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07-24-2010, 02:59 PM
#1 | Banned By Establishment
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| Asians, Clubs And fake titties.
This is a straight up rant. so in b4 "u mad bro" and "lol wat"
Ok, I've worked at a nightclub for the past 3 years and there are some things that irk my mind.
1. Asian Girls.
What the fuck is your deal? Why do you go to the club with 6 of your girlfriends, ALL LOOKING THE SAME, and then dance in a god damn circle, and laugh at any guy who tries to make an approach on you. Not only are you making it hard for guys to come approach you because you never dance outside of your gay little circle, you usually have 2 DD'ing guy's buying you all the rounds and never pay for a round ever. Seriously what the fuck is that? And damn when any guy approaches the girls oh shit mr serious drug dealer comes in and tells the guy white boy he's going to fuck him up for trying to get close. Maybe if you sucked the guys dick once in a while he wouldn't be so sexually aggrivated that he isn't getting any from you and some other guy is giving you attention and causing him to fight.
2. Clubs and Fake Titties in general.
Fake titties are getting so played out now. If your five foot nothing, 110 pounds, please stop buying double d's. They dont make you look good, and if anything a simple push from behind will send you wallowing to the ground because you're so damn unbalanced. Maybe you should wear some damn clothing with what god gave you that suits your body type. Because usually girls that are natural that know what to wear look 100 times better than some girl who wears the tightest jeans possible, the tightest low cut possible and then again laugh at any guy that tries to approach them. Not only that these girls usually have the dumbest fucking dance where they try to keep their back as straight as possible stick out their chest and have a stupid smile on their face because dumb trash are staring at their chest. ATTTTTTENTION WHORES.
3. Over drinking.
This goes for guys too. Seriously stop puking. I swear to god if I have to clean up any more puke I will fucking murder someone. Everyone should know their limit. When you surpass the limit because you can't control every single drink handed to you, and then all you wanna do is a) puke b) fight a group of brown guys c) pass out. You are only embarrassing yourself. And ladies please watch your drinks. I had some girl come into the busser station the other day trying to make out with every staff member and then pull down her pants and asked for someone to stick a dick in her (at least she shaved).
And you know what else? if you put your drink down, expect it to a) be drugged. b) be picked up by a busser. And stop asking for free drinks from every staff member. Stop being such a cheap-o. If there is a 10ml in your glass and its filled with ice and a busser picks it up and puts it in his bin after you stared at him doing it, don't go crazy and beg for a drink. I have never put a drink down in 5 years of clubbing. Why? Because it never lasts more than 1 minute in my hand. And not only that once you hit your limit you can walk around with a single drink and avoid people buying you shots.
Sorry for the weird rant. Just had a weird 2 nights at work. God damn full moon.
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07-24-2010, 06:39 PM
#2 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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Originally Posted by MajinHurricane This is a straight up rant. so in b4 "u mad bro" and "lol wat"
Ok, I've worked at a nightclub for the past 3 years and there are some things that irk my mind.
1. Asian Girls.
What the fuck is your deal? Why do you go to the club with 6 of your girlfriends, ALL LOOKING THE SAME, and then dance in a god damn circle, and laugh at any guy who tries to make an approach on you. Not only are you making it hard for guys to come approach you because you never dance outside of your gay little circle, you usually have 2 DD'ing guy's buying you all the rounds and never pay for a round ever. Seriously what the fuck is that? And damn when any guy approaches the girls oh shit mr serious drug dealer comes in and tells the guy white boy he's going to fuck him up for trying to get close. Maybe if you sucked the guys dick once in a while he wouldn't be so sexually aggrivated that he isn't getting any from you and some other guy is giving you attention and causing him to fight.
2. Clubs and Fake Titties in general.
Fake titties are getting so played out now. If your five foot nothing, 110 pounds, please stop buying double d's. They dont make you look good, and if anything a simple push from behind will send you wallowing to the ground because you're so damn unbalanced. Maybe you should wear some damn clothing with what god gave you that suits your body type. Because usually girls that are natural that know what to wear look 100 times better than some girl who wears the tightest jeans possible, the tightest low cut possible and then again laugh at any guy that tries to approach them. Not only that these girls usually have the dumbest fucking dance where they try to keep their back as straight as possible stick out their chest and have a stupid smile on their face because dumb trash are staring at their chest. ATTTTTTENTION WHORES.
3. Over drinking.
This goes for guys too. Seriously stop puking. I swear to god if I have to clean up any more puke I will fucking murder someone. Everyone should know their limit. When you surpass the limit because you can't control every single drink handed to you, and then all you wanna do is a) puke b) fight a group of brown guys c) pass out. You are only embarrassing yourself. And ladies please watch your drinks. I had some girl come into the busser station the other day trying to make out with every staff member and then pull down her pants and asked for someone to stick a dick in her (at least she shaved).
And you know what else? if you put your drink down, expect it to a) be drugged. b) be picked up by a busser. And stop asking for free drinks from every staff member. Stop being such a cheap-o. If there is a 10ml in your glass and its filled with ice and a busser picks it up and puts it in his bin after you stared at him doing it, don't go crazy and beg for a drink. I have never put a drink down in 5 years of clubbing. Why? Because it never lasts more than 1 minute in my hand. And not only that once you hit your limit you can walk around with a single drink and avoid people buying you shots.
Sorry for the weird rant. Just had a weird 2 nights at work. God damn full moon. | well, im guessing for your first question, i figure theres a lot os gold diggers in clubs... to meet nice girls, you dont go to clubs.. most but not all are shanks..
second, fake tits are ok, but if you dont have a nice booty to with those fake titties, then i find that NASTY... i hate flat ass girls with big fake tits...
thirdly, i dont drink myself drunk.. i only drink maybe once or twice every 2 months.. or if theres a special occasions/event...
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07-24-2010, 07:04 PM
#3 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Where do you work?
<3 tos'd the troll king
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07-25-2010, 12:12 AM
#4 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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i'm going to guess the asian girls are in a group because they feel at there prime together, stupid really keeping that front up. why? because you won't be getting any dick, and let's be honest. if you're out shopping for a dress that shows cleavage and getting shots bought for you, i'm sure you're wanting to get fucked or it's all a waste of effort.
i like tits, so can't complain about big tits. attention whores have low self-esteem, so they're easy to get around.
overdrinking, i agree with you there. hold your liquor or don't drink. at times though, you are pretty fucked up... we've all been there. it might not be at a club though, but at a house party. where you KNOW your limit, but you test it by having just one more drink. sometimes it all taste like water, other times it doesn't hit you till late like goose (for me anyways). everyone who knows how to party, has got to be puke at least once or twice. if i'm at the club, and someone offers to buy me a shot. i'm always down to take it, i probably shouldn't because i'm already fucked. but, when you're drunk and clubs bumping your tolerance goes up. i've never puked at the club, so i'm happy there.
i have puked outside around the alley of clubs though, olympics was the best 2 fucking weeks ever!
so why you mad though? aren't you behind the table doing your job expecting nothing more than tips going into your clear jar after you serve the customer? or are you the dude in the washroom who gives me a papertowel when i'm only halfway done washing my hands?
I speak the truth, and nothin' but. If I am wrong, well then there is no right.
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07-25-2010, 02:35 AM
#5 | Banned (ABWS)
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1. Asian girl in a circle because they know they are hot so they can act snobby until they see a guy they like
2. I would choose a girl with fake tits over no tits
3. Over drinking is something most people cannot control. If you have to clean it up well thats in your job description. Find a new job if you don't like cleaning up puke.
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07-25-2010, 03:39 AM
#6 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by coupeziRL
so why you mad though? aren't you behind the table doing your job expecting nothing more than tips going into your clear jar after you serve the customer? or are you the dude in the washroom who gives me a papertowel when i'm only halfway done washing my hands? | Just things i've noticed that annoyed me over the years. I love my night job because it keeps me sane from going postal on my day job but my opinion still stands.
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07-25-2010, 04:02 AM
#7 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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I thought it was a great rant. 4.5 stars
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07-25-2010, 06:07 AM
#8 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by mqr03 3. Over drinking is something most people cannot control. | Stupidest thing I've heard in months.
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07-25-2010, 10:21 AM
#9 | Head of HR....have a seat on that couch
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Originally Posted by MajinHurricane
I had some girl come into the busser station the other day trying to make out with every staff member and then pull down her pants and asked for someone to stick a dick in her (at least she shaved). | So, when's the video come out?
__________________ feedback Originally posted by v.b. can we stop, my pussy hurts... Originally posted by asian_XL fliptuner, I am gonna grab ur dick and pee in your face, then rub shit all over my face...:lol Originally posted by Fei-Ji haha i can taste the cum in my mouth Originally posted by FastAnna when I was 13 I wanted to be a video hoe so bad RSUV #7 |
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07-25-2010, 10:45 AM
#10 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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if a guy wants attention from those type of girls you gotta catch them off guard when they're separated from the pack, cuz when they alone they don't have to front in front of their friends. When they're alone going to the bathroom (which is rare I know they travel in packs) or outside for some fresh air or whatever (also rare they would be alone) but these your best chances, it's worked for me a lot of times.
but yea most of those girls really need to get
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07-26-2010, 01:17 PM
#11 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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From one industry guy to another ...great fucking rant.
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07-26-2010, 01:47 PM
#12 | I *Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap* to RS
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"Over drinking is something most people cannot control" lol I hope your not being serious Posted via RS Mobile |
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07-26-2010, 01:59 PM
#13 | My homepage has been set to RS
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lol i agree with the asian girls part, even when the girl wants to talk to you, their girlfriend will tell you to fuck off
hate cock blocking girlfriends
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07-26-2010, 02:01 PM
#14 | not the mod you're looking for
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Excellent rant. To top that rant off, I've been seeing a lot of European douchebags in the clubs over the last week.
Those fuckers do the asian circle dance as well and it's just as annoying, because for the rest of the night they don't even get a piece of ass to dance with them.
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07-26-2010, 02:17 PM
#15 | The RS Freebie guru
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LoL... this will be SO out of place coming from me, since I pretty much never go to the clubs... but I chuckled when I read the rant due to a recent experience.
This was during my stag down in Vegas last weekend, and we were at LAX. We had bottle service and had one of the best tables, right next to the dance floor. The table next to our's was empty at first, but then a big group of Asian girls showed up... like at least 10-12 of them. Beats me how they got so many in when they only had a single bottle of SKYY the entire night. Apparently they were locals... and at least a few of them were absolute bitches. They just totally kept to themselves the entire night and didn't want to interact with anyone. A few random Asian guys on the dance floor wanted to get an in to join them, but they got shot down hard... until one of those girls, a particularly bitchy one, ended up getting the bouncers to remove them from the vicinity of their table. That was pretty funny.
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07-26-2010, 02:29 PM
#16 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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i agree with the OP, the club scene's fucking whack.
That's why I don't even bother anymore.
And another thing: The Arabs and the Browns seriously gotta keep their shit in their pants. Most of them I see are just huge fucking caricatures of themselves. Top heavym juiced up wanksters that think they're all the shit and trys to smack around anyone they think is even remotely NEAR a girl they're with. These ones are the worst. The last time I was at a club, I got punched in the back of the head by some dude whose gf's smoke I was happening to light. Out of courtesy. Seriously guys, keep your dick in your pants.
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07-26-2010, 04:19 PM
#17 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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Originally Posted by G-spec | haha what movie is this from.. looks funny..
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07-26-2010, 05:34 PM
#18 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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Originally Posted by BallPeenHammer2 These ones are the worst. The last time I was at a club, I got punched in the back of the head by some dude whose gf's smoke I was happening to light. Out of courtesy. Seriously guys, keep your dick in your pants. | are you fucking serious? what did you do? i know to have class and not show jealousy/insecurity, instead to play it cool and not express that my jealousy is getting to me. but, if someone hit me at the back of the head, in no way am i going to just "talk" with the guy. i'm going blood for blood, at that point it's not even about the girl even if it was out of courtesy. i would feel too much of a pos if i let that shitty act slide.
I speak the truth, and nothin' but. If I am wrong, well then there is no right.
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07-26-2010, 06:04 PM
#19 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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best FUCKING rant for a long time!
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07-26-2010, 06:15 PM
#20 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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.... yeah... i'd have to agree, Its awesome rant.
I've stayed at a club from start to end w/ some friends of mine working the club for promotions and such... As much as liquor gives guys courage to do stupid things, girls in greater numbers seemingly makes us think we are bigger than life. As i like to think of it, they bring their ugly friends to clubs to make themselves look better, so when a guy picks a girl next to them, they are like "WTF? I"M THE PRETTY ONE" and totally cock block the guy just to piss off the girl... from the mild observation i've had in the club.
and yeah... that clip is awesome, some of those fake tittied, cock blocking, pimp hoe wanna-be's do need that...
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07-26-2010, 06:21 PM
#21 | Banned (ABWS)
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and thats why i stopped hitting up fabric and boss :P
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07-26-2010, 06:40 PM
#22 | Banned (BBM)
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very smart choice sir
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07-26-2010, 06:40 PM
#23 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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Originally Posted by coupeziRL are you fucking serious? what did you do? i know to have class and not show jealousy/insecurity, instead to play it cool and not express that my jealousy is getting to me. but, if someone hit me at the back of the head, in no way am i going to just "talk" with the guy. i'm going blood for blood, at that point it's not even about the girl even if it was out of courtesy. i would feel too much of a pos if i let that shitty act slide. | Nothing I could do. I wasn't expecting it so when I turned around, the bouncer was already there to break it up.
Dude got thrown out though, that's fer sure.
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07-26-2010, 11:57 PM
#24 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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Originally Posted by BallPeenHammer2 i agree with the OP, the club scene's fucking whack. | Only here in Vancouver because it's so damn cliquey. I've lived in Japan before and there's no such thing; or if it happens, it's pretty minor. You don't get sized up by other guys and the girls don't have the Paris Hilton complex. Quote:
Originally Posted by MajinHurricane 1. Asian Girls.
What the fuck is your deal? Why do you go to the club with 6 of your girlfriends, ALL LOOKING THE SAME, and then dance in a god damn circle, and laugh at any guy who tries to make an approach on you. Not only are you making it hard for guys to come approach you because you never dance outside of your gay little circle, you usually have 2 DD'ing guy's buying you all the rounds and never pay for a round ever. Seriously what the fuck is that? And damn when any guy approaches the girls oh shit mr serious drug dealer comes in and tells the guy white boy he's going to fuck him up for trying to get close. Maybe if you sucked the guys dick once in a while he wouldn't be so sexually aggrivated that he isn't getting any from you and some other guy is giving you attention and causing him to fight. |    
TBH, this goes for guys as well. Despite what your rap videos educate you with, clubbing with a large posse acting all gangster is more of a turn-off than a turn-on. There's a reason why you see posse's of East Indians devoid of any females.
Keep your clique small. Like around 3 ppl and if you need to expand, mix up the gender. Too many men = female repelant. Don't act gangster like you're going to kill someone if you don't get laid. Be funny and chill instead.
It's funny that when you go clubbing, a lot of people actually have their "game" on backwards.
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07-27-2010, 04:21 AM
#25 | I keep RS good
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only the cbc's. hah.
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