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twitchyzero 03-15-2010 02:24 PM

accident involving translink bus
i just got into my first accident, unfortunately it was with a bus. It was pulling out and i was turning right into an alley. the impact was less than 10km/h. The quarter panel of the car is dented real bad but the door, wheel and everything else seems to be okay. the bus was basically untouched (only my paint scrapes on his left side of front left bumper). exchanged info, transit supervisor came on site and both parties got witnesses.

Would the fault be 75/25%?
i wondering if anyone has ever dealt with translink through icbc. I'm really concerned because the car is my parent's (rarely drive it) and i'm wondering if they'll just stereotype me (young guy,class 5 for 1.5 year).

Update: so after 4 weeks they finally determined liability.
bus driver was 100% at fault. thank goodness for the two witnesses or it would've likely been a 50/50.
damage was only $2000..a lot less than i expected.

bcedhk 03-15-2010 02:27 PM

i think it will be 100% your fault. and your parents will proibably pay a premium too

kayceeee 03-15-2010 02:30 PM

Were u turning right from the left lane??

Transit might pull some shit out saying u gotta yield to busses or whatever
Posted via RS Mobile

Volvoman 03-15-2010 02:32 PM

yeah a bus always has the right of pwnd. but then again, asshole bus drivers never look, just signal and go.

The same thing almost happend to me. Bus stopped near the intersection I wanted to turn right at. However, he pulled to the side, i passed him, signaled right, he didn't signal left, pulled out anyways, i had to swerve left to avoid hitting him. laid on the horn and ended up going straigt. Before all this, I shoulder checked left to make sure i could swerve left in case the bus did such a thing. This is the sort of thing you end up doing with more experience as a driver

murd0c 03-15-2010 02:33 PM

100% your fault since the bus always has the right away
Posted via RS Mobile

Jackwimmer 03-15-2010 02:33 PM

man ive seen bus drivers who dont care and just start turning left even when theres cars BESIDE THEM *shakes head*

twitchyzero 03-15-2010 02:35 PM

i was turning from the right lane and the bus was in the curb/parking lane. the thing about the right of way was that my car was already at the front of the bus (right UNDERNEATH his mirrors) so i have the impression he didn't even see me until i was few inches away

godwin 03-15-2010 02:35 PM

What do you think they will do to you even if they stereotype you?

ICBC will represent you. Unless your name is not the principle driver etc since you said:


I'm really concerned because the car is my parent's (rarely drive it)
You will be fine..

Oh you are at fault.

godwin 03-15-2010 02:42 PM

If you are adamant about that, make sure you highlight that point. The way you are telling the story makes it appears you are at fault. It depends on the witness statements.


Originally Posted by twitchyzero (Post 6860952)
i was turning from the right lane and the bus was in the curb/parking lane. the thing about the right of way was that my car was already at the front of the bus (right UNDERNEATH his mirrors) so i have the impression he didn't even see me until i was few inches away

Klobbersaurus 03-15-2010 02:43 PM

i will say its not your fault, bus driver didnt look before merging into traffic unless he had his signal on while you were behind him and you just decided to ignore it

twitchyzero 03-15-2010 02:44 PM

i'm shitting my pants right now..first accident is so nerveracking even though no one was hurt.

ajax 03-15-2010 02:48 PM

Lol calm down dude! no one was hurt there was minor damage and you may have a chance at not being at fault. stressing about it will only make it worse.
Posted via RS Mobile

TheKingdom2000 03-15-2010 02:53 PM

I think you might have a case if you say the bus driver didn't signal.

They only have the right of way when they signal.
How are you supposed to yield to a bus if you don't know what it's doing?

So if you can say the bus didn't signal, as it's supposed to always do when in a static position then you might have a case.

Chances are you parents are road stars... so if they're at the highest tier.. you get one freebie before you get dropped to the lower tier.

Here is the tiering table...
43% is the highest discount

Jsunu 03-15-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by mx703 (Post 6860981)
I think you might have a case if you say the bus driver didn't signal.

They only have the right of way when they signal.
How are you supposed to yield to a bus if you don't know what it's doing?

So if you can say the bus didn't signal, as it's supposed to always do when in a static position then you might have a case.

Chances are you parents are road stars... so if they're at the highest tier.. you get one freebie before you get dropped to the lower tier.

Here is the tiering table...
43% is the highest discount

My guess is the bus DID signal but twitchy was past that point to see the bus turn signal. My assumption is that the bus driver didn't check before making the left turn.

bengy 03-15-2010 04:05 PM

Is that a one lane or two lane road?

PiuYi 03-15-2010 04:07 PM

depends if the bus signaled and if you had time to yield for him
if he started moving before he signaled then its his fault for not looking when merging
if he signaled and you still cut infront of him then its your fault for not yielding
bus might be given benefit of the doubt though

optiblue 03-15-2010 04:28 PM

Actually, it's pretty hard to prove that he didn't signal unless you have a witness that said he didn't signal. That said, the bus has a yield sign on it... it's like hitting the law! The curb/parking lane is actually the "right turning lane" when there's no cars there. Since the bus was probably very close to the intersection/alley, it's a tough call who's at fault, but my guess is to prepare for the worst! At least you didn't hit or kill anyone... most that will happen is your license gets dinged a few % discount back and your parents will lose some discount as well if they're not roadstar. All will be forgiven in a few years whereas hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist would screw you over!

hchang 03-15-2010 04:29 PM

Was this in Richmond yesterday at No 5 and Blundell around 11 ish?

nipples 03-15-2010 04:31 PM

LoL it comes down to a guy who drives for a living, long history, and a guy who has his new license...I'm gonna assume he's asian too...parents have multiple cars under one name, none of which are the OP's. Icbc will rape u.
Posted via RS Mobile

DuhDang 03-15-2010 04:41 PM

Some bus drivers are major assholes.
One time me and a friend were in a e92 m3 and a bus driver turns out with no signal.
Luckily the m3 had killer brakes, it felt like my face was getting pulled off...

shenmecar 03-15-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by DuhDang (Post 6861162)
Some bus drivers are major assholes.
One time me and a friend were in a e92 m3 and a bus driver turns out with no signal.
Luckily the m3 had killer brakes, it felt like my face was getting pulled off...

Totally, in any other car you would've crashed and be sent to a place with many M3's.

wonton1017 03-15-2010 05:06 PM

If the turn was as tight as you've drawn it to be, you must be driving pretty slow to make that turn... so the bus driver would've seen you if he was half awake.

Just my point of view.

MaximalLazy 03-15-2010 05:12 PM

I'd say you're not at fault because you were turning from the RIGHT LANE, the asshole driver just didnt bother checking.

fishing666 03-15-2010 05:21 PM

no, it's his fault. Notice that this is an alley way and not a street

If you ever see bus stops they are always after a stop light to prevent problems like this one. You cannot turn right from a middle lane unless it's one of those guided arrow lanes.

just pray for a miracle that the witnesses are on your side. It would be a small loss for Translink compared to what you would lose.

anti_rice 03-15-2010 05:29 PM

by your description and drawing that you posted. I'm going to say it is your fault. It appears you are trying to make a right turn in the 2nd lane. I doubt the bus was changing lanes. It's probably leaving the bus stop and going straight down the curb lane.
Signalling or not it doesn't matter and will not win a case because of it regardless of what happened in this situation. The bus driver can say the same thing. He/She can say you didn't signal to turn right. As for dealing with translink, you deal everything through ICBC and ICBC will deal with translink because buses are insured through a private company.

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