If you think a bit deeper about it, it is THEY who have made them self a prisoner of their own system.
Those who are not in the force have more freedom to do what ever their morals/ethics permit.
Unfortunately, corrupt cops deeply stain the good image that RCMP use to have, especially in Richmond, where it seems like there are only 1 good cop in every 10. (NOT an exaggeration) Some of these officers aren't that professional and let their personal life / emotions cloud their judgment, usually the rookies or young ones, when I was young I use to a lot of BS tickets from female officers / rookies and my FOB friends get a lot of racist hassle lol.
FACT: You'll get more hassle and undeserving / illegitimate tickets in the city or Richmond compared to Vancouver / VPD / New West Transit PD etc.
City of Richmond have more traffic violation cases then any other city or whole GV combined.
A simple case I had for example: "Slow driving" Ticket @ 430am in the morning on no.3 Rd, where there are two lanes, and I was on the RIGHT lane, and there are NO traffic except for the cop and I.
Obviously, I had to take that to court, shit like that i don't even need evidence to fight off, but they think its cool just to write a ticket just to turn your smile in to a frown waste your time and give you hassle.
LOL I'd post pic up of my ticket, but i think i said enough.
I've only met a couple good ones in Richmond.
Good cops are dime a dozen outside of Richmond