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El Bastardo 02-16-2010 09:12 AM

The Revscene History Project
Revscene has a rich history and unless you've been a member from the beginning, its difficult to really grasp it all.

Thats why we're asking for your help.

I'd like us to create a compendium of RS history so that nobody has to miss out on things like "The 14 Dolla Balla", "Christmas Hot Pot, or "wonder/wAnder"

What we're asking from you is this:

Think of your favorite Revscene moment, search for it via the 'Search Tools' menu (Advance Search) may be needed and link me the thread via PM.
Don't forget to tell me why this is your favorite moment so we can give you credit when the volume is completed.

This is the discussion thread so please ask your questions but keep it clean.

buddy 02-16-2010 09:53 AM


it's epic and hilarious

twitchyzero 02-16-2010 01:44 PM

i recall there were several attempts of this in thee past
one was started by diggy (he belongs in there himself)
another one was called rs celebrity thread w/e
i think there was another too.

we should just merge all of them and sticky it.

Jsunu 02-16-2010 01:52 PM

Whats the story of that ugly chick posing with cars? with an intergra or something.

CorneringArtist 02-16-2010 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jsunu (Post 6819535)
Whats the story of that ugly chick posing with cars? with an intergra or something.

Integra Girl. I hear it started out on some bodybuilding forum and spread over the Internet like wildfire. Dunno what happened when RS got it, so my knowledge of the whole thing goes as far as that.

Soundy 02-16-2010 03:21 PM

How about this legendary stuff?

Culture_Vulture 02-16-2010 03:46 PM

who was that pro china guy?

Qmx323 02-16-2010 04:27 PM

lol wtf? Tic Tac's posts are so fucking high

does he type in a foreign language and just use google translate?

was freddy the street racer ever on RS?

!Aznboi128 02-16-2010 04:36 PM

What about type-r nammer's epic repost.
Posted via RS Mobile

Soundy 02-16-2010 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Qmx323 (Post 6819830)
lol wtf? Tic Tac's posts are so fucking high

does he type in a foreign language and just use google translate?

I think he writes in English, then translates to German, then to French, then to Chinese, then back to English, and just pastes that in... might be even more steps than that, who knows?

Edit: I got this by translating the above sentence to Italian and then straight back to English:

Task that writes in English, therefore translate German, therefore to the French, therefore to the Chinese, therefore of new all' English and hardly to the hill that in… could be still more points that one, that it knows?
Then I took that and translated to German and back to English:

Point if you, which writes in English, therefore translate German, therefore to the Frenchmen, therefore to the Chinese, therefore new all' a work too; English and hardly to the hill,… to still be could more points, which one knows, it in?
This is fun! :D

cstishenko 02-16-2010 07:59 PM

fukamoto -> Fukatree. Summer revscene meet. I might even have pics still.

TOPEC 02-17-2010 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by cstishenko (Post 6820228)
fukamoto -> Fukatree. Summer revscene meet. I might even have pics still.

theres a video of "fukatree" floating around on RS somewhere, i found it about a year ago, and it still worked.

here i found the video
but its more like fukaPOLE

other nominations are jeffield, hypes' "what a great xmas dinner" thread, asian_XL and his chicks with dicks, and a few more i cant remember.

TOS'd 02-17-2010 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by asian_XL (Post 5575598)
RevScene is a lovely place. It has been so entertaining since
what? 2000? This thread is dedicated to those who brought us
laughter in the past, and THIS will be our history channel.

List out what you remember in the past...can be a statement, or
observation, or fact*. I'll list out a few and let you guys fill out
the rest. Island side can contribute too.

1. Lomac and his midget porn. 1990TSI claims that the only way to piss off Lomac is to photoshop midgets to look like real people
2. Hyde's X'mas Thread and revealing of Hyde Parts 1,2,3
3. J____ wanders (not wonders)
4. RSers only like Hockey, 14dollaballa, Twanger JB, and White JB
5. Joe_45 and his repetitive relationship threads.
6. RS Ninja Crew
7. RS Beat Down Crew that never has an official meeting
8. Go to jail for BoA thread
9. Hyde dad's CGT and Hyde's friend's Evo X
10. Turbo e = Professor Hentai
11. Constant domestic vs. Import thread wars
12. It's Rediculous, not ridiculous
13. xxsweetcandiixx's e-golddigging threads
14. asian_xl and his thai surprise threads
15. rickster (aka boostaholic) - his blown 300zx
16. rickster and his topless mom with a Porsche Boxter.
17. Boostaholic wanted to hire bouncers for his house parties
18. cbcgurl82 + all her hello kitty and her webcam pictures in VLS
19. 604cefiro = Hard Gay 2007 Halloween
20. Two largest JB threads were deleted by Lomac
21. Si_Ed, Grumpy Girl and the hilarious comic about her and Type Rs.
22. Royal Order of Garbage Posters (ROOGP)
23. RSers generally hate "POWERED-BY PARENTS"
24. Kumbo hates ugly mini-vans and he's Timpo's antagonist.
25. Timpo is an human automative image library, and he hates domestic interior.
26. Fukamoto is a manwhore, his fukatree is on the corner of Hastings and Renfrew.
27. Ulic is the only RS relationship counsellor. The Taiwanese version of The Brain (pinky and the brain).
28. Super-hero heat / thread died within few months
29. Will's (604cefiro) balls in after-shave
30. bcrduke vs. 00000000 vs. boobless chick at work ownage
31. Grandmaster_TSE and his anime monster porn
32. "I am out of word" = speechless
33. It's retarted, not retarded
34. Johnny_tran (aka pre-ludcris) and his ugly twanger chick in his photo.
35. Richmond is full of c-lais and drivers who don't know how to drive. Especially no.3 road. RS hates driving in Richmond.
36. Surrey is full of EI and vietnamese, neither of them are good drivers
37. RSers scare of earthquake and snow.
38. RSers hate Civic and FWD posers
39. RS lowballers "$400 firm"...."o-kay, I gift yu 300 door-lar, cash tonight at E-vancouver Chevron"
40. Tic Tac's inane, non-sense, and ridiculous replies
41. Simpson's Favourite Quote Thread (and family guy too)
42. RSers don't know much about investment (stocks, funds etc)
43. River Rock, local high schools, and night market are three of the popular places RSer usually hang out.
44. NWS threads always get the highest views and replies.
45. Jace almost getting arrested at BOOM 2001
46. When the name Si Ed is mentioned, the word gay comes to mind
47. Jomo - shirtless Surrey cruise, "This is how we roll."
48. dangonay and his angry customers rants
49. Chopstick and his (o^______^o) replies
50. when beebeeahn's name is mentioned, two round asian boobs come to mind.
51. Hongers are defined as long dyed hair, slippers, nice cars, no taste, diu nei low mo, high maintenance, #9 restaurant. Vietnamese are defined as drugs, guns, straight cut hair, du ma mei, don't know how to dance, pho, hot milf.
52. kspec - his JDM pose and his LOL lawn
53. kspec = korean...cspec = chinese. They are not brothers.
54. RevScene stickers are rare collectors' items
55. The N word is prohibited, but hongers, nammers, and other racist terms are allowed.
56. 1
57. Fukamoto's puking adventure with the hobo
58. RS meeting - best two parts: free hot dogs and beer chucking
59. Baoxu's radical posts and defence of China
60. Civicblue will challenge almost everyone and never get warning points
61. Los Bastardo used to be a porn shop keeper
62. Timpo - "I don't get it"
63. Mananetwork - creator of the first ever 14$ and JB t-shirts
64. RbSX complaining the charity wouldn't take his crappy old desk off his lawn
65. 7seven: babysits hot actresses and models
66. You always get owned or humiliated if you forgot to log off.
67. The VLS Angels and Mangels
68. Never Ending Thread
69. Annual summer gatherings + pre-meet = street race
70. Hosexy hates replica parts and his fobbish engrish
71. SG! is the asian Fat Joe
72. Jason00S2000's widebody Supra that never runs, and he's not Asian.
73. Cman333 - an audio freak and porn password master
74. SpuGen is actually a VX forum spy.
75. 911 conspiracy threads never go well.
76. 2 ice cream trucks in Vancouver with RS decals on them
77. The green SAAB convertible "Danny" in Richmond with his loud music
78. "how to make fat car with cheap pasts?"
79. penner2k and the The Revscene boyz CD - feat. Translink
80. Supra123 took and posted shit load of JB pictures, and believed having a "copyright" watermark on the picture = legally bound.
81. Graeme S: the White Mao.
82. Mr. T and Hulk Hogan...not sure where the two went, but definitely part of the RS history
83. RS used to have VLS off topic.
84. RS is a traffic, roadblack, accident, and weather report
85. RS server was SLOW back in 2003 and 04
86. RS forum became Hello Kitty Land on April 1st, 200X (thx to fuzebox)
87. Jason00S2000 got offended by a little asian kid calling him Gwai-low at WhiteSpot restaurant.
88. bcrduke has kinky weird taste in woman
89. "What's your RS name?" "hypa..." "wtf, you are brown!"
90. VLS Angels
91. Edison Chan has made to the top 3 most replies thread in RS history
92. pek yau Van and chan ho nam = gangsters in mini van
93. "Timpo is a bodykit" by 1990TSI
94. boostaholic tasted his own jizz
95. Celica Girl and her naked pic
96. Beebeeahn, RS attention whore
97. "I <3 points but" threads

* cannot be a false statement, cannot be something that is not
important (my car got stolen, (username) is a postwhore). Mods
must modify the list if it is not appropriated or relevant.

!Tigger 02-17-2010 01:05 AM

14 dollar balla/i did laughing
Legandary christmas Hotpot
604Cefiro? after shave on balls
Asian XL trolling everyone with shemales
Hyde and his Dad's car collection
[AOW]Diggy Thread Spam
When !Jace stepped back from RS for school.
J__ WAnder
RS meet burnout guy

link to the BCRdukes japanese girl tastes


OH i forgot the whole kspec/impactX call out.

SpuGen 02-17-2010 01:45 AM

Points use to give you street cred.

bcrdukes 02-17-2010 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Crossbone (Post 6820712)

LOL! That shit is old skool, but for sure, there is a lot more! :D

fliptuner 02-17-2010 11:32 PM

Petrokov's Tercel

Kate's big secret

-she deleted the original thread


spoon.ek9 02-18-2010 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by buddy (Post 6819280)

it's epic and hilarious

you have to start at the beginning with AsNoobAsItGets:

1st time webraging

then there's his other failthreads in between:

oh and 1 thing i forgot...

don't push my buttons or you'll get sh*t stormed on!

!Tigger 02-18-2010 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by bcrdukes (Post 6821164)
LOL! That shit is old skool, but for sure, there is a lot more! :D

too many to remember them all.

eclipseman 02-18-2010 09:33 AM vs. is where it all started. Back in 2001.

I think webster was running RS at the time?


smk 02-20-2010 03:44 AM


underscore 02-20-2010 08:41 AM

that thread about the guy who killed a mosquito in his room and was wondering where the body went. I've searched and searched but cannot find it, I'm pretty sure mosquito was misspelled :(

hal0g0dv2 02-26-2010 01:58 PM

who was that guy that was challenging everyone in fight club and wrecking everyone on it
maybe like year and half ago
i think the dude was a racist

TrojanHorse 03-29-2010 07:11 PM

My revscene moment was buying a 15" PPI subwoofer in a huge ported box for $75 and trading it up for subs that were worth over $300.

I was a member since the beginning.

HongKongG 04-12-2010 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by smk (Post 6824749)

I have some people on here i want to bash on top of theyre forehead with scolding frying pan, fucking hell.

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