I'm planning to play rollerhockey again outdoors this summer.
And I'm looking for an ABS replacement blade, but it seems next to impossible to
find one that's right handed.
Preferably, I'm looking for a KOHO 2100
So I'm not talking about those black pure plastic ABS blades that don't come
pre-curved and are heavy.
I'm also wondering where do you Right-handers get your blades?
Because I've been noticing that Lefties seem to get all the selections
while right hand blades are very limited.
And in some cases, for the blade I'm looking for above, I tried shopping online
for it, and you can't even select "RIGHT"(handed) for it. Only LEFT is
available. Are these companies even manufacturing right handed blades?
If anyone finds any ABS type of blades being sold local or online, where it's acutally
in stock and
RIGHT handed. Please let me know, PM, or post a link.
Cause I'm actually getting quite desperate now since I've been looking since last August.
I'm thinking maybe I should just get a wooden blade, but those crack and flake really easily
on cement... and composite is just stupid for cement... But what would you guys recommend?
Thanks in advance.