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Old 01-13-2011, 10:24 PM   #12926
Head of HR....have a seat on that couch
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Originally Posted by Ronin View Post
We're not going to win every single game. The Canucks still have a single digit loss column more than halfway through the season. We were outplayed by the Rangers and we didn't get to play our game.

I'm not worried about the loss as much as the way we lost. It was evident the Canucks got outmuscled and outhustled on a lot of plays. The Rangers blocked a lot of shots and had a hell of a lot more grit than us. That's what playoff hockey is like and it looked like the Canucks were still trying to play their finesse game rather than grinding it out.

Not worried. Slightly disappointed but hey...we're still the best team in the league. Parade is still on.
Yup, I was hoping they'd grind out a hacking or greasy goal or 2 in the 3rd but it was all perimeter shots and finesse plays.

Shutout losses suck. At least if we lost with a few goals we'd have an excuse - we just got shut down and outworked.

Originally posted by v.b.
can we stop, my pussy hurts...
Originally posted by asian_XL
fliptuner, I am gonna grab ur dick and pee in your face, then rub shit all over my face...:lol
Originally posted by Fei-Ji
haha i can taste the cum in my mouth
Originally posted by FastAnna
when I was 13 I wanted to be a video hoe so bad

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Old 01-13-2011, 10:44 PM   #12927 the world.
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I don't think the Rangers trapped all that much. The Canucks advanced the puck deep most of the time but they were out-hustled to the puck or the Rangers crashed and stole it. They also blocked a fuck-ton of shots and limited the Canucks to perimeter shooting. Other than the the first 10 and maybe the last 3 minutes, Lundqvist had a pretty easy night. I thought Schneider played better than he did but the Rangers as a team just wanted the win more.

I mean...fucking Gaborik blocked a shot...and then went on a breakaway.
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Old 01-13-2011, 11:16 PM   #12928
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i wonder if nucks lose the next one how many ppl going to panic and start bandwagoning
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Old 01-14-2011, 12:24 AM   #12929 the world.
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Originally Posted by EmperorIS View Post
i wonder if nucks lose the next one how many ppl going to panic and start bandwagoning
If they lose tomorrow, people will just say the Caps rebounded from a bad few games. Parade still planned but it'll just be later because we won't win 16 in a row anymore in the playoffs. We'll let each team we face win one where the Canucks don't even show up and the opposition shoots at an empty net all night. In fact, we'll do it on the first game of each series so we can give those jerks some hope before we come down on them with the fury of a thousand suns. It'll take longer to win...20 games but oh well, just gives us a chance to make the parade longer.

If they lose 3 in a row, then people might worry. They'll be thinking conference champion with a shot at the Cup. We might actually need to play in some of these games and our 4th line can't just be cardboard cutouts of two guys and Tanner Glass. Kesler and Raymond will have to laugh at Samuelsson and tell him he can't be on the 2nd line so we can fire him up with some classic "They can go fuck themselves" Samuelsson instead of that dick on the team now.

If we lose 4 in a row, Vancouver will explode into a state of unrest. Business will shut down and board up as looters ravage the city for food, water and supplies as we prepare for the apocalypse. The government will topple and anarchy will rule the streets. Then the next 24 hours will be insanity. The instability in Vancouver due to the Canucks losing will cause a global chain reaction. No one will know who fired first. The Russians? The Chinese? Who knows...but there will be nothing left but nuclear winter afterwards. We'll have to burn effigies of Bieksa in metal barrels for warmth. 10,000 years later when Wall-E rolls by, all that will remain of Vancouver will be rubble and disappointment.

Maybe a tattered Artem Chubarov Canucks jersey will float by in a tumbleweed.
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Old 01-14-2011, 08:54 AM   #12930
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Seguin has his own apartment in downtown and rolling in a Range Rover...and he is only 18 years old lol. Damn. Totally different path that Crosby took.;...eperiods011311
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Old 01-14-2011, 09:37 AM   #12931
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Yea but he'll never be a Crosby

Rick Nash said one of the hardest points in his career was living on his own at 18
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Old 01-14-2011, 10:08 AM   #12932
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Originally Posted by HachiSix View Post
Seguin has his own apartment in downtown and rolling in a Range Rover...and he is only 18 years old lol. Damn. Totally different path that Crosby took.;...eperiods011311
Speaking of money, this is a good read:
Just a few months ago, NHL player Dan Ellis took to Twitter to lament his financial woes. He had just signed a $1.5 million/year contract, and then realized after he bought a new house in Tampa Bay and a new luxury car, that he still had to turn 18% of his salary over to escrow to keep the salary cap at its current level.

Being a professional athlete and making millions of dollars is a lot like winning the lottery. You get a huge chunk of change over a short period of time. You pay your taxes on it and you’ll be lucky to receive 50-60% of the winnings to deposit into your bank account.

Like lottery winners, many professional athletes go out and spend the money. They buy houses, cars, designer wardrobes, and Rolex watches. They invest in businesses and real estate without doing their research, but invest based on the information someone else has given to them. They allow relatives, friends or a friend of a friend to help them manage their money or get them to invest in failed business schemes.

Let’s not forget that not only do they buy houses, cars and watches for themselves, but they buy it for their friends and family. They put up the aura of money by spending exorbitant amounts of the liquid green on lavish dinners, expensive wines, and worse yet…they pay for everybody.

One NHL agent told me that rookies tend to make that mistake during their first year of making their few hundreds of thousands. They’ll foot the restaurant bill (which can be in the thousands) when it comes to the table, even if the guy sitting across from him just inked a $100 million deal.

They haven’t learned the whole “Excuse me, I need to take a leak,” and head to the bathroom right when the bill arrives (like the million dollar players do).

They don’t just pay once a season for the tab when it comes, they pay for it most of the time…thus increasing their chances of going broke a lot faster, especially if they don’t make it past their sophomore year in the big leagues.

They spend, spend, spend. They invest without going to certified professionals. They even gamble their earnings away at the tables. After all, ask any athlete after their season is over where they are headed to. It’s not Disneyland! Most head to Las Vegas or Atlantic City.

The main thing that most of these athletes and lottery winners forget is that they are given this rare opportunity. They have millions of dollars in their hands. Many spend their entire lifetime just to attempt to save up a million dollars for their retirement. Even to most, they’ll be lucky to save just a quarter of that towards their retirement.

With this rare opportunity to make millions at a young age, athletes don’t realize that the short amount of time that they have to earn this money should be invested and saved wisely so that it will last them their entire lifetime. Sure, some of it can be spent now, but many make the mistake of thinking they have endless amounts of money, only to find that once the money is no longer coming in, they are more broke than they were prior to making the millions.

I call this Lottery Money. Like lotto winners, professional athletes spend the money, rather than investing it or placing it into a fund with the objective of having the major earnings last their entire lifetime. They go on a spending spree, buying things for not only themselves but their extended family (parents) and on their entourage (friends/leeches…whatever you want to call them).

Instead of buying just one Rolex watch valued at around $20,000, they buy five Rolex watches. Instead of buying just one luxury car and one modest everyday car, they buy a number of luxury and sports vehicles, not realizing that they are not an investment. Cars depreciate in value the second they drive it off the lot.

For some players, they’ve gotten into trouble gambling. From internet gambling to visiting the tables, there are a few that gamble away several hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There are even a few players that have had problems paying their taxes. They end up owing the government more money by having to pay penalties on top of everything they owed already to begin with.

But the truth of the matter is that all of this spending during the highlight of their careers finds them with severe money problems just shortly after their careers have ended. For instance, Sports Illustrated reported that 78% of NFLers that have been retired for two years have gone bankrupt or are under severe financial distress due to divorce or joblessness.

That was within two years of their retirement! 78% of them are already in dire straits financially.

Within five years of retirement, 60% of former NBA players are broke.

Even the current economic climate has taken its toll on MLB players who also have found themselves in similar ruin. Several notable baseball players (Johnny Damon, Mike Pelfrey, Jacoby Ellsbury, and Scott Eyre) found their fortunes tied up in an $8 billion fraud scheme by Texas financier Robert Allen Stanford. Pelfrey found 99% of his fortune frozen due to the federal investigation into the fraud.

For every person with millions to invest, there are always the Bernie Madoff’s of the world seeking to steal away and squander their client’s money. How do these guys get away with it? People put too much of their trust into these individuals without ever checking on their own money and investments to make sure they still have their money.

One of the greatest lessons to be learned comes from personal finance expert and author David Bach. In order to be rich, you have to be smart about money. Being smart means doing your research and not playing dumb when it comes to money. If you play dumb, you deserve to lose it all.

In this day and age, no matter how many pucks you take to the head, you can still learn how to manage your own money. You have to stay on top of your earning capital, or watch your money flow down the drain.

Steven Conville of Macquarie Private Wealth, who specializes in helping his clients in sports and entertainment grow their capital, says that some of the biggest mistakes athletes make in their career are “not being cognizant of the time or the dollar value of the first contract.”

“Most players feel as though they can party and indulge during the first contract and get serious for the second or third contract. The issue that arises is that some players never get that second or third contract, or don’t receive the type of money that they thought they would receive. Those players who typically over spend during their first contract have about 33% less of their money work for them when they reach retirement age.

“Players fail to recognize that they only have 5-10 years to fund their retirement, which can be as long as 65 years.”

Another major problem that many athletes make the mistake of doing is hiring the wrong people to manage their money.

“Putting uncertified, under-educated family members or friends in charge of their financial affairs,” Convillle says. “One mistake in that area often can lead to bankruptcy, difficult retirement years, leaving their families in disarray, or even costing them prison time.”

Another major pitfall for athletes involves the business enterprises they either know nothing about or leave in the hands of a friend or family member. Many open up car dealerships, restaurants, and record labels.

“[They] enter into high risk ventures that they have no experience in or time to properly manage the investment,” Conville says.

He also adds that players make the mistake of “opening sports bars and nightclubs when they are not around to oversee the management of the operation.”

In other words, they invest their money and their name into a venture, but walk away from it, hoping that the people they left to manage the joint will come out profitable. Without properly watching their investments, they could wind up being robbed.

Back in the 1990s, one of the largest skylight companies in the world, LinEl, Inc. fell into ruin. Their President decided that he preferred to be out on the road, building the skylights himself with his crew. He left one of the Vice Presidents in charge to manage the ’business’ side of things.

That Vice President squandered and embezzled the money, putting the millionaire founders into complete financial ruin. He had to declare bankruptcy and close down the factories, laying off hundreds of workers.

The lesson he learned here was not to let anyone manage your company or your money for you. You always have to keep a close eye, especially on the managers. If you don’t, they will rob you and ruin you, your family, and your way of life.

After they’re done, the federal government will take the rest of what is left behind.

Another money factor that most players do not think about are the investments they put into their homes. Considering how the ‘nature of the business’ for any professional sports team includes players being traded, many find that they have to move their family to a new home and city. Although trades find families moving from one state to another, or simply maintaining two homes during the season, many make the mistake of “buying huge houses and putting custom details into the home that they won’t be able to recoup the expenditure at the time of the sale.”

In other words, that ‘special room’ you just had to have when you bought the new house…you can’t take it with you when you go. The need for a quick sale means you can’t get back the costs you put into the house. That means that you just put all of this money into a house to spruce it up the way you want it only to have to sell it quickly and never get back the money you put into the home.

It would be more worthwhile to make that special investment in the home for the house you retire in, not the one you may live in for a year or two and then move to a new state.

The point of this article is to show that many people make the mistake of not learning how to manage their money when they get it. It’s not just lottery winners or professional athletes, but celebrities also go through these money mistakes. Nicolas Cage recently had to declare bankruptcy. Whitney Houston, Queen Latifah, Toni Braxton (not just once, but twice), Randy Quaid, Stan Lee, Mike Tyson, Donald Trump (not once, but twice this decade), Stephen Baldwin and Sinbad are just a few more big names that filed for bankruptcy.

For fans, they don’t understand how a professional athlete or celebrity who has millions of dollars can go bankrupt or lament financial woes when they have all of this money. Simply put…they’re just like everybody else.

People say, “When I win the lottery, I’m going to buy…”

Guess what? Professional athletes and celebrities have won their own lottery. The first thing on their minds (just like everybody else) is on what they’re going to buy with that money. They’re not thinking about how they should do something with the money so that it lasts their entire lifetime. They’re not thinking about all of the people that they’re going to attract that want a handout. They’re not thinking about how to think like a businessman and make sure that money grows.

Your money doesn’t grow when you spend it. You’re making someone else’s money grow by giving it away. is offline  
Old 01-14-2011, 11:04 AM   #12933
I'm better than you.
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one of my fav players is rick nash, one day he'll carry the jackets to a cup.
it sucks he has to play for a crappy team, shitty hockey market, and doesn't get much exposure

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Old 01-14-2011, 11:09 AM   #12934
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^ agreed. Nash is a freakin beast and it sucks to see him stuck in a mediocre club like that.

almost like the old lebron
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He would step out of his freshly downtown autospa detailed 996 C4s, check out his own reflection in the driverside window out of habit, take off his brand new limited edition D&G aviator sunglasses so the mf can see the fury in his eyes, sashay over to the other guy and then threaten to insert his black leather Savatore Ferragamo loafers into the guys rear-end.
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Old 01-14-2011, 11:21 AM   #12935
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Originally Posted by b0unce. [?] View Post
one of my fav players is rick nash, one day he'll carry the jackets to a cup.
it sucks he has to play for a crappy team, shitty hockey market, and doesn't get much exposure
no matter how good he is, he doesn't have a supporting staff to win the cup, so as long as he's a jacket = no cup
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Old 01-14-2011, 11:40 AM   #12936, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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New Sports Center Ovi commercial

"back at the line to Babych.... LONG SHOT....Potvin had trouble with it....ADAM SHOOTS SCORES!!!!

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Old 01-14-2011, 12:08 PM   #12937
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Originally Posted by winson604 View Post
New Sports Center Ovi commercial
Still funny... but not exactly new.
Someone posted it back like 20 pages ago. lol
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Old 01-14-2011, 12:11 PM   #12938
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SOB suspended for two games
Nashville Predators' defenceman Shane O'Brien has been suspended for two games as a result of a high-sticking incident against the Florida Panthers on Thursday.

The offence occurred near the end of the first period when O'Brien's stick came up into the face of Panthers' forward Stephen Weiss.

O'Brien is eligible to return to the lineup on Tuesday when the Predators face the Coyotes in Phoenix.

The 27-year old O'Brien has two goals and five assists in 43 games this season with the Preds. is offline  
Old 01-14-2011, 12:15 PM   #12939, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by AzNightmare View Post
Still funny... but not exactly new.
Someone posted it back like 20 pages ago. lol
Haha my bad kinda hard to dig through so many pages.
"back at the line to Babych.... LONG SHOT....Potvin had trouble with it....ADAM SHOOTS SCORES!!!!

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Old 01-14-2011, 12:39 PM   #12940
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Originally Posted by winson604 View Post
Haha my bad kinda hard to dig through so many pages.
come on, really?

The date on the video says Jan 4th 2011, you dont think RS members would've taken this long to see it?

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Old 01-14-2011, 12:46 PM   #12941
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Originally Posted by winson604 View Post
New Sports Center Ovi commercial
Originally Posted by AzNightmare View Post
Still funny... but not exactly new.
Someone posted it back like 20 pages ago. lol

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Old 01-14-2011, 01:44 PM   #12942
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Originally Posted by Ch28 View Post

Hey, I just made him aware of it. (so he knows why he's getting the fails)
I'm not the one giving him fails

On that note... I actually do read each page on the Canucks thread. (I have no life).
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Last edited by AzNightmare; 01-14-2011 at 02:33 PM.
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Old 01-14-2011, 02:27 PM   #12943, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by Ch28 View Post

Originally Posted by AzNightmare View Post
Hey, I just made him aware of it. I'm not the one giving him fails
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Old 01-14-2011, 02:47 PM   #12944
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Man I can't wait for this game to start only 12mins to go!!
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Old 01-14-2011, 02:54 PM   #12945
I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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-The Man- -The Legend- Bobby Lu back between the pipes tonight!
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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Old 01-14-2011, 03:02 PM   #12946
Head of HR....have a seat on that couch
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I just want them to come out strong and set a good pace. Let's just start there.

Originally posted by v.b.
can we stop, my pussy hurts...
Originally posted by asian_XL
fliptuner, I am gonna grab ur dick and pee in your face, then rub shit all over my face...:lol
Originally posted by Fei-Ji
haha i can taste the cum in my mouth
Originally posted by FastAnna
when I was 13 I wanted to be a video hoe so bad

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Old 01-14-2011, 03:13 PM   #12947
manage the cap you say????
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Old 01-14-2011, 03:16 PM   #12948
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Luongo fault or good shot?

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Old 01-14-2011, 03:17 PM   #12949
manage the cap you say????
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0 - 1, well placed shot

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Old 01-14-2011, 03:18 PM   #12950
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well that sucked! is offline  
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