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Old 06-03-2011, 01:01 PM   #36101
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Originally Posted by jayare604 View Post
lol jesus christ..why are people still going off about how jerseys are $250+
you can find an authentic replica with the name stitched on and everything for about $170. If you can't afford that, just get a regular jersey without the name ffs. Like other people said, if you can't afford a jersey, buy a shirt or some shit..simple as that.
$200 for tickets? not always for upperdeck tix man

I was at a concert the other day and I seen 2 performers wearing fake Canucks had an Alex Burrows with an assistant captains patch
Are you an idiot? Or are you just that fucking cocky? Jesus Christ?

do you know what $170 mean to some people? Especially those in the lower end of the income table? That is 1 month's rent on a shared basement split up by 3 people.

That's some people's 1 month grocery. Imagine that? Someone's food supply? No way right?

To some $170 is just a few hours work. To some, it's a week's worth of income.

And what if people don't want a shirt? What if people want a jersey? Do you know the discrepancy between plain hockey jerseys are vs, one that's NHL sanctioned with NHL team logos to realize the ratio of markup? No you don't. Because you probably need to play real "actual" hockey to know that.

I swear to God, if the majority of asian community just didn't stay with their mothers until their 30, you guys would have some serious perspective when it comes to cost.

I seriously got to shake my head when people think the word "only" applies to $170 while failing to realize that everyone's perspective of money comes in different places.

You're the worst Canuck fan of if you associate status levels with your fandom. Everyones the same as long as their cheering for the same team. Just because you're wearing something close to $200 and the other only paid $70 for his doesn't make you the better person. Fucko.

You see, this is why everybody in the nHL hates Canuck fans; because even Canuck fans even think other Canuck fans are douchey.

Last edited by Noir; 06-03-2011 at 01:08 PM.
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:16 PM   #36102
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Those flipping the viewing party tickets for a profit can go to hell. I hope no one on here is doing that.

There are plenty of places to watch the game for free around downtown so its not worth paying more than $10 for a ticket.
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:19 PM   #36103
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I'm thinking of checking out Edgewater.

Any stores AT ALL selling any S or M jerseys!?!?!?!?

I need to like drive somewhere far to a less populated area and try or something.
GO Canucks GO!

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Old 06-03-2011, 01:28 PM   #36104
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fuck i got 2 tickets for viewing party, and timed out, then went to look again and now sold out T____T
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:29 PM   #36105
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Lol no I'm not getting a fake jersey signed. Just thought that if it's just to hang up and not worn then why does it really matter.
I might go visit Trevor tomorrow and hopefully get him to sign my linden McLean heart and soul picture
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:36 PM   #36106
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I talked to Richard Brodeur today, and asked him for his predictions for the next game.

He said Canucks will win it, by a margin of 3-4 goals.

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Old 06-03-2011, 01:41 PM   #36107
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This argument about whether a jersey is real or not is completely fucking ridiculous.

A fan showing support for his or her team in any way shape or form is a great thing. If they can't afford to buy a real replica jersey who cares? That doesn't make them any less of a fan or less of a person versus someone who can. Anyone who thinks differently is shallow and a certified douchebag. Comments like "Keep fake jerseys away from anyone on TV because it looks bad"....... give your head a shake

To all true fans: support the team any way you can. Real jersey, fake jersey, free tshirt out of a 24 pack of beer, homemade signs, it's ALL good.
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:42 PM   #36108
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hockey elitists all up in this bitch
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:48 PM   #36109
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
This argument about whether a jersey is real or not is completely fucking ridiculous.

A fan showing support for his or her team in any way shape or form is a great thing. If they can't afford to buy a real replica jersey who cares? That doesn't make them any less of a fan or less of a person versus someone who can. Anyone who thinks differently is shallow and a certified douchebag. Comments like "Keep fake jerseys away from anyone on TV because it looks bad"....... give your head a shake

To all true fans: support the team any way you can. Real jersey, fake jersey, free tshirt out of a 24 pack of beer, homemade signs, it's ALL good.

btw are the SC patches sold out??
any updates?
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:53 PM   #36110
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They're opening up the Abbotsford Heat arena for away games too... free entry.

Global Spectrum, operators of the Abbotsford Entertainment & Sports Centre, will open the arena to fans who want to watch Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Final between the Vancouver Canucks and the Boston Bruins on June 6 at 5 p.m.

The arena will be open for games 6 and 7 of the series, if those games are needed.

There is no charge to attend. Free parking at surrounding lots, food and beverage specials along with watching the game on the AESC Jumbotron are some of the highlights fans can look forward to.

Fans will be able to enter the venue through the main doors located on University Way starting at 4 p.m.
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Old 06-03-2011, 01:55 PM   #36111
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Originally Posted by Durrann View Post

btw are the SC patches sold out??
any updates?
Nope. Friend of mine grabbed one for me from Team Store today.
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punkwax, I don't care what your friends say about you, you are gold!
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What do your farts sound like then?
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:02 PM   #36112
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How's everyone's playoff beard coming along?

I shaved right before R1G1 and I'm up to about an inch. Unfortunately, I can't grow "connectors" between my moustache and chin but I'm at the point where brushing it actually makes a difference. I find myself doing a fu-man-chu beard pull all the time. The GF loves it and I got wicked discounts in Hawaii cause people would think I was a scruffy local.

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fliptuner, I am gonna grab ur dick and pee in your face, then rub shit all over my face...:lol
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haha i can taste the cum in my mouth
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when I was 13 I wanted to be a video hoe so bad

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Old 06-03-2011, 02:06 PM   #36113
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Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Just because you're wearing something close to $200 and the other only paid $70 for his doesn't make you the better person. Fucko.
I will agree whole heartily with this statement, and in the big scheme of things everyone is agreeing to the greater cause of being a fan.

What I don't agree with is why people feel they're entitled to have things if its out of their budget. Sorry to those regarding their financial situation, but instead of whining that merchandise or tickets are too expensive, either lower your standards or maybe see what can be done about your financial situation.

I don't mean to vent but I'm fueled by those emailing me for playoff tickets asking for less than my season ticket holder face value, or half of what my asking price, and even those venting that they should be entitled to face value tickets. Someone offers me $500/pair. Another offers me $2000/pair. Which am I going to pick? Sorry to the $500/pair person, I know you can't afford it but it's supply and demand. We live in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Adapt or get left behind.

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
I swear to God, if the majority of asian community just didn't stay with their mothers until their 30, you guys would have some serious perspective when it comes to cost.
And don't even dare put me into this category because I started in my teens with nothing and family financial situation that wasn't too favorable, to starting from the ground up on my own to a level where I can afford the things I want without having to worry about money. I know what it's like not to be able to afford even a $70 fake jersey let around a replica priced jersey and I didn't sit around and complain.

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
You're the worst Canuck fan of if you associate status levels with your fandom.
Originally Posted by Noir View Post
You see, this is why everybody in the nHL hates Canuck fans; because even Canuck fans even think other Canuck fans are douchey.
If you're thinking about associating me with this statement above because I agree with jayare604, the past 3 years I've donated tickets to charities, and those I know will never get a chance to catch a game, and given away skills competition tickets that I purchased to those that just wouldn't be able to go. Now, am I looking down on these people? Or am I just another douchey Canucks fan?

I know where you were going with your response and I feel for those who can't afford things, but don't fu*king generalize everyone who can afford it into a douchey category.

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Old 06-03-2011, 02:09 PM   #36114
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Everybody needs to chill out and shut the fuck up.

OUR team is in the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time in 17 years. Quit your fucking bitching and appreciate the season they're having and enjoy it.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:14 PM   #36115
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In other news... the Green Men are so gonna get their ass kicked

Sully and Force will be going to Boston. @thegreenmen have found a sponsor to pay their way. They'll sit behind Tim Thomas in Games 3 and 4.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:23 PM   #36116
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Someone's anti rant about fake jerseys on CDC...

OMG.. during the game the other night, I saw a couple girls with their fingernails painted blue and green. They even had a friend with them who painted his face as well. When I asked them if they used authentic Canucks approved nail polish and face paint the replied that they didn't. Can you believe these people? Talk about not real fans. They obviously don't care enough about the team.

I also saw another guy that had scotch tape putting Torres' name and number on the back of his jersey. What a disloyal person. Obviously he doesn't care about the team. How could he? A real fan would've dropped money to show they support the Canucks.

Then after the game they showed the Commodore ballroom, packed with these "Canuck fans". HA. Real fans would've saved up money for many years to BE AT THAT GAME. Not pay a bar for the priviledge to be there watching the game on TV.

How can there be so many of these bandwagon hoppers?
It disgusts me.

Flags on cars from a few years ago? UH.. a REAL FAN would've updated! Jersey from 2001? Um, The Canucks have new styles. Support them! Waving around home made banners? No thank you, the Canucks Organization sells the real deal. A REAL FAN would know that.

Well, to the OP, I completely agree with you. It saddens me, to see so many imposters pretend to be Canucks Fans, only because we're so close to winning the cup.

We all know a REAL fan would be a season ticket holder, and a REAL fan would know that you could walk out of the arena before they announce the 3 stars because you need to beat the rush home, and a REAL fan would not even need to change out of his suit, because the Authentic $500 jersey that he bought just fits overtop of the Armani no problem.


This kind of thing is what makes me sick about this city. The pathetic upper echelon of the tax brackets.
Those people that think they're better than the rest of us because of what they wear, and what they drive, and how many Canucks games they have tickets to.

You know what? I have worn knock off Jeans. I buy my shoes at Payless. I buy a Canada flag from the Dollar store. If I want wine with dinner, I look at the price for a glass, not a bottle, and more often than not, I would rather have a good cheap beer. I drive a my girlfriend's cavalier because I still can't afford to buy a new car. We RENT, because we don't have $50k put away for a downpayment, and if we did, the only place we can afford to buy is in Abbottsford. I take transit, not because it's good for the planet, but because I can't always afford to put gas in the car. I work in a bar, for minimum wage, serving rich, arrogant JackA$$es like you, who always mix up the words "SERVER" with "SERVANT" and think you can talk to people any way you want.

You know what? I AM CANADIAN I AM A CANUCKS FAN I'M a GD HUMAN BEING AND IF I WANT TO WEAR A crapTY KNOCKOFF JERSEY BECAUSE FRANKLY, I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO AFFORD A NEW ONE, I'M GOING TO DO IT. People can cheer from the cheap seats, just FYI. It's not just the lower bowl that makes the noise. And even people sitting at home on their couch because they can't afford to go out? Yeah, those guys are real fans too. So all you guys that have a problem with it?

Go yourselves.

I'm OUT.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:23 PM   #36117
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Originally Posted by rb View Post
In other news... the Green Men are so gonna get their ass kicked

Sully and Force will be going to Boston. @thegreenmen have found a sponsor to pay their way. They'll sit behind Tim Thomas in Games 3 and 4.
fear for their lives
the ppl in boston are classless fucks
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:29 PM   #36118
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Originally Posted by darthchilli View Post
fear for their lives
the ppl in boston are classless fucks
Classless is an understatement

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Old 06-03-2011, 02:35 PM   #36119
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Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Are you an idiot? Or are you just that fucking cocky? Jesus Christ?

do you know what $170 mean to some people? Especially those in the lower end of the income table? That is 1 month's rent on a shared basement split up by 3 people.

That's some people's 1 month grocery. Imagine that? Someone's food supply? No way right?

To some $170 is just a few hours work. To some, it's a week's worth of income.

And what if people don't want a shirt? What if people want a jersey? Do you know the discrepancy between plain hockey jerseys are vs, one that's NHL sanctioned with NHL team logos to realize the ratio of markup? No you don't. Because you probably need to play real "actual" hockey to know that.

I swear to God, if the majority of asian community just didn't stay with their mothers until their 30, you guys would have some serious perspective when it comes to cost.

I seriously got to shake my head when people think the word "only" applies to $170 while failing to realize that everyone's perspective of money comes in different places.

You're the worst Canuck fan of if you associate status levels with your fandom. Everyones the same as long as their cheering for the same team. Just because you're wearing something close to $200 and the other only paid $70 for his doesn't make you the better person. Fucko.

You see, this is why everybody in the nHL hates Canuck fans; because even Canuck fans even think other Canuck fans are douchey.
If you are buying a "real" jersey, you support the team. When you are buying fake shit , you are supporting criminals. If you can't afford a real jersey, don't buy a fake, b/c you are in no way supporting the team.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:37 PM   #36120
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I dont have any real canucks gear except for a canucks snuggy ima rock that shit next time I go dt. Yayer
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:40 PM   #36121
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Currently in Regina for my favorite cousins wedding. I'm so close to finding a barber to shave my playoff beard. Torn between going to the wedding with the face of a homeless person or keeping it going till playoffs are over.

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Old 06-03-2011, 02:41 PM   #36122
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Originally Posted by Noir View Post
You're the worst Canuck fan of if you associate status levels with your fandom. Everyones the same as long as their cheering for the same team. Just because you're wearing something close to $200 and the other only paid $70 for his doesn't make you the better person. Fucko.

You see, this is why everybody in the nHL hates Canuck fans; because even Canuck fans even think other Canuck fans are douchey.
I think, you really need to READ jayare604's post again. From what I understand, he has NOTHING against people who purchase low-end merchandise. He is, against people who purchase (and hence support) fake merchandise.

Same thing with will068's post, he's asked "What's the point of pretending to wear authentic gear ?", and your answer was COST.

Last edited by trd2343; 06-03-2011 at 02:47 PM.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:43 PM   #36123
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^^ wow they are classless
felt really bad for that guy
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:46 PM   #36124
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Anyone has Game 3 or 4 viewing who wants to trade? I managed to score 3 sets of 4s to Game 6. I just kept on buying all available seats at noon.

I listed them as trades on CL, but people have been offering me double the price to sell it.... I won't be doing that though. I rather take friends and family to the game than to encourage selling $100 per ticket on CL.
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Old 06-03-2011, 02:48 PM   #36125
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Originally Posted by rb View Post
Those flipping the viewing party tickets for a profit can go to hell. I hope no one on here is doing that.

There are plenty of places to watch the game for free around downtown so its not worth paying more than $10 for a ticket.
No kidding, they are making money off a charity event!
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