could still be a breakthrough, but said: "It might be best to visit this fight later in 2010."
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Old 01-01-2010, 05:20 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by 411ken View Post
What did Mayweather actually do that made you interested in it? I could have missed it but has it been confirmed that it was HIM and his camp that requested this bloodtest or is it all speculation at this point?

And of course.. I love how you make a comment that NOTHING (This will include Mayweather) will make you watch boxing AGAIN but now there is LOL

I just find that hilariousssss!!

Edit: Anywaysssssssssss is Thursday still the Deadline for this Bloodtest crap? lol
First, it's not so much what Mayweather did, but what everyone is doing. From the promoters, to Mayweather, to Pacquiao. And it's fun because it's drama. Boxing without drama is just boxing, and boxing sucks.

That lawsuit is fucking hilarious too.. Filing a lawsuit because they asked him to take a blood test? The more these guys do, the more they make it look like they have something to hide.

This is so funny, I actually don't give a shit about the match itself. And I think it's only going to get crazier by the day

I'm glad you found my post amusing. Apparently this is the first time you've come across a hyperbolic statement made on the internet. Congratulations for that!
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Old 01-01-2010, 03:56 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
First, it's not so much what Mayweather did, but what everyone is doing. From the promoters, to Mayweather, to Pacquiao. And it's fun because it's drama. Boxing without drama is just boxing, and boxing sucks.

That lawsuit is fucking hilarious too.. Filing a lawsuit because they asked him to take a blood test? The more these guys do, the more they make it look like they have something to hide.

This is so funny, I actually don't give a shit about the match itself. And I think it's only going to get crazier by the day

I'm glad you found my post amusing. Apparently this is the first time you've come across a hyperbolic statement made on the internet. Congratulations for that!
LOL.. shit you are one funny kid.
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Old 01-09-2010, 09:39 PM   #45
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The latest is that in negotiating with Mayweather's people about the drug testing, Pac's people asked if it would be possible to keep the test results private in the case of failure, "for the good of boxing."
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Old 01-10-2010, 12:53 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
The latest is that in negotiating with Mayweather's people about the drug testing, Pac's people asked if it would be possible to keep the test results private in the case of failure, "for the good of boxing."
LOL, I heard that as well, even though the person saying they heard this from a reliable source is a pretty neutral guy, begs to wonder who this source is (I'm sure you can consider everyone on the Mayweather camp as trustworthy as the national enquirer is to news) ... so its either all BS or someone in Pac's camp is a total retard ...

I think 14 days and right after the fight is a good enough deal but for some reason we'll be seeing Clottey instead (who I thought won the fight when he fought Cotto) ... so its an interesting fight but not a mega fight ...

I just want to see who Mayweather handpicks to win against this time ...

I guess this thread will be revisited for September when the actual fight might happen ...
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Old 01-10-2010, 08:26 PM   #47
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Omg Finally "Money" CockyBoy Gayfeather will get floored and never get up and then March 14th my Legal in the states 21st will feel that much better! Would maybe have the slightest respect if A) He Stfu more then 5 mins. a day B) Not Throw Money all over the floor everywhere he goes while over a Billion people live below the Poverty line. 3) Be an exciting fighter and not a defensive (will give him that he mastered it) pussy style point accumulating game plan.
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fight's dead for now. pacquiao's promoters booked a fight on march 13 against Joshua Clottey.
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:21 AM   #49
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Fuck Mayweather. He just doesn't want a real challenge that could jeopardize his undefeated record... he's afraid to fight mosley and now he's accusing pacman of cheating by doing this shit....
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:35 AM   #50
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He's not accusing anyone of anything. He just wants drug testing. By not agreeing to it, Pacman is basically admitting that he is a cheater. Don't blame Mayweather for that!
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