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hchang 02-07-2010 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by TRD Rs200 (Post 6806776)
shes cute. period

Agreed! :haha::haha:

FI-Z33 02-07-2010 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by CRS (Post 6806780)
Dude, crayon is actually a guy...

Just like much of RS, he just posts pics of this one girl on his avatar.


CRS 02-07-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly (Post 6807073)
lol...thats not what facebook RS says..haha:haha:

If you don't believe me, you can ask any of the other mods.

In fact, if LB is reading this, he can confirm it for you.

TOS'd 02-07-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by CRS (Post 6807358)
If you don't believe me, you can ask any of the other mods.

In fact, if LB is reading this, he can confirm it for you.

Dont say anymore please. I don't want to be disappointed like I was when I found out tiger_handheld was a dood. :cry:

MG1 02-07-2010 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by dizzystar (Post 6806861)
Fuck this thread, I would rather boil my own dick off then read this on my phone!
Posted via RS Mobile

So you would boil your own dick "off" THEN read this on your phone? Wow....... you da man!

Wait........... I see it. You meant "than", as in "rather than".


MG1 02-07-2010 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by TRD Rs200 (Post 6806776)
shes cute. period

Don't know, man........ shiny large forhead like that is only good for a "could of had a V8" moment.

MG1 02-07-2010 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by CRS (Post 6806881)
Rather spoil it now than have an asian_xl thai surprise on your hand.

Oh wait, I forgot that you're into that!


Buddy, I'm into a lot of things, but Thai surprise is not one of them. You must have me confused with Lomac.

Wait, he's into short people. nvm

TheKingdom2000 02-07-2010 06:31 PM


GabAlmighty 02-07-2010 07:59 PM

Hmm, wanna fly on a plane that's overweight?

bengy 02-07-2010 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by GabAlmighty (Post 6807556)
Hmm, wanna fly on a plane that's overweight?

LOL, an extra 20 pound laptop bag won't be bringing a plane down anytime soon.

hotjoint 02-08-2010 08:17 AM

shitty dude, I just came back from a flight on friday. I had my laptop bag with me and didnt get hassled at all

J____ 02-08-2010 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by SuperSlowSS (Post 6806719)
you said laptop backpack... and you can fit a sweater in the bag. That sounds a little big. I think their definition of laptop bag is a bag that can only fit laptop + a few small laptop accessories. (from that website: laptop computers and accessories in bags that contain no other items)

I mean just look at the picture they have... that looks more like a sleeve than a bag. And the equivalent items are: camera bag or small purses. Lets see you fit a sweater into those items.

my bag is no larger. and it stores easily under the seat. I had noting else in there besides the sweater which i could of easily taken out. It's light that i coulda put it in my jacket pocket even, its not a heavy sweater. The guy was being a prick. There were tons of ppl walking around with larger backpacks + roller inside. Women even had laptop bag + roller + large purse. I flew from sf to san diego no problem and from san diego back to van no problem. I even asked the guys in the states and they said it's fine as long as it fits under the seat. Even it doesnt fit, they check it planeside when you board and you pick it up planeside when you land. I
've flown enough in the past 2 years that i know what is allowed and what is not than that temporarily trained prick for the olympics. The fuker is more related to a terrorist than me. And no you cant just go to another person. There is 1entrance before the customs officers.


Originally Posted by CRS (Post 6806780)
Dude, crayon is actually a guy...

Just like much of RS, he just posts pics of this one girl on his avatar.

crayon is actually a girl. but she doesnt look like that lol


Originally Posted by dizzystar (Post 6806861)
Fuck this thread, I would rather boil my own dick off then read this on my phone!
Posted via RS Mobile

apparently you just read this thread, does that mean your dick is boiled off?

SuperSlowSS 02-08-2010 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by J____ (Post 6807760)
my bag is no larger. and it stores easily under the seat. I had noting else in there besides the sweater which i could of easily taken out. It's light that i coulda put it in my jacket pocket even, its not a heavy sweater. The guy was being a prick. There were tons of ppl walking around with larger backpacks + roller inside. Women even had laptop bag + roller + large purse. I flew from sf to san diego no problem and from san diego back to van no problem. I even asked the guys in the states and they said it's fine as long as it fits under the seat. Even it doesnt fit, they check it planeside when you board and you pick it up planeside when you land. I
've flown enough in the past 2 years that i know what is allowed and what is not than that temporarily trained prick for the olympics. The fuker is more related to a terrorist than me. And no you cant just go to another person. There is 1entrance before the customs officers.

I think in this case.. a picture of your backpack is worth a thousand words. :)
Well you can't ask the guys in the states, they do not follow the rules set by CATSA.

One of my friend flew from china to seattle before Jan 19... he was allowed to carry two carry-ons. Some countries just don't give a damn. :)

GabAlmighty 02-08-2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by bengy (Post 6807619)
LOL, an extra 20 pound laptop bag won't be bringing a plane down anytime soon.

I was assuming everyone thught they were above the rules (like the op) and brought overweight baggage on the airplane which then exceeded the weight/balance of the plane causing a sick stall right after getting out of ground effect.

LethalLaw 02-09-2010 06:20 PM

CP.AR 02-09-2010 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly (Post 6806106)
that pic looks familiar...crayon??:confused:

Sara Lau, she was in Miss Chinese Vancouver

felixy69 02-10-2010 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by J____ (Post 6805510)
So i went on a flight down to san diego today and for luggage had my normal 20 inch roller bag and laptop backpack as a personal item. It was all nice and peachy until i met this prick at the gate before the security screening. He refused to let me take the roller and laptop backpack on and stated you're only allowed 1 carry on and 1 personal item (which was the laptop bag). I said that's what it was and he said no, the laptop is considered as an item itself and they changed the rules last month. I'm thinking wtf are you on about, they change that back and i flew in and out of the US last week with the same items. Once he heard that he then quickly said oh they changed it again yesterday. What a joke. So after 20 mins of argueing with this retard I went and stood in a 20 min lineup at checkin again to check my laptop bag and carried my laptop naked, as my roller was full of camera gear, as a 2nd item and was charged $30 from United. This is also fuked up because my colleague checked 2 bags with United on the flight after me for free whereas i was charged for the 2nd. When i flew back to Canada from the US last month with United, I was even charged $20 for the first bag and when I said that it says 2 bags are free for international flights, I was told the free 2 bags was only for international flights over a large body of water and not between Canada/US. Wtf is with this random inconsistent policy these days with airlines especially in the last year? Anyway, I went back into the line with that prick and after another 20 min wait in line, he let the lady infront of me had the 2 rollers through with a smile! Her 'laptop' back was twice the size of my backpack. I was furious and obviously questioned his dumb ass and his reply was "oh she only had a laptop in her laptop bag whereas you had clothes in yours". I only had a sweater i took off that i put in there which I coulda put back on or put in the roller. He then had nothing to say and turns and walks away. What a fuking douche, I told him he was an asshole and proceeded along to the loooong US customs line and luckily got a nice officer that understood what he was doing otherwise I woulda missed my flight to that bs. So if you plan on traveling this month, make sure you go extra early to deal with BS and lineups and also give yourself time to demand to talk to a manager on a powertripping loser. I hope that guy gets hit by a car when he went home, fucking douche.

i just scanned through this whole thing .... and all i have to say is that, "TAKE A BUS NEXT TIME U TRAVEL"

for the security part:
they make the ONE BAG rule for a reason !....and that "IT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY! ....DO U WANNA GET BLOWN UP IN THE PLANE ?"

felixy69 02-10-2010 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by J____ (Post 6807760)
my bag is no larger. and it stores easily under the seat. I had noting else in there besides the sweater which i could of easily taken out. It's light that i coulda put it in my jacket pocket even, its not a heavy sweater. The guy was being a prick. There were tons of ppl walking around with larger backpacks + roller inside. Women even had laptop bag + roller + large purse. I flew from sf to san diego no problem and from san diego back to van no problem. I even asked the guys in the states and they said it's fine as long as it fits under the seat. Even it doesnt fit, they check it planeside when you board and you pick it up planeside when you land. I
've flown enough in the past 2 years that i know what is allowed and what is not than that temporarily trained prick for the olympics. The fuker is more related to a terrorist than me. And no you cant just go to another person. There is 1entrance before the customs officers.

if i remember correctly, you carry on bag for traveling to the USA cannot be larger then 25/30/14, and that's the size of a small purse.

and for the "u've flown enough in the past 2 years" part....well guess rules changes every now and then, the best way is to look on CATSA's web page before flying

and for "i went from SF to san diago" part
traveling within USA, you must comply with TSA rules in the USA, and for traveling to and from CANADA, you must go with CATSA / Transport Canada rules, comparing between the rules of TSA and CATSA...Yes there are MANY DIFFERENCES with is allow and what is not and it's procedures.

and also for the "picking it up plane side" part....every airport's lay out is different and with YVR-trans boarder terminal, it is not normaly possible for you to check ur bag at plane side, it's just how it is with YVR, and US Immigration.

i hope that answers all ur questions and concerns. :)

felixy69 02-10-2010 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by J____ (Post 6806315)

i followed the rules exactly, 1 laptop bag 1 carryon.

Yes u did follow it correctly BUT a laptop bag can only consist of LAPTOP and it's Accessories, and a jacket inside this laptop bag, it is technically not allow !

it is the screening officers' job to tell u, that this is not allow.....what else did he do wrong ?

bengy 02-10-2010 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by felixy69 (Post 6810392)
Yes u did follow it correctly BUT a laptop bag can only consist of LAPTOP and it's Accessories, and a jacket inside this laptop bag, it is technically not allow !

it is the screening officers' job to tell u, that this is not allow.....what else did he do wrong ?

You failing hard dude. Just stop.

I travel regularly and I have a roller bag for my laptop. I've never once gotten any complaints about it. I've also seen people come on board with a backpack and the big carry-on bags.

J____ 02-10-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by felixy69 (Post 6810392)
Yes u did follow it correctly BUT a laptop bag can only consist of LAPTOP and it's Accessories, and a jacket inside this laptop bag, it is technically not allow !

it is the screening officers' job to tell u, that this is not allow.....what else did he do wrong ?

i could of taken it out and put it in my roller or even worn it. Point is he was being a prick. He tells me my roller counts as 1, the laptop itself counts as 1, and the laptop bag counts as 1 item. Then after i checked it, the lady infront of me had a 2nd 'laptop bag' that was much larger than my backpack and he didnt ask anything and looked at both and smiled and sent her through. Wasn't until he saw me right after her that his face turned sour because he knew i was goin to ask him about that.

As for the 2 year part, ive flown over 150k miles over the last 2 years and i make sure i am always up to date on the new rules and regulations, that is not the issue here. I know what the rules are, he doesnt. He started off saying only 1 carryon rule in effect since dec.25. After i said they changed the rule back last month, he then threw out, oh they changed it again a day ago. BS they did. The guy was just being an ass and not enforcing any rule. He was probably temporarily trained and hired just for the olympics and enjoying his 'new' authority.

I'm not going to take a bus to san diego...

anyway, my point for the thread is for ppl whos traveling now to plan more time before their flight, because shit's so random and basically the time you need is determined by how big of a dick the person your dealing with had up their ass the previous night.

SuperSlowSS 02-10-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by bengy (Post 6810443)
I travel regularly and I have a roller bag for my laptop. I've never once gotten any complaints about it. I've also seen people come on board with a backpack and the big carry-on bags.

thats a pretty weak argument. I mean do you tell the cop that catches you 5kph over the limit that you saw 50 other people speeding 30kph over the limit? You could... but it won't help you much.

basically J didn't read the rules carefully and was unlucky by getting that hardass. I feel bad for him... but at the same time if he follow the rules(very stupid rules indeed) exactly.. none of this would happened.

J____ 02-10-2010 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by SuperSlowSS (Post 6810637)
basically J didn't read the rules carefully and was unlucky by getting that hardass. I feel bad for him... but at the same time if he follow the rules(very stupid rules indeed) exactly.. none of this would happened.

lol i have nothing to say to this thread aside from read my RS tag under my username.

SuperSlowSS 02-10-2010 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by J____ (Post 6810649)
lol i have nothing to say to this thread aside from read my RS tag under my username.

haha, look I am sure you could have gotten on the plane fine if you didn't meet that dumbass. ...and apparently he only liked ladies. :D

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