With all the rain here its a little slow so I decided to test some products today, mainly the Blackfire LSPs. As we didn't have any cars in the shop, my trusty Passat was getting another day at the spa. After a quick wash, I decided to use the hood for the test panel. Although the paint on the car is in very good condition, I decided to polish it first. Nothin' but time so why not.
Start with one clean Passat.
Our blank canvas for today.
This is all the Power Finish I use for each 3'x3' area. Vw paint is fairly hard so I decided to use with a LC Flat Orange pad to start.
Finished first section. Polish is pretty much clear at this point.
Power Finish produces very little dust.
Some action shots! LOL
After polishing finished.
Followed the PF up with Scholl S30. My paint is more dark grey than light so I went with the Scholl as it leaves a deeper, wetter finish than Menz. I started with a black LC CCS pad but switched to a firmer green LC fLat pad as Scholl recommends. The firmer pads give the Scholl finishing polishes more gloss.
Squirrel! Looked up and saw the sun breaking through the clouds so HAD to take a pic of that.
After Scholl S30
Clark at Polished Bliss uses this a lot so I thought I'd give it a try. It has the ability to hide minor swirls whilst adding wetness which is what we were hoping for.
Can't really tell in the pics, but it did add some wetness, even after the Scholls!
Wet Diamond AFPP
Applying the first of two coats done back to back.
Midnight Sun Wax
Deep Gloss Spray Sealant. This contains the same polymers as the AFPP and MS so I thought I'd use it for my final wipe down.
After shot. I thought it took away from the deep, wet look of the MS so.......
I applied yet another coat of MS. Using the DGS after AFPP would look awesome. I just wanted to maintain the deeper finish for today.
Couple of afters
A few beading pics. This pic wouldn't be so impressive if it wasn't for the fact my hood is nearly flat!
Have to say that this combo is soooooo easy to apply and remove, especially after prepping the paint properly. The sealant on the hood was dry by the time I finished applying it. I keep my shop at 62F so it wasn't because of the temp in the shop. To celebrate todays success, I'll have the Wet Diamond AFPP and Midnight Sun Combo on sale until Sunday. The two are regularly priced at $109CDN and I'll take 25% off so the pair will be $81.75CDN.