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03-16-2010, 04:29 PM
#1 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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| Mississippi h/s cancels prom to prevent lesbian student from bringing date Quote:
High School in Mississippi Cancels Prom to Prevent Lesbian Student from Bringing Female Date—and Potentially Incites Violence Against Lesbian Student
Posted by Dan Savage on Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:50 AM
Originally posted at 9:41 AM. Updated and moved up.
USA Today:
A Mississippi county school board announced Wednesday it would cancel its upcoming prom after a gay student petitioned to bring a same-sex date to the event. "Due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events, the Itawamba County School District has decided to not host a prom at Itawamba Agricultural High School this year," school board members said in a statement.
The school told Constance McMillen, an 18-year-old senior, that she couldn't bring a female date, couldn't arrive with another girl, couldn't wear a tuxedo, and warned her that even if she and her girlfriend arrived separately and wore dresses, they would be asked to leave if their presence made other students "uncomfortable." Now McMillen, the 18-year-old senior who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, doesn't just have to worry about being the only out lesbian at her small town's high school, she also has to worry about her classmates blaming her for the cancellation of their prom:
"Oh, my God. That's really messed up because the message they are sending is that if they have to let gay people go to prom that they are not going to have one," she said. "A bunch of kids at school are really going to hate me for this."
But, hey, there may still be a prom! The school board has invited "private citizens" to host a prom—because a group of private citizens, unlike a public school, can bar McMillen and her girlfriend from prom without risking a lawsuit.
To recap: McMillen asked to bring her girlfriend to prom and the school said no, which prompted the ACLU to get involved, which prompted the school board to cancel prom and invite private citizens to host a straights-only restricted prom, and now "Bigots Cancel Prom" is a national news story. It seems to me that if anyone is guilty of creating a "distraction" here it's the school and the school board, not Constance McMillen. Allowing McMillen and her date to attend prom would've been the much less distracting option.
Now it's our job to make discriminating against (and retaliating against) vulnerable gay students a much bigger distraction for the Itawamba County School District understand than allowing Constance McMillen to attend prom ever would've been. Let's start here: Teresa McNeece is the superintendent of Itawamba County School District. She needs to hear from you:
Teresa McNeece — superintendent
phone (662)862-2159 Ext. 14
Keep it respectful, Sloggers, but let her have it. CC me on any e-mails you send to McNeece. I will compile and post 'em to Slog.
UPDATE: Mmoffatt nails it in comments:
The school district is punishing this girl for being a lesbian. Anyone with half a brain could foresee the fallout this girl will receive from them canceling Prom. She will be tormented from now until graduation because it was "her fault" prom was cancelled. This is an extremely petty act on the the part of the school district and I just hope that nothing truly horrible happens to this girl in the next few months. If it does, the school will be to blame.
UPDATE 2: I think the whole school board needs to hear from you:
Eddie Hood
Jackie Nichols
Harold Martin
Clara Brown
Tony Wallace
Keep it respectful, but let them hear from you.
UPDATE 3: E-mails are bouncing back from some of the board members listed above. They seem to have been disabled—anyone care to do a little internet sleuthing and see if you can't dig up current or alternate e-mail addresses and phone numbers for these board members? There are only 23K folks in that town, so it shouldn't be hard. I'm going to record a podcast, so offline for an hour or so. Will check back in the comments thread when I'm done. Let's make this sure the board is very, very distracted by the fallout from their bigoted decision to retaliate against a vulnerable student and put her at risk of physical and emotional violence.
UPDATE 4: The principal of the school that Constance McMillen attends also needs to hear from you:
Principal Trae Wiygul
11900 Hwy 25 S
Fulton, MS 38843
Send e-mails and call. Keep it respectful but very, very distracting.
UPDATE 5: Gee, it looks like canceling prom didn't make this distraction go away—far from it. The ACLU just sent out this press release:
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit today against a Mississippi High School that has canceled prom rather than let a lesbian high school student attend the prom with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo to the event. In papers filed with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi, the ACLU asks the court to reinstate the prom for all students at the school and charges Itawamba County School District officials are violating Constance McMillen’s First Amendment right to freedom of expression.
“All I wanted was the same chance to enjoy my prom night like any other student. But my school would rather hurt all the students than treat everyone fairly,” said McMillen, an 18-year-old senior at Itawamba Agricultural High School in Fulton, Mississippi. “This isn’t just about me and my rights anymore — now I’m fighting for the right of all the students at my school to have our prom.”
Today’s filing comes after Itawamba County School District issued a statement yesterday saying they were canceling prom, following a letter from the ACLU and the Mississippi Safe Schools Coalition demanding that they reverse their decision. McMillen said that before that happened, school officials had told her that she could not arrive at the prom with her girlfriend, also a student at IAHS, and that they might be thrown out if any other students complained about their presence at the April 2 event.
“Itawamba school officials are trying to turn Constance into the villain who called the whole thing off, and that just isn’t what happened. She’s fighting for everyone to be able to enjoy the prom,” said Kristy Bennett, Legal Director of the ACLU of Mississippi. “The government, and that includes public schools, can’t censor someone’s free expression just because some other person might not like it.”
UPDATE 6: They knew this would happen:
Constance McMillen didn't believe her Mississippi school district would really call off her senior prom rather than allow her to show up with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo. On Thursday, a day after the Itawamba County school board did just that, the 18-year-old lesbian high school senior reluctantly returned to campus to some unfriendly looks, she said. "Somebody said, 'Thanks for ruining my senior year.'" McMillen said.
The students at Itawamba Agricultural High School are blaming McMillen for the cancellation of their prom—not the school board that cancelled their prom, but McMillen. Another report:
The school board met Wednesday and announced it was canceling the prom after McMillen challenged the same-sex date ban.... Mississippi ACLU legal director Kristy Bennett said school officials are trying to make a villain out of McMillen. Bennett said McMillen attended school today, but was "a little stressed out."
"She left early and said that it is pretty tense. A lot of students won't look her in the eye," she said.
Today she's being glared at and ostracized. What's going to happen to McMillen tomorrow? And next week? And the week after that? What's going to happen to her as the date of the cancelled prom approaches?
This is from an open letter written by Superintendent Teresa McNeece that's posted to the Itawamba County School District website:
Our mission statement of "Striving to Provide a Quality Education to Every Child" is the sincere goal of each and every employee of this school district. Whether it is a bus driver, lunchroom worker, maintenance staff, teacher, administrator, secretary, aide, or volunteer, we all have that passion in our hearts to make sure each student can reach their potential while in the care of ICSD.
Unless a student is an uppity lesbian, of course, in which case Superintendent McNeece and the Itawamba School Board will do as much damage as they can to any student unlucky enough to be left in their dubious and conditional "care."
The Itawamba County School Board claims they cancelled prom to end this "distraction." Let's make sure that abusing vulnerable gay teenagers creates a much bigger distraction—and much bigger headaches—for the Itawamba Country school system than tolerance would have. Keep those emails, phone calls, and faxes coming:
Superintendent Teresa McNeece
phone (662) 862-2159 Ext. 14
Principal Trae Wiygul
(662) 862-3104
School Board Member Eddie Hood
School Board Member Jackie Nichols
School Board Member Harold Martin
School Board Member Clara Brown
School Board Member Tony Wallace
Join the Facebook group "Let Constance Take Her Girlfriend to Prom" here. Make a tax-deductible donation to support Constance's ACLU LGBT Project team here.
UPDATE: Bryanrust in comments says...
Here's Teresa McNeece's facebook profile. Go write on her wall.
I just sent McNeece a message via her Facebook profile. You should too.
UPDATE 2: Two school board members also have Facebook pages: Tony Wallace's is here, Eddie Hood's is here. Send them a distracting-but-respectful message via Facebook.
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Originally Posted by maksimizer half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF. | Quote:
Originally Posted by RevYouUp reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z | Quote:
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry: | |
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03-16-2010, 04:33 PM
#2 | In RS I Trust
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She must be one ugly dyke for them to cancel the prom.
Silly Americans.
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03-16-2010, 04:49 PM
#3 | Banned By Establishment
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Hmmm... We need Hard Gay's opinion on this.
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03-16-2010, 05:08 PM
#4 | Performance Moderator
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Yup. |
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03-16-2010, 06:07 PM
#5 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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^ thats her ?
Not as scary looking as i thought she would be !! haha
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03-16-2010, 06:11 PM
#6 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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attention whore
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03-16-2010, 06:19 PM
#7 | Ask me about how I answered the question "How fat is TOO fat?"
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I'm so stance my roof rack got a roof rack
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Originally Posted by toyota86 the guys over at lambo vancouver said there are 60-70 pre-orders already. don't quote me though. | |
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03-16-2010, 06:22 PM
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^  "
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03-16-2010, 06:25 PM
#9 | Captain Happy Bubble is my Homeboy
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03-16-2010, 06:34 PM
#10 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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silly americans is right.
it's not like they're gonna play bumper cars right on the dance floor
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03-16-2010, 06:56 PM
#11 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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why did she have to petition the school ?? and not just show up with a chick and dance together?
im sure a lot of girls are dateless and dance with one another
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03-16-2010, 06:58 PM
#12 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by The_AK
fixed** | LOL!
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03-16-2010, 07:09 PM
#13 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by stewie attention whore | The lesbian? |
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03-16-2010, 08:05 PM
#14 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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my lesbian class mate brought her date, it was interesting actually.
but we're not Mississippi, i guess
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03-16-2010, 09:45 PM
#15 | The RS Freebie guru
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They're still stuck in Squaresville.
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03-17-2010, 12:26 PM
#16 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by StylinRed why did she have to petition the school ?? and not just show up with a chick and dance together?
im sure a lot of girls are dateless and dance with one another | I think some schools do it where you have to fill a little thing if you want a ticket for someone from outside the graduating class.
And I'm guessing girls from rural Mississippi don't do that
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Originally Posted by maksimizer half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF. | Quote:
Originally Posted by RevYouUp reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z | Quote:
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry: | |
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03-17-2010, 01:21 PM
#17 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Originally Posted by underscore I think some schools do it where you have to fill a little thing if you want a ticket for someone from outside the graduating class.
And I'm guessing girls from rural Mississippi don't do that  | hahaha that's right! i forgot about that
we registered one of our friends as our date cuz he got kicked out of school, it was hilarious
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03-17-2010, 01:38 PM
#18 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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man, lesbians r hot. moar
Ignorance is bliss
How I wish I can remain ignorant, why do I know so much?
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03-17-2010, 02:18 PM
#19 | RS controls my life!
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Wow, I find it hard to believe that Itawamba County School District canceled prom. Oh wait.. No I don't. Itawamba? Seriously?
On a side note, the photoshop above is priceless
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03-17-2010, 02:24 PM
#20 | How I Mod your mother
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Originally Posted by q0192837465 man, lesbians r hot. moar | However, when do you ever see hot lesbians besides porn and hollywood?
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03-17-2010, 02:31 PM
#21 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by StylinRed hahaha that's right! i forgot about that
we registered one of our friends as our date cuz he got kicked out of school, it was hilarious | Hahahah genius! Did it work?
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03-17-2010, 02:41 PM
#22 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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yep, the vice-principle went to get the other vice principle (we had 2, wtf?) and they just stood there and signed us in and double checked if he was registered, they looked pissed but didnt do anything
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03-18-2010, 10:17 PM
#23 | Say! Say! Say!
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Originally Posted by nonamehustla Hmmm... We need Hard Gay's opinion on this. | Hard Gay does not care for fat ugly lesbians.
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03-18-2010, 10:32 PM
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saw this on CNN few days ago
can't believe the whole prom is cancelled LOL
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