I threw this write-up on a few detailing sites I visit, figured I'd post it up here, too.
Well, this is my new DD, and since can't drive a dirty, swirly car, I had some work ahead of me. I've been working on this for a little over a week, though, I haven't been putting in full days every day. My products as follows:
-Diluted APC(biodegradable, so no residues left in the carpet/leather. I don't like the woolite method, since woolite is a detergent, and needs to be thoroughly rinsed.)
-various brushes
-Lexol conditioner
-Meg's GC
-Meg's mild clay
-Eco APC
-Optimum Compound
-Meg's #83
-XMT #1
-XMT carnuba glaze
-Meg's #16 carnuba
-Various WG and LC orange and white pads(4", 5.25", and 6")
-Ultimate detailing machine
-Stoners IG and Tire
I started with the lights, about a week ago. They were pretty bad. They still need to be wetsanded, but they're much better.
The interior was pretty straight forward. Clean, rinse, and dress. Still need to do the carpets, but all things in time.
This colour doesn't really show defect very well, and my photograph skills are...well, realistically, I have no photography skills, but you get the idea. The sides were peppered with tiny bits of asphalt that had probably been there for half a decade, they were a huuuge pain in the ass. I resorted to WD40, which actually worked pretty well(and is safe on paint, I was surprised to learn, after some research). I just had to APC it afterwards. The paint was medium-hard, but I was a bit worried about the clear-coat, so I opted for about 90% correct, which I achieved. Lots of rds, but I managed to get most of them. This is a DD, so I'm not chasing show-car status for the sake of my clearcoat.
4 wheel-wells later, my bucket wanted to commit suicide.
This is the asphalt. Such a pain in the ass.
Sometimes, I get lonely while polishing..
Shitty day out, so no pics in the sun, sorry. Anywho, that's it for now. Thanks for reading, if you made it this far.