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Tim Budong 09-15-2010 11:32 AM

on shaw only for now

SD= Ch159
HD= ch225

free preview for opne month

b0unce. [?] 09-15-2010 11:37 AM

boner achieved!

Liquid_o2 09-15-2010 12:40 PM

Just checked my PVR


Have they revealed how much the channel will cost after the free one month?

E-40six 09-15-2010 12:58 PM

I hope that its included in my HD package

fetched 09-15-2010 01:08 PM

so whats so special about this channel? Any significants besides another sports net channel?

411ken 09-15-2010 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by fetched (Post 7105985)
so whats so special about this channel? Any significants besides another sports net channel?

Canucks games baby!!!!

InvisibleSoul 09-15-2010 01:22 PM

Telus better get it soon.

OhSoGood 09-15-2010 01:31 PM


OhSoGood 09-15-2010 01:32 PM

so this is a preview and people currently subscribing to the HD package will have to pay extra....

sexyaccord 09-15-2010 03:15 PM

are the canucks games going to be on the old ch22 sportsnet then?

willystyle 09-15-2010 03:17 PM


"Sportsnet ONE, a new 24-hour national sports digital channel, offers more than 800 hours of live sports programming -- featuring the Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Raptors and Barclays Premier League soccer -- the bulk of it in high definition.

Also scheduled to be broadcast are other MLB games, including the Seattle Mariners, and various NBA games."
So, it's basically a channel dedicated in broadcasting games from Toronto sports teams. Who cares? they suck anyway.

Eff-1 09-15-2010 03:19 PM

My understanding is as follows.

It's a free preview for now.

When Canucks season starts, you'll have to pay extra for this channel. It will carry the 12 games per year that were previously shown on PPV. So either way you'd be paying to see those 12 games.

Something else to note: All games that are broadcast on Sportsnet and Sportsnet ONE will be live streamed on So you could watch there as well.

Lomac 09-15-2010 03:58 PM

Personally I think this is all crap. I was pissed off originally when I found out Shaw wasn't able to carry Sportsnet One. Imagine Rogers buying the rights to name the stadium and then not letting the local fans watch? I don't know how long of a contract Rogers has with the stadium but it would have been nice if they allowed BC residents to watch the channel for free for at least half the season, if not the entire first year as a good will gesture. It's not like they would have really been losing money since BC residents never had access to that channel to begin with, plus I'm sure Shaw has some sort of contract with Rogers to allow them access to broadcast it. I can't say I'm ready to fork down a bunch of cash to pay for a channel I'll use twelve times in a year; I would rather have left it as a PPV.

Meh, guess I'll be spending more games at the pub then! :D

iwantaskyline 09-15-2010 05:15 PM

It's most likely going to be part of the HDplus package with Shaw. If you don't have HD expect to pay 2.95 per month.

trip 09-15-2010 07:52 PM

its free trial right now. depending on the digital cable package you have it may or may not be free. if you are required to subscribe and pay for the channel it is $2.95

from my understanding.. if you have digital cable w/channels up to 58 it'll be free

unless i heard wrong..

btw its not just toronto, its regional based

LUUUUUUUU 09-15-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by InvisibleSoul (Post 7106008)
Telus better get it soon.

Sept. 22nd for Telus

Bouncing Bettys 09-15-2010 08:44 PM

i can watch both channels but shaw doesn't have the them listed as anything and the programming schedule just says To Be Announced

quasi 09-16-2010 06:34 AM

My understanding it's part of the HD sports package on shaw. If that's the case it couldn't work out better, already have that. Instead of paying extra for PPV games they'll now be included. Great news IMO.

Even if it's a bit extra it's worth it IMO if you watch a lot of hockey. Take NFL Sunday ticket, works out to about $10 a weekend. For me there is no better way to spend a Sunday and that $10 then on every NFL game in HD, totally worth it.

hotjoint 09-16-2010 07:10 AM

I'm gonna switch from bell to shaw soon

trip 09-16-2010 08:29 AM

sportsnet one is part of HD and included
- u also get the regular channel

non hd customers also get it if you have up to channels 58 and are digital

Customers who do not subscribe to Classic Cable can subscribe to the channel

Sportsnet One is only available on digital

Tim Budong 09-16-2010 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by trip (Post 7107136)
sportsnet one is part of HD and included
- u also get the regular channel

non hd customers also get it if you have up to channels 58 and are digital

Customers who do not subscribe to Classic Cable can subscribe to the channel

Sportsnet One is only available on digital

Makes sense. Rogers insisted that shaw put this as part of basic cable or just regular digital cable. It was originally suggested that snet one will fall under the premium teir like setantanta
Posted via RS Mobile

Harvey Specter 09-16-2010 01:07 PM

I'm sure Bell will pick it up.

LUUUUUUUU 09-17-2010 03:12 PM

it's up for Telus Optik already woot

SD - 106
HD - 677

InvisibleSoul 09-17-2010 11:18 PM


Armind 09-17-2010 11:33 PM


I dont have :(

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