i was looking for this solution too, but ended up spending 6 months looking for and finally finding and buying a used oem bumper of the same colour as my car. Cost me a couple hundred for a stock oem red integra bumper that some guy was willing to sell to me and it was a better solution than buying a replica/used one and paying to prime/paint it. Better because cheaper and guaranteed colour matching.
With that said, if you're determined to take it to a shop, from the research i did, seems like AK Autoworks has the highest quality, but probably also the highest price. Should be around 100-200 to get it ready for paint and another 500+ for paint. This is my guess only.
for cheaper solutions, i found no.1 collision, grandcity and bizmark. These are body shops and i dunno their pricing, but i imagine it would be a bit cheaper than AK?
for cheaper solutions, there's maeko or putting yourself on the waiting list for BCIT. You provide the paint and they paint it for free. It takes months though and might result in shitty paint job. Might as well use those few months of waiting to find a oem colour bumper off revscene or craigslist.