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Old 01-29-2010, 02:33 PM   #1
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Fitness Face-Off: Cardio vs. Strength Training

Passat or Prius?

Trader Joe's or Whole Foods? And when it comes to getting the body you want: strength training or cardio? Back when you carpooled in Ma's minivan, men went to the weight room and women hit Jazzercise. But recently, taking a cue from athletes, many fitness gurus insist that strength training is where it's at. Some even suggest ditching cardio altogether.

To resolve the strength vs. cardio conundrum, we culled research and chatted up experts to find out how each would fare in a head-to-head matchup (don't worry, nobody's going to bite anyone's ear off). Whether you want to get buff, torch calories, or run your fastest mile ever, we've decoded which discipline you should devote your sweat to. Now, let's get ready to rumble...

To KO fat — and keep it off...

Cardio's edge
Calorie for calorie, cardio has a slight advantage. You'll burn 8 to 10 calories a minute hoisting weights, compared with 10 to 12 calories a minute running or cycling, says Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., director of research at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Strength's edge
Lifting weights gives you a metabolic spike for an hour after a workout because your body is trying hard to help your muscles recover. That means you'll fry an additional 25 percent of the calories you just scorched during your strength session, Westcott says. "So if you burned 200 calories lifting weights, it's really closer to 250 overall." And if you lift heavier weights or rest no more than 30 seconds between sets, you can annihilate even more.

And there's more good news when it comes to iron's fat-socking power. "For every 3 pounds of muscle you build, you'll burn an extra 120 calories a day — just vegging — because muscle takes more energy to sustain," Westcott says. Over the course of a year, that's about 10 pounds of fat — without even changing your diet. Yes, please.

Winner: Strength

To squash stress...

Cardio's edge The head-clearing effects of, say, swimming or playing tennis show up faster than it takes to get a brow wax. Just 15 minutes of aerobic activity two to three times a week can reduce anxiety significantly, according to a 2005 study in the European Journal of Sports Science. Go at it 3 to 5 days a week and you can cut fatigue by nearly 50 percent. "Cardio elevates serotonin levels in the brain, a key neurotransmitter involved in improving symptoms of depression," says Madhukar Trivedi, M.D., director of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Mood Disorders Research Program and Clinic.

Strength's edge A big question mark. Scientists note promising results on the mood-altering effects of pumping iron. But more research is needed to nail the intensity and duration necessary to match cardio's benefits. So, for now

Winner: Cardio

To love standing naked in front of the mirror...

Cardio's edge Sports psychologists have been studying the effect of aerobic activity on self-confidence for decades. And they keep coming to the same conclusion: Runners, cyclists, swimmers, and other athletes have high confidence levels because of the sense of accomplishment they feel each time they cross the finish line — even when they bring up the rear.

Strength's edge Think you look hot immediately after a workout? It's not your imagination. Blood has rushed to your muscles, making them swell and appear more toned. Beyond vanity, you feel confident because you just pressed some major poundage. In 2006, researchers at McMaster University in Ontario tested subjects' body image — how they felt about others checking them out, and how satisfied they were with their own appearance before and after 12 weeks of strength training. The women made significant improvements, and they were particularly influenced by the physical results of increasing the amount lifted. So try this: Keep a log of how many sets and reps you complete and how much weight you're hoisting for each move. Every 4 weeks, go back and review your first workout. Feel the rush of pride, then strut your stuff.

Winner: Strength

5 ways to build your sexiest and fittest body ever.

To stay off the sideline

Cardio's edge [ radio silence ] The repetitive nature of cardio puts serious pressure on your joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons — and the cartilage in between. If you've got a weak link, you're screaming to be benched. That is, unless you hit the weight room.

Strength's edge In a 2006 study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers found that a balance-training program — think single-leg squats and anything on a wobble board — reduced the risk of ankle sprains in athletes. "Functional strength training teaches your brain to allow muscle contractions that are quick enough to prevent or minimize injuries," says lead study author Tim McGuine, Ph.D., senior athletic trainer and research coordinator at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Your best bet: Choose moves that work your core, improve your balance, and force you to bend at multiple joints — so lunges, rows, squats, and presses are all fair game.

Winner: Strength

Not sure which is best for you? Click here to see our Best Workout For Your Body Type.

To add years to your life

Cardio's edge There are more health perks in cardio's corner than Kabbalah bracelets in Hollywood. "Nothing compares with cardio for optimizing longevity," says Mike Meyers, Ph.D., an American College of Sports Medicine — certified trainer and director of the Human Performance Research Laboratory at West Texas A&M University. "It reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, and even certain types of cancer." The ticker-strengthening benefits are especially sweet: A stronger heart pumps more blood with each beat, circulating oxygen more efficiently throughout your body; aerobic activity prevents inflammation around your thumper; and lacing up your sneaks can increase the "good" cholesterol in your blood by up to 8 percent in just 8 weeks, according to a 2007 study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

Strength's edge A 2006 study by the National Institutes of Health found that lifting weights just twice a week can prevent you from gaining intra-abdominal fat — the kind that wraps around organs and constricts blood vessels.

Winner: Cardio

To reach the finish line faster
Cardio's edge If you want to smoke your frenemy at your next 5-K, put in the miles. "The best way to train for an endurance event is by practicing it," Meyers says. "Swimmers, for example, need to learn how to breathe properly, and cyclists need to hone cadence."

Strength's edge For a speed boost, strength training is essential — especially for your core and legs. "Plyometrics will improve your stride power, or the force you pedal with," says Diane Vives, C.S.C.S., owner of Vives Training Systems in Austin, Texas. For explosive power, she recommends the standing triple jump: Swing your arms back, then forward as you leap, landing on your right foot. Quickly hop forward onto your left foot, then hop back and land on both feet. Continue for 4 to 6 reps. Do 3 sets, resting 60 to 90 seconds in between.

Winner: Draw
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Old 01-29-2010, 02:49 PM   #2
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Nice get out of my way, im running here!
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Old 01-29-2010, 03:09 PM   #3
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Good read. Before I finished reading it, I knew it would be a draw. In the last two months I have had a good balance of both, and have noticed some great benefits from cardio and strength training.

Now to include more core exercises in my regiment.
"A chicken crossing the street is poultry in motion"
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Old 01-29-2010, 03:23 PM   #4
RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by MR_BIGGS View Post
Good read. Before I finished reading it, I knew it would be a draw. In the last two months I have had a good balance of both, and have noticed some great benefits from cardio and strength training.

Now to include more core exercises in my regiment.
i kinda took away strength training was overall better

but maybe im biased cuz my "cardio" is just warming up for weights
Originally Posted by RRxtar View Post
Ugliness and fatness are genetic disorders, much like baldness or necrophilia, and it's only your fault if you don't hate yourself enough to do something about it.
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Old 01-29-2010, 05:36 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by MR_BIGGS View Post
Now to include more core exercises in my regiment.
cardio and core will do more for your general well being than all the squats, bench presses and deadlifts that you could ever hope to do yet most guys stick primarily with weights cuz of the "look at me" factor.
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ya i brush regularly with calgate or crust
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Old 01-29-2010, 08:02 PM   #6
what manner of phaggotry is this
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a guy i know insists that doing cardio is a waste because he 'will shrink and get skinny' so he only wants to stick to weight lifting for his muscles. until i told him his heart was a muscle and asked how he planned to work that one.

if you work out at a high enough intensity, your workouts CAN be aerobic as well as anaerobic because your heart is going.

and deadlifts and squats work your core ALOT. nothing hits my lower back like deadlifts, and last time i checked, your lower back was a large part of your core. not to mention 2 of the most complete body movement are deadlifts and squats (as well as clean+press, etc). nothing teaches your body how to work as one unit, like doing an exersice that uses your body as one unit.
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Old 01-29-2010, 08:26 PM   #7
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That's true with cardio; if you just do crazy cardio and don't lift you'll become skinny with no tone. It happen to me when I was trying to shed weight and my god I looked awful. Now that my weight is where I want it to be, I do 30 mins weights and 30 mins of running every day. I think it's a good balance but I prefer to be lean compared to what most guys want which is big and bulky.
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Old 01-29-2010, 08:34 PM   #8
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I wouldn't call it a draw, simply for the fact that if you do weights without cardio, you can still get in very good shape, but cardio without weights is pretty useless.
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Old 01-30-2010, 01:31 AM   #9 has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by RRxtar View Post
a guy i know insists that doing cardio is a waste because he 'will shrink and get skinny' so he only wants to stick to weight lifting for his muscles. until i told him his heart was a muscle and asked how he planned to work that one.

if you work out at a high enough intensity, your workouts CAN be aerobic as well as anaerobic because your heart is going.

and deadlifts and squats work your core ALOT. nothing hits my lower back like deadlifts, and last time i checked, your lower back was a large part of your core. not to mention 2 of the most complete body movement are deadlifts and squats (as well as clean+press, etc). nothing teaches your body how to work as one unit, like doing an exersice that uses your body as one unit.
QFT. oly lifts work your CNS like crazy. for squats, there's a reason they call it the king of exercises. deadlifts being 2nd. squats makes you stronger everywhere(ATG), even upper body.

do both. go run and lift.
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