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06-06-2011, 07:53 PM
#37301 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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for all the poeple wondering why luongo wasnt pulled. when it was 5-1 AV asked luongo if he wanted to come out luongo said dont you dare
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06-06-2011, 07:56 PM
#37302 | Bieksa eats bears for breakfast...
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It takes a big man to face that kind of game. We've talked about his ego and stuff before, but for me this makes up for it.
Your balls are sensitive things!! They shouldn't be played around with, at least not like that, and you should NOT BE DIPPING THEM IN AFTERSHAVE! Oh my god, I feel sorry for your balls!"
ODC: "Wrong, a roots type blower will produce max boost from 0rpm to redline."
Iceman_19: "A roots makes zero boost at zero rpm, lol"
Ulic Qel-Droma: "haha go google image big black dick. or black cock. i forgot which term i used. it's one of the many." |
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06-06-2011, 07:58 PM
#37303 | RS Veteran
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Originally Posted by Iceman_2K It takes a big man to face that kind of game. We've talked about his ego and stuff before, but for me this makes up for it. | at this stage, once you have gotten this far, mentally, you can only get stronger and more up to the challenge... being embarrassed makes you want to prove yourself even more..
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06-06-2011, 07:59 PM
#37304 | VLS Head Mod
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Originally Posted by Iceman_2K Honestly, they played a great period 1 - how many teams survive a 5 min powerplay? They're still one game up on Boston - and the next game is Wed. We regroup, look at the replays, and tweak the process. Same thing we did in the previous games, the same thing we did after the previous 2 games. We didn't have a lot on the bench, and I'm sure AV asked Luongo what he wanted after the 4 goals, so before we go out and ask to hang any of the players or AV, remember that they've made it this far without us doing coaching from the couch. What hurts more, losing 2 to 1, or losing 8 to 1? When you lose 2 to 1, you lost because you didn't have the extra bit to make it into overtime. When you lose 8 to 1, it doesn't matter because there's the next game - and we don't care about the score anymore. At the end of the day, its about the number of games we won - and we're still 1 game up on Boston.
For the bandwagoners - especially the Premier - this is hockey - you support the team thick and thin. These guys made it this far - award after award - and it ain't going to stop now. They don't touch nothing but the Cup, and its one game at a time. If you don't like that, and can't stomach losses, then you might want to return that nice shiny jersey you just bought. | I'd thank you but I'm on my phone, so just going to quote you instead. Take the wins with the losses, that's what being a true fan is all about Posted via RS Mobile |
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06-06-2011, 08:00 PM
#37305 | 10psi aint enough...
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Have faith guys...we can do this.
Let boston have this one victory...after this, its all canucks!!
This loss will push canucks into stronger mode.
Believe. Posted via RS Mobile |
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06-06-2011, 08:03 PM
#37306 | Even when im right, is still right!
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Luongo was off his game today, but he wasn't a complete wreck. Morale + momentum was against the Canucks' favor and a lot of the team just gave up early on in the 3rd period.
Lu will redeem himself in game 4. I can see it already. You gotta respect him for not wanting to get pulled out after allowing 5. That shows he's still got a lot of heart.
All the people on fb blaming him for tonight's loss should go die in a fire. We wouldn't have gotten this far in the Playoffs/Finals if it weren't for him. It's almost like people have forgotten it completely. Canuck fans my ass
The Cup will still be ours. We'll take it on Vancouver ice.
__________________ Quote:
Originally Posted by LiquidTurbo Paying for sex? Isn't that was dating is? :trollface.jpg: | Quote:
Originally Posted by buddy my rule of thumb when picking between 2 or more girls .. always go with the one with bigger boobs | |
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06-06-2011, 08:04 PM
#37307 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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FB flamers = bandwagoners
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06-06-2011, 08:05 PM
#37308 | Bieksa eats bears for breakfast...
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Like the slogan says - we're all Canucks, and this is what we live for.
If you believe in the process, and do what you need to do, you win - its the same message AV has been saying; its the same message that the whole organization has been saying. One game at a time. No one said there wasn't going to be bumps. Think of it this way - if fans think that way, and have that mentality, and we don't even play the game, what mental strength does the team have, when they have to go out there, shift after shift, and physically win the game so we have the prevlage to cheer.
Your balls are sensitive things!! They shouldn't be played around with, at least not like that, and you should NOT BE DIPPING THEM IN AFTERSHAVE! Oh my god, I feel sorry for your balls!"
ODC: "Wrong, a roots type blower will produce max boost from 0rpm to redline."
Iceman_19: "A roots makes zero boost at zero rpm, lol"
Ulic Qel-Droma: "haha go google image big black dick. or black cock. i forgot which term i used. it's one of the many." |
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06-06-2011, 08:05 PM
#37309 | My dinner reheated before my turbo spooled
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Game 3, must win, tough home crowd, two horrific brainfart road losses, sprinkled with "karma" after Rome's hit...........8-1 is not out of the ordinary in this case. Most of the goals were from the unlucky category rather than outskilled.
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06-06-2011, 08:05 PM
#37310 | Banned (ABWS)?
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Originally Posted by palepilsenpin0y It's almost like people have forgotten it completely. Canucks fan my ass | Not forgotten...
More like all the bandwagoners were never around earlier to see what Lu brought for us in the first place.
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06-06-2011, 08:06 PM
#37311 | reads most threads with his pants around his ankles, especially in the Forced Induction forum.
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Originally Posted by - kT Lu isn't to blame at all. he played well, most evidently in that 5min major PP. i feel bad for the guy, but he was a huge reason that we won Gold in the olympics, and he'll be back to bring us to the cup
no big deal, winning the cup at home just makes it all the better! | agree!
We should have pull lu out at 4 to 0. There is no point in keeping him there to burn. Now he is going to have a tough time getting his confident back for next game.
We should have pull lu out at 4 to 0 and just go all offensive. We have nothing to lose at that point anyways since we are down 4 goals already. Rough up the other team at the very least.
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06-06-2011, 08:06 PM
#37312 | Even when im right, is still right!
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4 games to win 2... still in our favor. Wake up call, reality check, whatever you wanna call it the Canucks will bounce back with a better effort to win the series!!
__________________ Quote:
Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp When you fuckers lose your virginity, you will learn to appreciate the beauty of natural women. For now, stick to your magazines and porns where all the bitches are shaved to keep the crabs under control ;) | |
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06-06-2011, 08:08 PM
#37313 | Bieksa eats bears for breakfast...
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Lu has nothing to redeem. We lost as a team - we win as a team.
Your balls are sensitive things!! They shouldn't be played around with, at least not like that, and you should NOT BE DIPPING THEM IN AFTERSHAVE! Oh my god, I feel sorry for your balls!"
ODC: "Wrong, a roots type blower will produce max boost from 0rpm to redline."
Iceman_19: "A roots makes zero boost at zero rpm, lol"
Ulic Qel-Droma: "haha go google image big black dick. or black cock. i forgot which term i used. it's one of the many." |
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06-06-2011, 08:11 PM
#37314 | Big Drama Show
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people need to stop all the talk about how we just wanna win it at home or winning at home will be that much better..of course it will be. But you never want to see your team lose 8-1 in the SCF, I wouldn't have cared if it was a hard fought close game
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06-06-2011, 08:14 PM
#37315 | Bieksa eats bears for breakfast...
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Would it matter to you if we win the next two 3-2 3-2? If we take the attitude that we lose and the world is over, then the world has been over 19 times during the regular season out of the 80 some odd games we played.
Your balls are sensitive things!! They shouldn't be played around with, at least not like that, and you should NOT BE DIPPING THEM IN AFTERSHAVE! Oh my god, I feel sorry for your balls!"
ODC: "Wrong, a roots type blower will produce max boost from 0rpm to redline."
Iceman_19: "A roots makes zero boost at zero rpm, lol"
Ulic Qel-Droma: "haha go google image big black dick. or black cock. i forgot which term i used. it's one of the many." |
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06-06-2011, 08:15 PM
#37316 | Bieksa eats bears for breakfast...
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He asked to stay in at 5-1. It was his call - and he wouldn't have it any other way. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp agree!
We should have pull lu out at 4 to 0. There is no point in keeping him there to burn. Now he is going to have a tough time getting his confident back for next game.
We should have pull lu out at 4 to 0 and just go all offensive. We have nothing to lose at that point anyways since we are down 4 goals already. Rough up the other team at the very least. |
Your balls are sensitive things!! They shouldn't be played around with, at least not like that, and you should NOT BE DIPPING THEM IN AFTERSHAVE! Oh my god, I feel sorry for your balls!"
ODC: "Wrong, a roots type blower will produce max boost from 0rpm to redline."
Iceman_19: "A roots makes zero boost at zero rpm, lol"
Ulic Qel-Droma: "haha go google image big black dick. or black cock. i forgot which term i used. it's one of the many." |
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06-06-2011, 08:17 PM
#37317 | JDMEK9Mod | DogWhisperer
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let's not forget who we had on d tonight:
bieksa - rome (tossed)
edler (tough night) - ehrhoff (plenty of stupid plays, brain farts and trying to be cute with the pucK)
alberts - salo
i knew going in that rome was going to be a weak link (again) but obviously didn't expect him to KO horton and get tossed. nerves got to edler again and ehrhoff was just awful IMHO. alberts was okay but obviously wasn't able to handle the extra workload easily and salo like mentioned above, still +1 in a 8-1 loss.
i REALLY hope that AV comes back with ballard/tanev for game 4 and hopefully hammer can make a return. we really need hammer's calmness and smart play in an environment like this.
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06-06-2011, 08:18 PM
#37318 | I *heart* very Muchie
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People need to stop saying Luongo lost confidence, cause I'm pretty sure he's fine. He know's it and so does the whole team that everyone in front of him sucked tonight. As far as I'm concerned, Boston can take this game, since it's Neely's bday and it's the anniversary of his trade today, and they prob drew inspiration from that. It's only 1 game...
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06-06-2011, 08:19 PM
#37319 | Network Admin Team
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Just came back from the viewing party
* They didn't lower the screen. Getting lower bowl tickets is a bad idea as my neck is now killing me.
* You get a free towel.
* Good atmosphere but be prepared for the typical bandwagoner comments, esp if the team is losing.
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06-06-2011, 08:19 PM
#37320 | 14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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If any of your guys that are saying should have pulled him. Here is a question for you. You're in game 3 of the stanly cup finals with a 2-0 lead in the series. You've never been here before. You know you're the number one goalie on the team. You're losing 5-1 in a game that's going south. Would you want to be taken out? Have any of you guys seen a goalie being pulled in the finals other than to injury? Wouldn't you guys want to experience it good or bad? I think him being taken out would of had a harder time on him mentally... Possibly thinking that he's not good enough so he got pulled in the finals? Or would you rather feel as if the team still has the confidence in you along with thr coach gm and staff. Anyway hope that stuff makes sense I can't re read it lol. Posted via RS Mobile |
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06-06-2011, 08:19 PM
#37321 | Bieksa eats bears for breakfast...
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There's definitely going to be lineup tweaks for sure. Rome looks to be a suspension for sure - they won't let this one go, especially with the attention that concussions are getting.
Your balls are sensitive things!! They shouldn't be played around with, at least not like that, and you should NOT BE DIPPING THEM IN AFTERSHAVE! Oh my god, I feel sorry for your balls!"
ODC: "Wrong, a roots type blower will produce max boost from 0rpm to redline."
Iceman_19: "A roots makes zero boost at zero rpm, lol"
Ulic Qel-Droma: "haha go google image big black dick. or black cock. i forgot which term i used. it's one of the many." |
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06-06-2011, 08:21 PM
#37322 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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Great first, not so great 2nd and 3rd, but whatever, Canucks in 5! I feel the wagon just got a lot lighter, more room for the real fans! GO CANUCKS GO!
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06-06-2011, 08:21 PM
#37323 | JDMEK9Mod | DogWhisperer
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i think a suspension is the only way AV will take rome out of the line up lol.
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06-06-2011, 08:21 PM
#37324 | 14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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reading some of these facebook status' and it just makes my head hurt. |
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06-06-2011, 08:21 PM
#37325 | Head of HR....have a seat on that couch
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Couldn't agree more with Iceman_2K.
We didn't care about the score in the last 2 games so don't start giving a shit now. Win is a win, loss is a loss. I didn't expect to sweep, 1 win on this trip to Boston is just awesome.
I just want to see the boys regroup and come out and play our game, hard, for 60 minutes.
A few points though:
-Rome hit - late but clean, 5 minute major was more than enough given Horton got injured, Horton was admiring a pass and had his head down, no blindside.
-Nucks effort in the last 2 periods was so sloppy. I don't mind the final score. I hate the effort.
-PP has to pick it up.
-reffing was terrible. No excuse, we were losing before it really started to suck.
__________________ feedback Originally posted by v.b. can we stop, my pussy hurts... Originally posted by asian_XL fliptuner, I am gonna grab ur dick and pee in your face, then rub shit all over my face...:lol Originally posted by Fei-Ji haha i can taste the cum in my mouth Originally posted by FastAnna when I was 13 I wanted to be a video hoe so bad RSUV #7 |
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