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Old 08-15-2010, 03:56 PM   #1
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Mosque near ground zero

I'm just curious what you guys think about it.

Personally I thought "they don't let any churces go up anywhere in sandy sand land" why wouldn't people complain .. but then I realized.. this is America, we're better than those governments.

But now, I'm just happy they're doing it because the rednecks are pissed.

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Old 08-15-2010, 04:03 PM   #2
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what i think, is that in a way, the organizers should have thought, "hmmm, maybe people won't be too happy if i put this here..."

but at the same time, how close would be too close? would you be allowed to build another mosque on Manhattan? Or should it be say in Brooklyn? or is NY state just too close to ground zero?

and people who are pissed off about the mosque need to realize, that it was the islamic faith that drove those planes into the WTC, it was the crazy fundamentalist Al Qaeda...

I support the Mosque, and I'm extremely happy that Obama and Bloomberg does as well. I think that building a mosque/cultural centre is the first step in having a not-so-paranoid USA, and removing some of the ignorance.

I also walked by the place a few weeks ago, it's not at the WTC, it's a few blocks away.
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Old 08-15-2010, 04:33 PM   #3
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I like how obama is being a pussy and not giving an answer.
As for my opinion, how about we nuke Jerusalem, and put up a big McDonalds there, and it's an A-Ok with the muslim community, then i'm alright with a mosque at ground zero.
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Old 08-15-2010, 05:04 PM   #4
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They are putting the mosque there so that area doesnt get blown up again when/if they build new towers.
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Old 08-15-2010, 05:29 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Strzelec View Post
I like how obama is being a pussy and not giving an answer.
As for my opinion, how about we nuke Jerusalem, and put up a big McDonalds there, and it's an A-Ok with the muslim community, then i'm alright with a mosque at ground zero.

and secondly..

The fact that you Look at the Mosque being built blocks away from ground zero as an insult, is proof that you're looking at the Muslim religion to blame for the attacks.
Now that's insulting to both of us because for one, it shows your ignorance, and two.. I'm pretty sure Islam had nothing to do with 9/11.. other than that the terrorists were Muslim..

By the way, theres already a mosque near ground zero, and it was there for the past 40 years or so.. no one ever mentions that.

Either way, whyumad?

The only ocean creature you can call yourself is the giant squid. He's the destroyer of ships, and the eater of seamen. At least you share one of those traits.

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Old 08-15-2010, 06:15 PM   #6
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hmm you'd think they'd at least build it somewhere further away? not that i'm against it. but then it's not like there isn't already enough hate for the race because of 9/11... it's almost like theyre just asking to be hated =/
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Old 08-15-2010, 07:17 PM   #7
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i dont know why people would have a problem with it. last time i checked, it wasnt the religion that drove those 2 planes in to the buildings, it was a bunch of dudes fucked in the head.

if your opposed to this. then wouldnt it be fair to not let any synagogues be built around locations where they found bodies that were left by David Berkowitz?
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Old 08-15-2010, 08:06 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by t8v6 View Post
hmm you'd think they'd at least build it somewhere further away?
You mean like the other mosque that's actually 6 blocks away from ground zero and predates the World Trade Centre?
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Old 08-15-2010, 08:15 PM   #9
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I think it's rather insensitive for them to put a mosque there but they have every right to put a mosque there. I think civil rights trumps people's feelings towards the matter.
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Old 08-15-2010, 09:07 PM   #10
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lots of people at my work hate muslims.. i also dislike them for what they did to people in india.. but i know not all of them are bad. and i support making the mosque there
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Old 08-15-2010, 09:23 PM   #11
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The same could be said to what Indian's did to Muslims in India. Do your research, it goes both ways. I'm glad they're making a mosque there but what's more important is, is that they're building a community center. Anybody can go in there and learn about the religion.
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Old 08-15-2010, 09:34 PM   #12
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Islam didn't bring the two towers down terrorism\extremists did. I'm glad that Obama has the balls to make that kind of statement.
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Old 08-15-2010, 09:45 PM   #13
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Great topic for discussion. This has been heating up in other discussion forums since this the mosque got approved a while back.

Question to you folks, do you think this scenario would be equivalent of having a Japanese Cultural Center in Pearl Harbour ?

Is it insulting ? It shouldn't be. It's not like a Taliban Center of Arts. However, victims of 9/11 are indeed insulted. The answer is quite trivial as to why they do feel this way - it may be racist,ignorant, or just human nature, but it pulls a lot of weight.
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Old 08-15-2010, 09:47 PM   #14
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Aren't they also making it a recreation center or was that something else?
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Old 08-15-2010, 10:18 PM   #15
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being muslim is the new communist in america.
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Old 08-16-2010, 01:01 AM   #16
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On a side note, how long has Obama been in office? Not too impressed with the guy. He's black, and that's about it.
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Old 08-16-2010, 01:08 AM   #17, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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who cares if they built the mosque its not like the government is flipping the bill for it.

i like how some of the protesters spin it like its paid for by their tax dollars.

on the flip side since we're in vancouver i notice a lot highly prejudicial Muslims before(higher than thou attitude)... but then again i can say the same thing about the other religions as well
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Old 08-16-2010, 01:41 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by 89blkcivic View Post
On a side note, how long has Obama been in office? Not too impressed with the guy. He's black, and that's about it.
He's passed health care and financial reform.
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Old 08-16-2010, 01:52 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by 89blkcivic View Post
On a side note, how long has Obama been in office? Not too impressed with the guy. He's black, and that's about it.
yeah. he should really start a war so he can totally make a name for himself

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Old 08-16-2010, 02:47 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by 89blkcivic View Post
On a side note, how long has Obama been in office? Not too impressed with the guy. He's black, and that's about it.
How about... is not a warmongering maniac? Also, as you said, how long has he been in office? 2 years. that's nothing. But at least he passed healthcare and financial reform as manic just stated.

I get it though. These muslimfags piss me off too at time but look at what they have to deal with


and also this

Now.. you might say "but kind sir, don't the islams in sandy sand land do the same ? don't they portray jews as the devil and teach their kids to hate jews"

right you are ... but thats just it, are we going to be like them? or are we going to be American/Canadian and be better.. and be tolerant of other faiths and peoples?
We do have a choice, mind you. We CAN be retarded too, and say "im offended by this, herp derp " and we can rally and protest and eventually prevent them from building that mosque... but if we do that.. we can never, EVER again say that we're fucking better and that we're the land of the free , the brave, etc.
Pick one.

The only ocean creature you can call yourself is the giant squid. He's the destroyer of ships, and the eater of seamen. At least you share one of those traits.

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Old 08-16-2010, 04:00 AM   #21
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wow been a way fer awhile and here I thought the forums would be dead without me

we actually already did a thread about this months ago.

This is going to be a long reply

I've been astonished at the reaction of Americans about this issue its actually very scary for me and I'm not exaggerating; especially reading and seeing a lot of reactions like "kill Muslims" "burn down the mosques" "Obama 1 term president alive or dead"

This must have been the attitude in Germany prior to WW2 against Jews and Judaism, they were blamed for all sorts of things as well and the hatred/animosity was allowed to grow and fester

The only difference is the American Administration isn't promoting such a stance. Prior to Obamas message they weren't doing much to ridicule it though.

I realize many of the protesters have no issue with Muslims in general but just this specific location; however the hateful side seems to have a far louder voice here and that's concerning.

A couple things people seem to overlook or neglect to realize though is this is a piece of property in Lower Manhattan one of the most sought after pieces of real estate in the world; it would be next to impossible to find a suitable piece of property in Lower Manhattan that would appease these protesters (where would the protesters draw the line anyhow?)

And to call this a Mosque isn't exactly fair either... its a Community/Cultural Centre rooms are rented out and allotted for all sorts of activities; there just so happens to be a Prayer Room within this building.. That's not the same as a Mosque

That would be like saying a field at your local community centre is a MLB Stadium because you can play baseball on it.. Or the ice rink in Trout Lake is an NHL stadium...its just not the same.

And so what if it was a Mosque? The religion wasn't what attacked America a group of terrorist wackos living in caves did.

Even Bush stressed that the attacks are from Terrorists and the War is on Terror not Islam.

Also these protesters don't seem to realize that there are US Veterans that are Muslims
There are US Soldiers that are Muslims fighting in their wars
There were Muslims that died in the WTC buildings
There are Muslim Countries in their Alliance fighting against Terrorists
There are Muslim rescue workers

What kind of message are they sending to who they would call Heroes? Also there's actually 9/11 victim families that are IN Support of this (its sort of been made out that all families are opposed)

Another note people keep harping on Saudi Arabia and there being no Churches there; now I agree there should be Religious Freedom allowed in Saudi Arabia but Saudi Arabia isn't representative of Islam... Sure Mecca is found in Saudi Arabia and its Important to Islam but the state of Saudi Arabia is not; Hell There's FAR more Muslims in Asia than the Middle East (just Mainlander Muslims far outnumber Arab Muslims) and they sure as hell don't look to the Saudis for a "how to be muslim" guide..

There are Churches in every other Muslim country that comes to mind.. in the United Arab Emirates, Palestine, Kuwait, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran (hell there's Synagogues in Iran!! IRAN!) Indonesia, Malaysia etc

you don't see Japan rejecting american culture; or India bulldozing Churches or Africa for that matter..

hell even Bosnians and Serbs are trying to get along (muslims and christians)

As for the remark about "consideration/sensitivity" and saying American Muslims haven't shown any consideration to their fellow Americans; there was actually a report on Fox News.. FOX NEWS that spoke about how Eid at the end of Ramadan this year (think something along the lines of Christmas/New Years) is going to fall on or around September 11th this year! and Muslim associations/mosques etc are considering not hosting any celebrations or dumbing down their events this year because they don't want to look like they're being insensitive inconsiderate or even looking like they're celebrating 9/11. Now canceling Christmas to be considerate is a rather intense display of consideration isn't it? (even though i think its unnecessary as Islam didn't attack America)

I dont know i kind of lost where i was going with this but i'll just re-iterate that I'm astounded by the reaction of these protesters and the scale and strength of their voice..

Last edited by StylinRed; 08-16-2010 at 04:16 AM.
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Old 08-16-2010, 09:21 AM   #22
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There is a problem brewing, and it goes bigger than a mosque in New York.

What is going to tear that country apart, is extreme partisan politics. What they need is moderates to work between the two extremes and guide the country in a direction that doesn't cater to one side or the other but gives a little something to both.

They don't have that.

You get Fox News feeding the right with bullshit about flies landing on Obama and not a lick of journalism, then to counter you get NBC and CNN going to cater to the left.

Then you get Tea Parties and Palin. A wonderful combination. She doesn't know a damn thing about anything of concern to the electorate, but she knows how to get Rednecks to the voting station.

Right now, its all or nothing.

I'll mention that right now, I consider myself a fiscal conservative and a social progressive. Line that up in US politics, and it says I don't like democrats handling of the economy, and the GOP scares the shit out of me with their social ideas.


Sorry, just wanted to throw that in there.

There is no room for me in American media, in journalism or really with politicians. It's all or nothing. Either the democrats are going to ruin the country, or the GOP will.
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Old 08-16-2010, 09:36 AM   #23
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There's already a mosque (islamic cultural center) 4 blocks away from ground zero, that was there before the world trade center was. This one is 2 blocks away, what's 2 blocks closer? jeese.
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Old 08-16-2010, 02:03 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by 89blkcivic View Post
On a side note, how long has Obama been in office? Not too impressed with the guy. He's black, and that's about it.

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Old 08-16-2010, 02:18 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by zilla510 View Post
The same could be said to what Indian's did to Muslims in India. Do your research, it goes both ways. I'm glad they're making a mosque there but what's more important is, is that they're building a community center. Anybody can go in there and learn about the religion.
They shouldn't have been in India in the first place. You don't see Indians in the middle east starting shit
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