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Old 02-17-2010, 12:30 PM   #1
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Serbia still wants Kosovo

Kosovo slams Serbia on independence anniversary

By Ismet Hajdari (AFP) – 4 hours ago

PRISTINA — Kosovo on Wednesday lashed out at Serbia as its only foreign policy problem on the second anniversary of the tiny Balkan territory's contested declaration of independence.

"During the two years of our functioning as an independent country we have succeeded in proving to the world that the independence of Kosovo has brought a lot of peace and stability to the region," President Fatmir Sejdiu told a special session of the Kosovo parliament to mark the anniversary.

"Our only problem in the field of foreign relations remains Serbia, which continues its aggressive policy towards Kosovo."

Serbia considers Kosovo a breakaway province and has asked the International Court of Justice to rule on the territory's status.

Belgrade relinquished effective control of Kosovo in 1999 after Serb troops were ousted by a NATO-led bombing campaign. After nine years under UN administration, Kosovo declared independence in February 2008.

Sixty five countries, including the United States and all but five European Union members, have recognized Kosovo.

The United States remains a steadfast supporter of Kosovo's independence and on Wednesday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton congratulated Pristina.

"The United States remains a steadfast partner of the people and government of Kosovo, committed to strengthening Kosovo?s institutions and further developing a fully functioning, democratic, and multi-ethnic state able to achieve its Euro-Atlantic aspirations," she said in a statement.

The split in the European Union over Kosovo was highlighted again when Ulrike Lunacek, the European parliament's rapporteur on Kosovo, called on the five EU nations yet to recognise it to do so, with Spain snubbing her call.

Spain, the holder of the EU's rotating presidency, said: "It is not a question of European recognition in general terms, these are decisions for member states to take individually."

Spain is backed in its stance by Cyprus, Greece, Romania and Slovakia, either in solidarity with Serbia or over concerns that it could create a precedent for their own separatist areas.

Kosovo's independence has never been accepted by Serbia which runs a parallel administration in areas with Serb majorities.

Sejdiu said Serbia was pumping "hundreds of millions of euros" into the parallel structures which "bloc Serb citizens from integrating into the institutional and social life of Kosovo."

In Belgrade, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said Serbia will insist on fresh talks on the status of Kosovo after an ICJ ruling

Once the judges have issued their advisory opinion, Serbia "will do everything for the renewal of status dialogue, in order to find a solution acceptable for all sides," Jeremic told the Danas daily.

Kosovo is meanwhile trying to boost its international recognition.

Officials admit that new recognitions have been scarce this year -- only 11 compared to 54 in the first year of independence -- as many states await the the ICJ ruling, which is due in coming months.

"We are expecting new recognitions especially after the ICJ renders its opinion," Sejdiu said.

Both sides seem convinced that the court will rule in their favour.

While Kosovo politicians have stressed the success of the breakaway, people in the streets have raised concerns about the slow pace of development.

Official data show that Kosovo is among the poorest countries in Europe with more then 40 percent unemployment and 45 percent of the two million population living in poverty. Fifteen percent are classified as living in extreme poverty.

Awwwwwww not this shit again! SMH
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Old 02-17-2010, 12:59 PM   #2
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Not this shit again? It never ended. Kosovo is another proxy war.

see if you can notice the pattern.

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Old 02-17-2010, 08:23 PM   #3
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some facts

The reason - the Serbs consider Kosovo their "heartland" because of some great battle that fought there something like 700 years ago... which they lost by the way. Though only 10% of the population in Kosovo are ethnic Serbs, they still feel it's rightfully theirs.

The question - why would Kosovo not want nor have the right to separate after Serbia tried killing every non Serb in there in the conflict that took place in the late 90's, they want something they kill on a mass scale for it.

The justification - Serbia is getting what they deserve, everything they tried to take by force in the Yugoslav conflict they are losing or have lost, Serb forces killed an estimated 200, 000 in Bosnia alone, and from that number 80% to 90% were CIVILIANS !!

so I'd say Kosovo has a damn good reason for wanting to separate, the other countries on the list opposed to the separation like Spain, and Cypress side with Serbia because they have their own separatist states they're scared of.
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Old 02-17-2010, 08:28 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Adon View Post
so I'd say Kosovo has a damn good reason for wanting to separate, the other countries on the list opposed to the separation like Spain, and Cypress side with Serbia because they have their own separatist states they're scared of.
China is one for the obvious reason of Taiwan, and so is Russia, unfortunately both have veto powers in the UN
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^ Yes it's sad when you stare at the shape of my penis through my overly skin tight jeans and not help but feel like a shameful little boy compared to me.
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Old 02-17-2010, 08:33 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Adon View Post
some facts

The reason - the Serbs consider Kosovo their "heartland" because of some great battle that fought there something like 700 years ago... which they lost by the way. Though only 10% of the population in Kosovo are ethnic Serbs, they still feel it's rightfully theirs.

The question - why would Kosovo not want nor have the right to separate after Serbia tried killing every non Serb in there in the conflict that took place in the late 90's, they want something they kill on a mass scale for it.

The justification - Serbia is getting what they deserve, everything they tried to take by force in the Yugoslav conflict they are losing or have lost, Serb forces killed an estimated 200, 000 in Bosnia alone, and from that number 80% to 90% were CIVILIANS !!

so I'd say Kosovo has a damn good reason for wanting to separate, the other countries on the list opposed to the separation like Spain, and Cypress side with Serbia because they have their own separatist states they're scared of.
You're a fucking idiot. Please don't take this as fact as at is actually half truths and hides what has been happening there.

The only thing I find odd is how USA supports kosovo but israel doesn't.
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Old 02-17-2010, 08:48 PM   #6
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America has no separatist areas, but Israel doesn't want to support precedent where the Palestine can complain about a double standard.
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Old 02-17-2010, 10:11 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Adon View Post
some facts

The reason - the Serbs consider Kosovo their "heartland" because of some great battle that fought there something like 700 years ago... which they lost by the way. Though only 10% of the population in Kosovo are ethnic Serbs, they still feel it's rightfully theirs.

The question - why would Kosovo not want nor have the right to separate after Serbia tried killing every non Serb in there in the conflict that took place in the late 90's, they want something they kill on a mass scale for it.

The justification - Serbia is getting what they deserve, everything they tried to take by force in the Yugoslav conflict they are losing or have lost, Serb forces killed an estimated 200, 000 in Bosnia alone, and from that number 80% to 90% were CIVILIANS !!

so I'd say Kosovo has a damn good reason for wanting to separate, the other countries on the list opposed to the separation like Spain, and Cypress side with Serbia because they have their own separatist states they're scared of.
This is what happens when you watch Fox News.
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Old 02-17-2010, 11:58 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by dspot View Post
This is what happens when you watch Fox News.
you sound like one of those skeptics that think the Holocaust was a hoax.
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Old 02-18-2010, 12:14 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
you sound like one of those skeptics that think the Holocaust was a hoax.

I guess the kla doesn't exist and didn't totally terrorise ethnic serbs.
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:23 AM   #10
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the Kosovars were oppressed by the Serbs.. the problems were boiling up decades before the KLA appeared. The KLA developed in reaction to their oppression and their targets were the police; their main targets were the police but obviously the public would be caught up in it... that's been a fact that has been kept throughout all articles/govts...

Are you against the IRA?? their targets weren't the people either
but civilians got caught up in it as well

Hezbollah would be another example; they rose up to fight against israel who invaded them and the majority of the world does not consider them terrorists and of those that do [(usa, canada, australia (only partially), uk(only partially)] and certainly not initially

(heck past posts suggest u support israel and they started out by really acting like terrorists from targeting the British/UN and then every non-jew.. except they weren't oppressed people)

All revolution starts up by resistance groups... or aka terrorist groups.. the USA & the British... Mao and the KMT; the French and the Monarchy... etc etc
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:28 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by MajinHurricane View Post
You're a fucking idiot. Please don't take this as fact as at is actually half truths and hides what has been happening there.

The only thing I find odd is how USA supports kosovo but israel doesn't.
-Nah, it's pretty much fact.
-The Serb government tried to pretty much fuck everyone over in the 1990's.
-They succeeded with taking 49% of Bosnia.
-Karma's a bitch now that they lost Kosovo.
-In their defense, the Serbs were fucked over long ago, their bullshit is justifiable.
-They're all fucking idiots, nations don't exist. They're just a bunch of invisible lines ...drawn, made up borders that seperate and create hostility between peoples. It's just a delusion anyway, no land belongs to any certain peoples.
-There is no fucking Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia, Britain or China or India.
-People are a fucking plague, full of shit and incredibly retarded.
-If you believe in politics and it's bullshit, you should die in a fire, immediately.
-Everyone deserves to live where ever they wish, including, but not limited to, Palestinians, Israelis, Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, Indians, Pakistanis, Russians, Chechnians, Chinese, Tibetans, and ETC because nations are just names of fucking regions, nothing more... everyone is the same people, fighting one another over stupid irrelevant shit .
-I fucking hate all of you because I'm an alien from outer space and you're all the fucking same to me.
-If my hate for you people could take a physical shape or form, It'd be that of a giant, monstrous fucking cock that would ravage all of your shit encrusted assholes.

Good day.

The only ocean creature you can call yourself is the giant squid. He's the destroyer of ships, and the eater of seamen. At least you share one of those traits.

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Old 02-18-2010, 08:57 AM   #12
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Al Jazeera interviewing Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremić

Jeremić: "You can't go out and declare independence as a province of any country in the world! If you allow that to stand, tomorrow lot of countries in the world maybe be in trouble."
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Old 02-18-2010, 12:04 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by The7even View Post
-Nah, it's pretty much fact.
-The Serb government tried to pretty much fuck everyone over in the 1990's.
-They succeeded with taking 49% of Bosnia.
-Karma's a bitch now that they lost Kosovo.
-In their defense, the Serbs were fucked over long ago, their bullshit is justifiable.
-They're all fucking idiots, nations don't exist. They're just a bunch of invisible lines ...drawn, made up borders that seperate and create hostility between peoples. It's just a delusion anyway, no land belongs to any certain peoples.
-There is no fucking Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia, Britain or China or India.
-People are a fucking plague, full of shit and incredibly retarded.
-If you believe in politics and it's bullshit, you should die in a fire, immediately.
-Everyone deserves to live where ever they wish, including, but not limited to, Palestinians, Israelis, Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, Indians, Pakistanis, Russians, Chechnians, Chinese, Tibetans, and ETC because nations are just names of fucking regions, nothing more... everyone is the same people, fighting one another over stupid irrelevant shit .
-I fucking hate all of you because I'm an alien from outer space and you're all the fucking same to me.
-If my hate for you people could take a physical shape or form, It'd be that of a giant, monstrous fucking cock that would ravage all of your shit encrusted assholes.

Good day.
uh ok
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:10 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by MajinHurricane View Post

I guess the kla doesn't exist and didn't totally terrorise ethnic serbs.

The KLA did terrorize ethnic serbs, which was obviously no better than what the serb army was doing to everyone else.
However, the KLA was a response.
Case in point ...

Active 1996[1] - 1999[2] (formed in 1990[3] but relatively passive until 1996) .

That was taken from your link.

The only ocean creature you can call yourself is the giant squid. He's the destroyer of ships, and the eater of seamen. At least you share one of those traits.

mixed girls that look predominatly asian with subtle caucasian features=what i'd give my left nut for

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Old 02-18-2010, 01:42 PM   #15
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Majin and Dspot...... you fcktards just self owned yourselves......I'm from there you fckin tards, born in Bosnia seen and survived the war first hand.... like Pac, I got war stories for ya both... Who else would be qualified enough to speak on the subject if not me.... You two ignoramuses? Yall can copy and paste aaaaall the news links in the world in here, nothing beats first hand eyewitness knowledge!

but in this forum world I guess you guys are the experts right, I bow out gracefully to your genius
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:55 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by The7even View Post
-They're all fucking idiots, nations don't exist. They're just a bunch of invisible lines ...drawn, made up borders that seperate and create hostility between peoples. It's just a delusion anyway, no land belongs to any certain peoples.
-People are a fucking plague, full of shit and incredibly retarded.
-If you believe in politics and it's bullshit, you should die in a fire, immediately.
-Everyone deserves to live where ever they wish, including, but not limited to, Palestinians, Israelis, Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, Indians, Pakistanis, Russians, Chechnians, Chinese, Tibetans, and ETC because nations are just names of fucking regions, nothing more... everyone is the same people, fighting one another over stupid irrelevant shit .
-I fucking hate all of you because I'm an alien from outer space and you're all the fucking same to me.
-If my hate for you people could take a physical shape or form, It'd be that of a giant, monstrous fucking cock that would ravage all of your shit encrusted assholes.
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:45 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Adon View Post
Majin and Dspot...... you fcktards just self owned yourselves......I'm from there you fckin tards, born in Bosnia seen and survived the war first hand.... like Pac, I got war stories for ya both... Who else would be qualified enough to speak on the subject if not me.... You two ignoramuses? Yall can copy and paste aaaaall the news links in the world in here, nothing beats first hand eyewitness knowledge!

but in this forum world I guess you guys are the experts right, I bow out gracefully to your genius
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Yeah and when were you last in kosovo? You do realize That I HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN TO KOSOVO in 2003. I also have a friend that served for the USA during that conflict, and has told me the attrocities that the soldiers allowed the kla to do, and how they stood by as the KLA terrorized monastaries. Both sides are bad but albanians have just as much to blame as serbs do!

Why would so many SERB monastaries be in area that is now dominetly albanian? Answer that one.

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Old 02-18-2010, 04:52 PM   #18
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wiping out ppls families and raping ppls mothers/daughters, torturing, setting a flame to ppl etc

forcing a dad to rape his daughter to save her life and then shooting her head off while he's doing it

is cause enough for that dad/ppl to want to do worse to serbs if they get a chance (and yet still most Albanians preached to forget and move on)

majin your harping on the aftermath of the acts by the kla when revenge was getting in and it was nowhere near anything on the scale of what the Albanians suffered

church demolishing... really? -_-

i know you have some allegiance towards orthodox Christianity but wow...

Last edited by StylinRed; 02-18-2010 at 05:08 PM.
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Old 02-18-2010, 05:28 PM   #19
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^ lol, pwned, I dont even need to post a reply Stylin just did it for me... lol, what is this guy a Chinese Serb, it's cracking me up.. or is he just oblivious to facts

Majin, dude gtfo seriously bro no way you're being serious, you're just trying not to look stupid by now..... I was BORN in the Balkans, my extended family is all over the place there, I lived there the first 11 years of my life before being refugeed out. Not to mention I travel back every summer for a few months and drive all over from Croatia all the way through down to Greece.....

But you've been there once in 2003........... do us rational people a favor and exit the thread please... and unfail me you basterd I dont know where you get off fail buttoning me when it comes to this

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Old 02-18-2010, 06:23 PM   #20
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There are no winners in war. The only time that anyone gains anything is when the fighting starts.

Those who say that more fighting will bring less fighting seem not to notice that fighting for peace is still fighting.
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Old 02-19-2010, 06:18 PM   #21
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I personally couldn't care less who "gets" Kosovo, but that place should be sealed up and cut off from the rest of the world.
You would be amazed how primitive people are outside of the main city.
For example, the largest source of income for the country is drug trafficking to Europe. People there consider it normal to murder judges/police who rule against you/arrest you for crimes you have clearly commited. In fact, it is considered a "duty" to maintain family "honour."
They also consider having dozens of kids to be the norm, and just pop them out to smuggle drugs.
During the time they were part of Yugoslavia pre-90s, they roughly had the same status as Quebec does in Canada now. However, they didn't want to work and had the lowest GDP out of any of the republics despite getting the most subsidies to build infrastructure and industry.
Montenegro is about as bad, but a tiny bit more civilized. Their most famous son, Milosevic, would feel at home living in Kosovo and being part of that same primitive lifestyle.
In the end they will just end up bringing their own demise, so that should solve most of the problem they have. Despite being from the area, I hope the stupid, uneducated, and primitive population of the area eventually end up killing each other and leaving only people who are rational and can live in peace without arguing about each 1 cubic inch of land there.
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Old 02-19-2010, 06:52 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Graeme S View Post
There are no winners in war. The only time that anyone gains anything is when the fighting starts.

Those who say that more fighting will bring less fighting seem not to notice that fighting for peace is still fighting.
You're right. We should have just let Hitler take Europe and Japan take Eastern Asia.
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Old 02-20-2010, 11:36 AM   #23
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Had there been no world war 1, germany would not have been bankrupted and put in such a sad state that created the perfect environment for the creation of Hitler's regime.

That aside, however, tell me who it is in this case who is the Hitlerian bad guy. I look forward to the answers from both sides.
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Old 02-20-2010, 02:43 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Eastwood View Post
You're right. We should have just let Hitler take Europe and Japan take Eastern Asia.
We also should have just let white people take North America for that matter.
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