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| Revenue Neutral
I'm a strong believer in revenue neutral services.
Smoking Tax should pay for anti-smoking campaigns, and cancer research.
Liquor Tax should pay for rehab and healthcare.
I'm sure we could quickly fix a lot of our gang violence, drug trafficking, illegals, bad drivers, hazardous illegal mods.
- School zone ticketing
- Speed traps along knight street
- Illegal mod traps in Richmond (alderbridge, garden city and no. 3).
Make penalties harsher?
Zero tolerance for drinking and driving. First offense, immediate 6 month suspension. 2nd offense, 2 year suspension. 3 times? Car is forfeit, and sold for profit from police department.
Would anybody care to shed some light why we don't don't do this?
Less crime, less tax since systems pay for themselves.
Is this plausible or just a pipe dream?
There are some other countries that spend much less on healthcare and law enforcement and get a better product for it.
Aren't we getting ripped off?