So I have decided to get a cat and I have a few questions.
1. I work full time so with travel time I won't be home from 8am to 5:30pm so will it be ok to leave the cat alone for this long?
2. Is it easy to teach cats to do stuff? Like not to chew on cables, use the litter box etc etc......
3. What type of cat I should look for as a first time pet owner? I more of a playful cat, short fur and easy to take care of.
4. Do I have to bring the cat the vet regularly and do checks up? What about haircuts and do I have to bring it to a vet to have the nail clip? What shots should I get the cat to take?
5. Should I get insurance for the cat? What type/kind of insurance should I get?
6. I am looking to spend around $500 to $800 for a cat is that enough? What's a good place to buy a cat?
Thank you all