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11-10-2010, 04:21 PM
#551 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by darthchilli if u get this..then great..
anyways..I believe theres a different set of drivers for the SDK for windows7..not sure..since i did my root in either winXP or a mac
follow this guide. It goes thru the ADB method with visual, i followed this guide...but since this was wayy back then..theres some updated files in there.
could be me..(most likely..from my half sober state) that the filename was incorrect when u tried to push recovery onto the phone..but it should be given that the file name replaces those Xs..
the RA ur running is hte latest one as well..shouldn't be a problem, im still on 1.8 or wutever the previous version of RAANOM is...
I find clockwork too dangerous to use.
once u push the recovery onto phone, boot it INTO recovery(there shoul dbe an option there to load into recover thru the bootloader screen) and DO A NANDBACKUP on r already customized rom.
you can go ahead to make an EXT3 or 4, but backup the memory card on a computer b4 atempting this..again..READ on ext3/4 and how it works iwth CM6.1.. ext3/4 is very sensitive to the rom itself and some might not support it
then flash CM6.1
He is recomending the 4.06 radio, but im on 5.06or whichever one was after and its fine.
as for kernals...
i can't stress this enough to all the people i've dealth with on the nexus.. READ THE GODDAMN THREAD FOR THE ROM AND KERNAL BEFORE FLASHING
a bad or incompatible kernal can do ALOT OF HARM to the phone..especially if ur planning on using apps like setCPU.
hopefully this helps..hard to focus on typing atm.
in clsing..learn how to push/pull ADBshell, that way, you can easily apply your own look/feel of the phone n a lot of the apps out tehre thru adp.
happy and safe rooting!
as for paolo..perma root for desireZ shoudl be coming soon..but i find it scary how theres not a lot of support for it | I'm using all the files from here, including the ROM, radio, Gapps
But it doesn't have a kernel file? I'm assuming the kernel file is already included in the ROM?
Now to update radio, I have to double check because this will brick my phone from what I've read if done improperly. I've gone through the procedure that you posted darthchili, and I'm up to finished the nandbackup, now to flash the ROM.
But I have to flash the radio first, slow progressing.
Going through your instructions, i should follow everything under "FASTBOOT" steps right?
As in, which of these two options should i flash my radio under? Quote:
Updating through recovery
This section is for custom recovery only. If you have stock recovery and want to flash another radio - please flash from fastboot.
1. Download one of the radios from the links above.
2. Power down your phone.
3. Hold down the trackball as you power your phone back on.
4. Select FASTBOOT with Volume Up/Down keys and press Power key.
5. Wait 5 seconds.
6. Select RECOVERY with Volume Up/Down keys and press Power key.
7. Select Flash ZIP from SD card option in Recovery.
8. Choose the file.
9. Wait until radio flashes completely!
| or Quote:
Safely Update Your Radio For Froyo Using Fastboot
1. Fully charge your phone
2. Download the radio image from the link below
3. Compare the MD5 checksum of the file you downloaded with the one printed below. This is very important, please do it. For Windows or OSX you can use the free HashTab application.
4. Connect your phone to your computer
5. Reboot your phone into the bootloader (fastboot mode)
6. At the command prompt on your computer type: fastboot devices
7. A value like HTXXXXXXXXXXX should be displayed with the word fastboot next to it
8. Your phone screen should have FASTBOOT USB on it
9. If all of the above is not exactly as described DO NOT PROCEED and resolve your fastboot problem
10. To proceed, make sure your downloaded file is in your current directory
11. At the command prompt type: fastboot flash radio froyo-radio- - you must type it correctly!
12. Now, observe the computer and be patient TOUCH NOTHING!!
13. The process will copy the image to your phone, write the image to the radio partition and perform some magic be patient TOUCH NOTHING!!
14. Watch the little indicator at the top of your phone screen.
15. Once the process appears to finish (it may not say complete) wait a further FULL 60 SECONDS and be patient TOUCH NOTHING!!
16. Then, and only then, reboot your phone.
17. Your phone should reboot to your normal home screen and you should get a mobile connection.
18. Remember, if you're still using an older rom some things won't work. Best you now upgrade to Kang-o-rama 1.0!
Last edited by illicitstylz; 11-10-2010 at 04:44 PM.
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11-10-2010, 05:31 PM
#552 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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i used the second option
but ONLY if the radio file is in the format of .img
if not u must use the recovery to do it. which i have never done
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11-10-2010, 05:57 PM
#553 | Banned (ABWS)
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I GOT IT. CM6.1 installed. Wow thanks so much you guys!
especially darthchili, ghostrider,
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11-10-2010, 11:33 PM
#554 | MOD
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Woohoo! you did it!
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11-11-2010, 11:03 AM
#555 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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good stuff buddy!!
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11-11-2010, 12:37 PM
#556 | Banned (ABWS)
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Hey so I've been looking through the theming/metamorph guides but they don't discuss implementing custom icons/docks.
Am I supposed to add those through Desktop Visualizer?
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11-11-2010, 12:39 PM
#557 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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LauncherPro is where u can customize the dock
just hold onto an empty space in the dock and you should be allowed to change it!
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11-11-2010, 12:44 PM
#558 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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11-11-2010, 12:45 PM
#559 | MOD
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custom icons use folder organizer
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11-11-2010, 12:48 PM
#560 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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i use desktop visualizer
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11-11-2010, 03:37 PM
#561 | Banned (ABWS)
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What are you guys using for cross platform messaging?
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11-11-2010, 03:58 PM
#562 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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large pics in coming..
POST your screens..   |
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11-11-2010, 07:07 PM
#563 | i like gifs
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36 hours @ 21% battery life on CM6.1
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11-11-2010, 08:06 PM
#564 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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You must not do very much with your phone
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11-11-2010, 08:27 PM
#565 | i like gifs
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp You must not do very much with your phone |
I use it to make calls, facebook, twitter, emails, 4square, sms
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11-11-2010, 08:28 PM
#566 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Are you using the default brightness levels? I had to crank mine way up for the screen to be visible in light. It defaults to like 20 in normal brightness, I have it set to 85. (out of 255)
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11-11-2010, 08:38 PM
#567 | MOD
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Originally Posted by illicitstylz What are you guys using for cross platform messaging?
? | tired pingchat..i didn't like it
whatsapp..i have it but i dont use it since i didn't pay for it yet.
kik...reading reviews on it, not really impressed so far. Have yet to download it.
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11-11-2010, 08:47 PM
#568 | Banned (ABWS)
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Bought my first app ever for a phone lol, launcherpro plus, worth the 2.99usd though.
Will have my screenshots in tomorrow once I'm done tinkering and customizing it at work
Was having problems with launcherpro plus "people" widget, where the pictures don't sync with the contacts. Learned to use an app called "SyncMyPix" which fixed this issue.
Last edited by illicitstylz; 11-11-2010 at 09:20 PM.
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11-12-2010, 12:06 AM
#569 | MOD
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im still unsure how to set my homescreens up. i keep changing them around, and playing with different widgets.
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11-12-2010, 12:30 AM
#570 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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^ I usually organize screens by: Social, work/school, media, tools
works well for me, but everyone has their own styles
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11-12-2010, 03:34 AM
#571 | i like gifs
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp Are you using the default brightness levels? I had to crank mine way up for the screen to be visible in light. It defaults to like 20 in normal brightness, I have it set to 85. (out of 255) | I have mine set to auto brightness
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11-12-2010, 11:44 AM
#572 | Even when im right, is still right!
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Rumors of the Nexus 2?
Looks like I'll be sticking with the nexus one and wait for the nexus 3.
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11-12-2010, 02:48 PM
#573 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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According to internal BestBuy USA docs, nov14th, these phones will go on display
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11-12-2010, 03:04 PM
#574 | i like gifs
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Originally Posted by darthchilli According to internal BestBuy USA docs, nov14th, these phones will go on display | No comment.
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11-12-2010, 03:18 PM
#575 | Banned (ABWS)
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Last edited by illicitstylz; 11-12-2010 at 03:32 PM.
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