No it doesn't mean its void.
Go ahead and dispute it if your friend feels like it, probably won't win
if you feel like giving this a shot..
Get your friend to buy something from a 7-11 from a REALLY far place, IE. if the ticket was issued in Burnaby, go buy something in Richmond AT THE TIME THE TICKET WAS ISSUED
IE. go buy something at 7-11 at 11pm, if the ticket time was 11pm 7/7/2010.
i forgot if u can dispute a Box 2 VI though, but if u can, pray the officer doesn't rmb the right date that they ticketed your friend on.
but in all seriousness, if a ticket was issued, it was done for a reason so just take responsibility.
Last edited by Qmx323; 07-06-2010 at 03:00 AM.