Hi there, I've searched around the forums to see if there's a thread like this, but I didn't find any or maybe I just didn't look hard enough...
Anyways, I've been looking for an unlocked black Sony Ericsson Aino for quite awhile now without any luck. I've been lurking around Vancouver-based online stores but whenever I find a store with what seems like a good price, the reviews I read makes it seem shady...
I've been going through websites like:
acegsm, sntraders, mobile 604 and others but I'm a bit hesitant to place an order. Has anyone dealt with them before? (particularly acegsm.com)
So I was wondering if anyone can direct me to a good, reputable store, either online or an actual retail store in Vancouver, that sells the Aino (in either the International version or the American version, it doesn't matter...but if possible, I'd prefer the American version
I've heard Richmond has a lot of stores that sell unlocked phones but I've never been there before so I don't know how much they sell the phone for. So far, the cheapest one I found was in acegsm's website for $338.
Thanks for your time and assistance