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05-18-2010, 10:12 PM
#126 | Banned (BBM)
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Originally Posted by terkan um what's the hate with the phone? coz it doesn't come with 2.1 or 2.2? QQ more ~ the phone has been rooted so soon u can put whatever the fuk u want on it. spec wise it's pretty damn good without the multitouch which i can care less about, and i don't have the battery issue people are crying about which leads you to think ppl just doing something wrong with their phone. personal opinion i don't mind timescape or mediascape it's not like it's taking up my resources or draining my battery. as long as it works, and beside there are always apps u can get off markets to replace it | ya i dont know wtf is wrong with ppl continously bashing this phone
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05-19-2010, 02:09 AM
#127 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by Mugen EvOlutioN ya i dont know wtf is wrong with ppl continously bashing this phone | Because it's not a very good smart phone, but gets a lot of hype because it's a Sony. It's the #1 selling smartphone in history in Japan, and that is hilarious because it was so poorly designed (software-wise). There are SO many better phones (whether you're looking at Android, WinMo, iPhone, or whatever) in the same price range (and a lot cheaper too!)
It might have great hardware, but the software sucks. Believe me, I know all too well what that is like as an Omnia II user.
This is a thread about the phone. Love it or hate it, people are free to share their opinions on it here.
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05-19-2010, 02:34 AM
#128 | 14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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1.6 is an early version of android which indeed sucks, its not very well optimize when it comes to speed consistency and Ram usages. the next update either 2.1 or 2.2 should/will fix all the problem that this phone is facing.
the Layer on top that SE added (NEXUS UX) is actually quite good but its the 1.6 thats hindering it. just look at HTC sense ui on hero... it suck.
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05-19-2010, 05:02 AM
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^ in sept, it will be 2.4, not 2.1 or 2.2
2.2 adds the following (according to wiki), that's one reason I sold it, look at the fucking list.
Optimized hardware speed
Support for more screen sizes and resolutions
Revamped UI
New browser UI and HTML5 support
New contact lists
Better white/black ratio for backgrounds
Improved Google Maps 3.1.2
Microsoft Exchange support
Built in flash support for Camera
Digital Zoom
MotionEvent class enhanced to track multi-touch events[41]
Improved virtual keyboard
Bluetooth 2.1
Live Wallpapers
Support of Application Installation to Memory Card[46]
Integrated Adobe Flash 10.1 support[47]
Speed improvements as JIT is fully working[48]
Improved Launcher2 with "quick links" to phone and browser [49]
USB tethering and WiFi hotspot functionality [50]
Support for file upload field in the Browser [51]
Nexus One FroYo Build Is FRF44
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05-19-2010, 09:19 AM
#130 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp Because it's not a very good smart phone, but gets a lot of hype because it's a Sony. It's the #1 selling smartphone in history in Japan, and that is hilarious because it was so poorly designed (software-wise). There are SO many better phones (whether you're looking at Android, WinMo, iPhone, or whatever) in the same price range (and a lot cheaper too!) | Well some of us don't have the option of getting a better Android because of frequency/price issues. The alternatives in CANADA are:
- no rooting
- slower processor
- shitty camera
Nexus One
- not subsidized
+ option of getting a cool dock
-see milestone minues the rooting part
- who wants an iPhone?
If you look at it practically, the X10 is the best choice for someone on Rogers and wants an Android phone. I don't care about the world, in CANADA where MOST of us live, this is the best option if you don't want to spend huge amounts of cash for something that will be outdated in a few months.
also the phone has been/close to being rooted so all the things you guys are bitching about (android versions/updates) will be fixed. If anything, the X10 has superior hardware to any of its competitors, its just the software that is lacking which can be fixed one of two ways. First SE creates the updates faster. Second it becomes rooted and people start making custom ROMs for it.
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05-19-2010, 09:43 AM
#131 | 14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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Originally Posted by asian_XL ^ in sept, it will be 2.4, not 2.1 or 2.2
2.2 adds the following (according to wiki), that's one reason I sold it, look at the fucking list.
Optimized hardware speed
Support for more screen sizes and resolutions
Revamped UI
New browser UI and HTML5 support
New contact lists
Better white/black ratio for backgrounds
Improved Google Maps 3.1.2
Microsoft Exchange support
Built in flash support for Camera
Digital Zoom
MotionEvent class enhanced to track multi-touch events[41]
Improved virtual keyboard
Bluetooth 2.1
Live Wallpapers
Support of Application Installation to Memory Card[46]
Integrated Adobe Flash 10.1 support[47]
Speed improvements as JIT is fully working[48]
Improved Launcher2 with "quick links" to phone and browser [49]
USB tethering and WiFi hotspot functionality [50]
Support for file upload field in the Browser [51]
Nexus One FroYo Build Is FRF44 | theres no such thing as 2.4 yet.. lol
2.1 was promised by SE by Q4. but hopefully they would jump ahead and use 2.2 froyo instead.
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05-19-2010, 10:06 AM
#132 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by JKam Well some of us don't have the option of getting a better Android because of frequency/price issues. The alternatives in CANADA are:
- no rooting
- slower processor
- shitty camera
Nexus One
- not subsidized
+ option of getting a cool dock
-see milestone minues the rooting part
- who wants an iPhone?
If you look at it practically, the X10 is the best choice for someone on Rogers and wants an Android phone. I don't care about the world, in CANADA where MOST of us live, this is the best option if you don't want to spend huge amounts of cash for something that will be outdated in a few months.
also the phone has been/close to being rooted so all the things you guys are bitching about (android versions/updates) will be fixed. If anything, the X10 has superior hardware to any of its competitors, its just the software that is lacking which can be fixed one of two ways. First SE creates the updates faster. Second it becomes rooted and people start making custom ROMs for it. | So you think buying a phone outright and not paying an inflated fee over 3 years is a BAD thing?
I agree though, the choices in Canada kinda suck. Still, most of those choices are probably better than the X10.
When Moblicity launches in Vancouver, you'll have a ton of selection, including the Desire |
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05-19-2010, 10:32 AM
#133 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp So you think buying a phone outright and not paying an inflated fee over 3 years is a BAD thing?
I agree though, the choices in Canada kinda suck. Still, most of those choices are probably better than the X10.
When Moblicity launches in Vancouver, you'll have a ton of selection, including the Desire  | I bought the phone outright but I got lucky and found it at a silent auction at school so it was cheap for me. I think signing a contract is stupid but being subsidized lowers the price somewhat on the used market. I'd rather buy the phone outright but there are others who don't care about signing a contract or they might be renewing so it's not a big deal.
So you're saying that the milestone/hero/iphone is a better option than the X10? I can't agree with that. None of those phone are better with hardware and the only ones that are compareable are hero and milestone (becuase they run android).
Hero is far outdated, its just a Magic with Sense UI on it.
Milestone is slower and personally I don't like the sliding piece, but it does have MT and has a cool dock.
I agree that nexus one and desire are better just because of the mass support they have but neither is offered by a carrier. This makes it harder to find at a decent price that doesn't gouge me.
In my situation X10 > all competitors because I got it for half the price. I didn't want it at first becuase of all the "problems" with it but now that I've had it for about 2 weeks it's a great phone.
My only issues with it is that there is no hard key for answering/hanging up calls. I turn off timescape and mediascape so basically I'm running Android 1.6 which isn't that different from 2.1. All I noticed was the extra screens when I was using the Milestone.
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05-19-2010, 11:42 AM
#134 | Got MOD?
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Milestone has been rooted for awhile now. Plus the build quality is amazing. If I were to get an android phone that would be the one I'd buy.
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05-19-2010, 11:50 AM
#135 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by !MiKrofT Milestone has been rooted for awhile now. Plus the build quality is amazing. If I were to get an android phone that would be the one I'd buy. | The Droid has been. Not the Milestone (Telus locked).
Well actually to be more specific they both have been rooted but the bootloader for the Milestone is locked. No overclocking or custom roms with Milestone.
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05-19-2010, 06:46 PM
#136 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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I don't know enough about the Milestone, but the Nexus One is basically just a Desire without SenseUI. So if you like the Desire, you should feel just about the same about the N1.
Hero is a great little phone, and most people can probably put up with the low resolution just fine. I can't, but there are millions of people putting up with shit res on their iphones, so it can't be that bad for the mass market |
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05-20-2010, 05:11 AM
#137 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Oh BTW the Desire is coming to Telus as the "Triumph" |
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05-20-2010, 10:36 AM
#138 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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i got a tiny problem with the OS....for the last 2 days the messaging app has forced closed itself twice because it was not repsonding..and when i open the messaging app again i lose all the previous msgs
i dont know if it has anything to do with the taskiller though...hmmm
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05-20-2010, 05:27 PM
#139 | Got MOD?
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I just saw a bus banner for this. Looks like a good alternative.
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05-20-2010, 05:40 PM
#140 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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I heard my friend saw a promotion in some Chinese Rogers dealer doing $0 X10 for new customers.
Now, that's not bad at all. |
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05-20-2010, 05:56 PM
#141 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by cctw i got a tiny problem with the OS....for the last 2 days the messaging app has forced closed itself twice because it was not repsonding..and when i open the messaging app again i lose all the previous msgs
i dont know if it has anything to do with the taskiller though...hmmm | What are you using? Try handcent sms
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05-20-2010, 07:17 PM
#142 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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You should almost never need to actively kill tasks, the OS should be left to handle it. Once an app is in the background, it uses next to no CPU power (unless it is poorly designed. And taking up memory does not affect battery use.
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05-20-2010, 07:31 PM
#143 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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Originally Posted by ecsw I heard my friend saw a promotion in some Chinese Rogers dealer doing $0 X10 for new customers.
Now, that's not bad at all.  | can be done
just a buncha credits and such added to the bill, u still pay for device up front
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05-20-2010, 07:33 PM
#144 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp | Worth switching carriers for... :3
Edit: 2.2 is right around the corner with crazy speed boosts and flash. let's hope se doesn't take forever with its 2.2 update. God knows half the reason the rom cooking community exists for htc android phones is cause of their slow ass updates, and it looks like se is heading down that path. Let's hope that doesn't happen Posted via RS Mobile
Last edited by yuusha; 05-20-2010 at 07:47 PM.
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05-20-2010, 08:06 PM
#145 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Had SE even officially said there is going to be an update?
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05-20-2010, 08:13 PM
#146 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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yep, apparently Q4 for SE update
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05-20-2010, 08:48 PM
#147 | Got MOD?
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Q4? wow.
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05-20-2010, 10:42 PM
#148 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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^Q4 for 2.1, that is.
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05-21-2010, 12:12 AM
#149 | RabidMod
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yeah I'm not holding my breath for the SE 2.2 update.
I'm crossing my fingers for the X10 to be rooted so we can take it upon ourselves.
__________________ Geriatric Motoring Club Member #37 |
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05-22-2010, 07:23 PM
#150 | Captain Happy Bubble is my Homeboy
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Is SE going to make an X11 or something like that sometime soon in the future with the updated Android and fixed the issues with X10? I doubt it with the buzz that X10 is making.
X10 is nice and all, but the fact that it doesn't have multitouch, a bunch of faulty issues, is running on Android 1.6, and the next update is only for Android 2.1 has me thinking. For me, the biggest appeal is the exterior design of the phone, the camera, software is easy to use, and it's just as fast as an iPhone (don't know if this is true or not, but I've used my friend's before).
My 2 cents.
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