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goo3 07-12-2010 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Vinny G (Post 7025413)

Keep your finger there long enough, you'll drop a call in weak signal areas. They should have included a free bumper.

And the numbers they showed in the video were transmit power from the mobile.

Ch28 07-12-2010 11:36 PM

stuff99 07-13-2010 01:11 AM

Time for an iPhone 4 recall?
by Molly Wood

The mountain of damning evidence is incontrovertible: Apple's iPhone 4 antenna design is flawed. Consumer Reports is only the latest publication to complete a battery of testing and declare what other reviewers have discovered as well: holding the phone a certain way causes repeatable reception problems that, in weaker signal areas, can lead to dropped calls.

The 3GS is rendering the page just fine. Maybe he was holding the iPhone 4 wrong?

Those lucky folks who live in areas with rock-solid AT&T reception likely won't run into the problem. Those less fortunate can reproduce it virtually at will. Here at CNET, Kent German demonstrated in video how dramatically a hand over the bottom left corner of the phone can affect signal quality--in his first test, his voice drops off completely when he's got the phone in the "death grip."

Everyone's testing. Engadget gets the same results; Anandtech stripped the phone to its guts and found that, "(t)he fact of the matter is that cupping the bottom left corner and making skin contact between the two antennas does result in a measurable difference in cellular reception." Lefties: you're out of luck. One researcher found that oven gloves seem a safe way to hold the thing. And so on and so forth. One Ph.D. in wireless network planning, Richard Gaywood, confirmed the antenna design flaw and said "(t)he best scenario is for Apple to coat the antenna and replace all existing phones with a revised model."

I agree.

But as you know, Apple's response has been less than consumer-friendly. As we know, there's the infamous, "don't hold it that way" advice. The same statement told users to simply purchase one of many available cases, including one Apple sells.

Next up, the company unveiled a "stunning" software problem that over-inflated signal quality...but shortly thereafter, AppleCare started advising customers that any forthcoming software fixes wouldn't fix the hardware-based antenna problem. And of course, the official customer service script, if this leak is to be believed, advises tech support to tell customers that, in fact, the antenna is awesome, but even so, don't hold it that way, maybe buy a case, and no, AppleCare is not to give out a free case, offer any kind of warranty repair, or deal with the problem in any satisfactory manner at all.
Oh, and now Apple is deleting mentions of the Consumer Report findings on its support forums, as it's wont to do when problems crop up that it doesn't want to acknowledge.

Now, I know Apple's selling new iPhones like Rocket Pops on the 4th of July, but this is the kind of issue that's melting into the mainstream, fast, and it's going to leave a stain. When Consumer Reports starts advising mainstream consumer electronics customers against buying your product, you've got a problem, and it's time to address it.

Apple has responded with arrogance and dismissal to the fact that it's shipping a flawed product. And that arrogance and dismissal comes at a time when Android market share is growing up and to the right, self-proclaimed Mac freaks are turning to other platforms, and journalists are daring to write about a geek backlash against the iPhone. Well, if geeks are the canary in the coal mine, Apple would do well to start counting carcasses. And as Consumer Reports goes, so goes much of America.

Apple should recall the iPhone 4 and start disseminating new phones with properly coated antennas--and I'm not talking duct tape or neon-colored rubber bands. A recall would give Apple major goodwill and prove its commitment to the impeccable quality and design principles it's always espoused. Yes, it would be expensive and unprecedented. But wow, would it win back some flagging hearts and minds. I know Apple's not used to having to work for the love of its consumers, but now might be a good time to start.

Apple's arrogance is really getting to me. I like their products but I'm not a fanboy if that makes sense. iPhone 4 is a great product if it works and it doesn't. Apple treats the public like retards. They've been fighting 'the man' for years and now it looks like they've become the ultimate hypocrite.

Tim Budong 07-14-2010 10:33 PM

Apple will hold a press conference friday. Most likely to put the bad press to rest and announce the 2nd phase for the iphone launch
Posted via RS Mobile

canucksfan 07-14-2010 11:04 PM

I've been hearing rumours about a potential delay in Canada.

Regarding the "flaw", how hard do you have to be pressing the bottom left to make this problem occur? Seems like this problem has been blown out of proportion.

FerrariEnzo 07-14-2010 11:13 PM

i dont think it has to with pressure sensitivity but more so of the spot where you put your fingers.

ericthehalfbee 07-15-2010 06:44 AM

So, what will the Apple haters say if Apple decides to recall the iPhone 4 and repair the antenna? I'm curious about the next big flaw the iPhone has that would make it a poor choice to buy.

Or is the antenna the only thing wrong with it? That would be tough for a hater to admit.

Vinny G 07-15-2010 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by ericthehalfbee (Post 7029552)
So, what will the Apple haters say if Apple decides to recall the iPhone 4 and repair the antenna? I'm curious about the next big flaw the iPhone has that would make it a poor choice to buy.

Or is the antenna the only thing wrong with it? That would be tough for a hater to admit.

Yeah, everyone's a hater. Apple didn't bring this upon themselves at all. You're a tool.

gilly 07-15-2010 10:13 AM

so anyone know when in july that canada will have the iphone 4? It is mid july already.

Tim Budong 07-15-2010 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by gilly (Post 7029717)
so anyone know when in july that canada will have the iphone 4? It is mid july already.


SaviorSelf_666 07-15-2010 10:41 AM

-iOS 4.0.1 hitting iPhones right this second (update: 3.2.1 for iPads, too)

Alpine50 07-15-2010 11:09 AM

I heard two more weeks........... And even Friday but a doubt this Friday
Posted via RS Mobile

MarkyMark 07-15-2010 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by ericthehalfbee (Post 7029552)
So, what will the Apple haters say if Apple decides to recall the iPhone 4 and repair the antenna? I'm curious about the next big flaw the iPhone has that would make it a poor choice to buy.

Or is the antenna the only thing wrong with it? That would be tough for a hater to admit.

What will you say if they don't recall it and let a shitty product continue to sell to the masses? Probably something about how apple is great and they shouldn't have to own up to their own faults I'm guessing.
Posted via RS Mobile

freakshow 07-15-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by ericthehalfbee (Post 7029552)
So, what will the Apple haters say if Apple decides to recall the iPhone 4 and repair the antenna? I'm curious about the next big flaw the iPhone has that would make it a poor choice to buy.

Or is the antenna the only thing wrong with it? That would be tough for a hater to admit.

While it's true that some apple haters are as blind as the very fanboys they hate, this is not the reason they are receiving so much heat for the faulty antenna. The screwed up the antenna, and everyone knows it, and they continue to insult their customers with arrogance.

ericthehalfbee 07-15-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by MarkyMark (Post 7029902)
What will you say if they don't recall it and let a shitty product continue to sell to the masses? Probably something about how apple is great and they shouldn't have to own up to their own faults I'm guessing.
Posted via RS Mobile

Sorry, no. I'm not an Apple fanboy. I just like bugging the haters - they're so easy to rile up. I expect Apple to do a recall, perhaps even tomorrow at their press conference.

Even if they announce a full recall to repair the antenna, and then give customers free cases on top and a $50 iTunes gift card, the haters are still going to find something else to bitch about.

threezero 07-15-2010 03:36 PM

i doubt apple would do a total recall, totally not in their nature. probably a free bumper. I'm an apple fanboy but even I gotta admit apple screwed up. It is the most anitcipated product release for apple this year and this is not good publicity at all.

What is ever more screw up, iPhone 4 is selling for like 10,000hkd in hong kong right now. Being "water for" they probably don't ahve any kind of warranty nor is Apple going to honor it. Pretty sucky for them no matter what apple decide to do tommorrow

Tim Budong 07-15-2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by threezero (Post 7030027)
i doubt apple would do a total recall, totally not in their nature. probably a free bumper. I'm an apple fanboy but even I gotta admit apple screwed up. It is the most anitcipated product release for apple this year and this is not good publicity at all.

What is ever more screw up, iPhone 4 is selling for like 10,000hkd in hong kong right now. Being "water for" they probably don't ahve any kind of warranty nor is Apple going to honor it. Pretty sucky for them no matter what apple decide to do tommorrow

i bought a 3gs in HK...water product i got a replacement at oakridge

threezero 07-15-2010 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by darthchilli (Post 7030087)
i bought a 3gs in HK...water product i got a replacement at oakridge

thats because you have the luxury of coming back to vancouver. most of the people in hong kong that buys water product especially at such horribly inflated price probably won't or can't go oversea.

Tim Budong 07-16-2010 12:53 AM

theres apple warranty in HK
it does work there too

Tim Budong 07-16-2010 09:28 AM

i like apple
i support apple
but this is bullshit...all from the live presser right now

1. Smarphones have weaks pots
2. Applecare data says 0.55% problems
3. ATT return rates 1/3 of 3GS
4. iPhone 4 drops lesst han one more call per hundred than 3GS

Tim Budong 07-16-2010 09:33 AM

so verdict is in
free case..bwahah

Im usually very PRO apple, but this was so expected..yet lame..becuz it doesnt give any explaination, it escapes the issue

Tim Budong 07-16-2010 09:34 AM

and jobs says 17 countries...on JULY30th..CANADA

SkinnyPupp 07-16-2010 09:38 AM

So much for the beautiful design of the iPhone 4. Instead, it'll be covered by a retard helmet, unless you can learn to hold it properly.

Remember this wasn't Apple's fault, it was the laws of physics' fault!!!

Vinny G 07-16-2010 09:40 AM

so basically, we admit that there's an issue but we don't want to spend money redesigning anything. since the bumper fixes everything, you can have a free bumper if you want better reception!

Tim Budong 07-16-2010 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Vinny G (Post 7030902)
so basically, we admit that there's an issue but we don't want to spend money redesigning anything. since the bumper fixes everything, you can have a free bumper if you want better reception!

I heard that, our issue affects a small percentage of users, but here are other smartphones, look at how they suck too


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