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10-07-2010, 09:47 AM
#1 | Banned (ABWS)
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has anyone have any feedbacks with ACN?
anyone that work with them?
i am doing some critical thinking if i shud or not. been at it for at least 36hours
still cant decide weather i shud or not.
so; im not giving any info about acn just yet, just to know if anyone actually know about them.
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10-14-2010, 06:59 PM
#2 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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if you wanna lose all your friends then go ahead. It's a pyramid scheme: nuff said.
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11-07-2010, 04:54 PM
#3 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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It's not surprising that network marketing has become associated 'pyramid scheme' yet everyone that uses the term so freely doesn't seem to know the actual meaning of the term.
I suggest doing your research before coming to false conclusions. And I also suggest you watch the upcoming season of the Celebrity Apprentice.
What ACN offers to the average working person is the money that typically gets paid out in acquisition bonuses and commissions directly to its distributors.
Ever heard of those new marketing firms that go door to door and try to get you to switch over to which ever service be it rogers home phone, shaw, telus etc... ? You know how they make their money? By acquiring customers for the companies they deal with only the higher ups though in the companies keep larger chunks of the commission and don't share the monthly commissions with their employees. Just like all of the other 'dealers' you see in the malls that sell Rogers, Bell and Telus that are not corporate stores. Very similar structure.
in ACN you make zero dollars for recruiting. You only get paid from acquiring customers because customers pay their monthly bills. So ACN gets the big acquisition bonus and from that it trickles down to its distributors as does the monthly commissions on each distributors total billing volume.
CoLoRs Member #26
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11-09-2010, 02:46 PM
#4 | Banned (ABWS)
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humm. are u actually with the company?
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11-29-2010, 05:01 PM
#5 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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I joined it because it made sense. Think about it, instead of these large companies paying someone to operate a kiosk or store they pay you instead. It's a no brainer. You get your friends, family, and acquaintances to support your business while at the same time saving them money on services they already use. Their services don't change and you never have to bother them again and you continue to get paid a commission month after month from it. How hard is that is to understand.
All this pyramid scheme stuff that 'negative' people say is always the same. Anything that doesn't fit their typical mold of working for a living is considered bad. 99% of people that call network marketing a pyramid scheme don't even know what it means. There is a reason that Universities teach network marketing and direct sales.
Many of ACN's products are getting media coverage now on shows like The View because of the breakthrough technology behind the video phone.
Anyone that has negative things to say about network marketing never made money and expected it to be a get rich quick scheme and its not. You have to put work into it even just a little bit.
When a company is so huge that its been around for 18+yrs, operates on 21 countries around the world and growing, has been featured in numerous 3rd party publications and is getting the attention of billionaires, celebrities, pro atheletes because of how simple the concept is, there is a reason to look at it. The next few years are going to go by anyways so why not give it a shot.
thank god Telus updated their ECF policy and hardware upgrade policy making their network a lot more attractive now to promote.
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12-01-2010, 07:17 AM
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Acn can work for you if you're in the right mindset. If you are looking for something to pay the bills then this is not for you.
Your income will grow month to month and generally won't fall which is a good thing but first few months might be tough.
I believe that if u sign on 2 friends to Acn that get 2 services you get your initial 500 back.
There are going to be a lot of people telling you it is a scam but they don't understand how it worked before joining
I don't work for Acn but I can tell you that if you have the patience and marketing/networking skills then you can grow.
People get carried away looking to sign services up themselves. But if you sign a friend on and get him to get some services and teach him how
To network which carries on down. You can be looking at a lot of monthly income. I think you are in too much of a salesman mindset right now though judging by your posts
One thing I can't stand about Acn is all the high giving and feel good attitude they force on each other at their meetings
I believe you can be successful in Acn but rather than hogging contracts teach a friend how to start. The more people you have under you the more money you make. Heck you could have 50 services signed under you and be looking at less than $100 a month. I have phone, tv, and Internet under telus and only paying about $100 a month. U can make maybe a dollar from me for those 3 services... If you're lucky you teach one guy about Acn and how to be successful with them and he will expand for you. Think exponentially not linear pattern Posted via RS Mobile
Last edited by ilvtofu; 12-01-2010 at 07:28 AM.
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12-01-2010, 07:41 AM
#7 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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Originally Posted by Skyliner if you wanna lose all your friends then go ahead. It's a pyramid scheme: nuff said. | I used to be a member a few years ago. It wasn't for me because I didn't enjoy selling to my family & friends. That was my experience. Here's another's: The ACN Scam | Understand This!
First of all, when we refer to the ACN Scam we are not trying to say that what ACN does is illegal in any way. We are simply saying that the vast majority of ACN members have been “scammed” into believing that making money in ACN is more realistic than it actually is. The real argument of this article is that ACN is probably a silly way for you to make a living when you consider all the options available to you. The basic facts demonstrate that it is indeed a Pyramid Scheme (according to many definitions) and that it is horribly unlikely you will make the money you hope to.
This article has nothing but good things to say about ACN the corporation. They provide great services at a great price and have utilized a unique means of sales and advertising. The article seeks only to discuss the strategies and activities of some of the reps within ACN (which often times are likely not in accordance with what ACN the corporation encourages or condones.) The Basics of the ACN Scam
The scam works by convincing people that they have are going to make a lot of money in the telecom industry by selling a few video phones, satellite TV subscriptions, cell phones, landlines, etc and encouraging a few of their friends to do the same. It’s a simple concept and in theory is quite easy. Anyone can sell 3 services and we would argue that anyone could also find a friend to do the same. The issue, in our opinion, comes when you actually try to do it. There is very limited data on the success rates of ACN Independent Representatives. Most people are told from the start that less than one in 100 are successful in the business. Additionally, a recent study (see references) has shown that approximately 0.5% (less than 1 in 200) even make their initial $500 investment back. The problem: they are so good at convincing you, that everyone believes they will be the 1 out of 200 who actually makes money! Why?
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12-01-2010, 08:06 AM
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From an unbiased view I believe 1 in 200 is an accurate number. There are a bunch of idiots who signed on thinking I'm going to sell to my bff Johnny and his grandma and his mom etc. But there are a lot of people that don't understand networking which doesn't require you to find a million people to sign telus contracts but rather sign people to Acn and get them to do what you do. Don't bother hardselling anyone. There are a lot of successful people in Acn who have signed on less than 10 people. Opening a stand or kiosk won't get you ahead in Acn
People don't earn back their initial investment of $500 because they see that they aren't making any money after being with Acn for a couple months and just call it quits. Key is time/patience and determination which people looking for get rich quick jobs and myself just don't have. If you try at it you will be seeing exponential growth. It's about moving to the top of the pyramid and what better way than gettin people under you. Don't overcomplicate things like those who have failed have done, You may or may not be making back your first $500 in your first year but key is not to give up and eventually it could all come back to you. Posted via RS Mobile
Last edited by ilvtofu; 12-01-2010 at 08:32 AM.
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12-01-2010, 01:06 PM
#9 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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Originally Posted by vergucci has anyone have any feedbacks with ACN?
anyone that work with them? | First off, keep in mind what the OP is asking. Quote:
Originally Posted by ilvtofu There are a bunch of idiots who signed on thinking I'm going to sell to my bff Johnny and his grandma and his mom etc. | Before you judge people by calling them idiots (I believe this was directed at me since no mention of the word was used in your previous posts; only after mine) maybe you should try to understand what they're basing their opinions on. My opinions about ACN are based on MY experience. What are yours based on? Quote:
Originally Posted by ilvtofu they don't understand how it worked before joining……….I don't work for Acn | Then how can you back up your opinions about them? Quote:
Originally Posted by ilvtofu Don't bother hardselling anyone. | In my experience, this is contrary to what we were taught, at the time. Quote:
Originally Posted by ilvtofu But there are a lot of people that don't understand networking which doesn't require you to find a million people to sign telus contracts but rather sign people to Acn and get them to do what you do. Don't bother hardselling anyone. | From my experience, we were told to first approach family & friends before strangers. Their reasoning was that it was easier to convince people we already knew. Their approach may have changed now. I don't know. Back then (7-8 years ago) this approach was the basis of their marketing strategy.[/QUOTE] Quote:
Originally Posted by ilvtofu People don't earn back their initial investment of $500 because they see that they aren't making any money after being with Acn for a couple months and just call it quits. | WRONG! I made my initial investment back. From my experience, it was difficult approaching family & friends because I felt they were only signing on to support me not because they had faith in the actual service. Within me, it didn't feel right, so I quit.
To conclude, I am basing my opinions on my experiences with ACN. I don't hate them. It just wasn't for me. Because of all the propaganda that went on during the meetings, some of my colleagues quit their full time jobs to do ACN. Eventually, it never worked out and they returned to work. My advice to the OP is to speak with those that had actual experiences with ACN and not those that base their information from second hand sources (internet, print media, etc.). Even someone that may have had experiences with other MLM's (Herbalife, Avon, Tupperware, Arbonne, etc.) can't really accurately speak of ACN.
Things may have changed since I first joined but the fact still remains that ACN is an MLM. Why else would you need to pay, to get in on the opportunity? Out of all the employers I've had in the past, not one charged me money to become part of their organization let alone work for them.
Here's information from an unbiased source: is not affiliated with any MLM company and is not used as a marketing tool for any company. There are no external links to any of the companies listed, and no preference is given to any particular company. MLM Companies By Popularity with Bar Graph
Top Companies By Popularity % - Avon 12.506%
- Pampered Chef 6.351%
- Scentsy 5.764%
- Mary Kay Cosmetics 5.428%
- Lia Sophia 3.470%
- Tupperware 3.424%
- Herbalife International 2.954%
- Tastefully Simple 2.729%
- Amway 2.576%
- Arbonne International 2.466%
- Melaleuca 2.242%
- Thirty-One 1.950%
- Longaberger 1.812%
- Creative Memories 1.756%
- Silpada Designs 1.455%
- Advocare International 1.416%
- Stampin' Up 1.395%
- MonaVie 1.309%
- ACN 1.296%
- Ambit Energy 1.238%
- PartyLite 1.126%
- Isagenix 1.115%
- AMSOIL 1.107%
- MoneyTalks 0.905%
- Pre-Paid Legal Services 0.889%
- Beachbody 0.855%
- Uppercase Living 0.822%
- Shaklee Corporation 0.806%
- USANA 0.783%
- Princess House 0.765%
- Premier Designs 0.715%
- Juice PLUS 0.684%
- New Vision International 0.678%
- Green Mountain Energy 0.650%
- Beauticontrol 0.599%
- Mon Ami Gourmet 0.516%
- Market America 0.507%
- Close To My Heart 0.497%
- DAYSTAR 0.484%
- Nu Skin Enterprises 0.482%
- Asea 0.453%
- Zija International 0.419%
- TriVita 0.411%
- Ardyss 0.405%
- Oriflame USA 0.379%
- Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing 0.367%
- Send Out Cards 0.365%
- ViSalus 0.359%
- 5LINX 0.353%
- Southern Living at Home 0.353%
MLM / Home Based Business Popularity Top Gainers
Based on percentage increase in our last sampling - ZamZuu 188.39% Gain
- Thirty-One 183.20% Gain
- Zija International 130.17% Gain
- FantaZ 123.43% Gain
- Ambit Energy 97.50% Gain
- DoTerra Earth Essence 84.62% Gain
- TriVita 66.30% Gain
- Take Shape for Life 64.66% Gain
- ViSalus 57.24% Gain
- Asea 49.18% Gain
- Scentsy 45.73% Gain
- Fuller Brush 44.61% Gain
- cPRIME 38.42% Gain
- Jewels by Park Lane 38.11% Gain
- 5LINX 36.07% Gain
- Kele n Co 33.74% Gain
- ESSANTE 30.60% Gain
- Homemade Gourmet 30.51% Gain
- Amway 28.63% Gain
- Princess House 28.25% Gain
- Resorts 360 23.64% Gain
- Etcetera 22.27% Gain
- Advocare International 22.02% Gain
- Pre-Paid Legal Services 22.00% Gain
- 4Life Research 16.11% Gain
- Young Living Essential Oils 15.98% Gain
- Carbon Copy Pro 12.81% Gain
- Kaching Kaching 10.15% Gain
- Green Mountain Energy 10.07% Gain
- Tupperware 9.31% Gain
- Jusuru 8.81% Gain
- Stampin' Up 8.35% Gain
- Beauticontrol 7.66% Gain
- MoneyTalks 6.89% Gain
- OrGano Gold 6.87% Gain
- One24 6.75% Gain
- Mia Bella Scent Sations 6.49% Gain
- Barefoot Books 6.28% Gain
- AtHome America 6.13% Gain
- Watkins 5.56% Gain
- Nuriche 5.29% Gain
- Initial Outfitters 4.94% Gain
- LifeVantage 4.29% Gain
- Melaleuca 3.47% Gain
- It Works Marketing 3.36% Gain
- USANA 3.23% Gain
- InnerLight 3.22% Gain
- Genesis Pure 3.04% Gain
- New Vision International 2.96% Gain
- Premier Designs 2.87% Gain
MLM / Home Based Business Top Performers
Performance Percentage Based on percentage increase in the last six months of sampling periods. - Thirty-One 96% Gain
- 5LINX 50% Gain
- LifeMax 47% Gain
- Chez Ami 43% Gain
- Take Shape for Life 42% Gain
- cPRIME 41% Gain
- ZamZuu 35% Gain
- Asea 30% Gain
- MoneyTalks 29% Gain
- Kele n Co 28% Gain
- Bessemer 27% Gain
- TriVita 23% Gain
- Genesis Pure 23% Gain
- Jusuru 22% Gain
- Green Mountain Energy 21% Gain
- Conklin Company 21% Gain
- DoTerra Earth Essence 20% Gain
- Zija International 20% Gain
- AtHome America 19% Gain
- Mia Bella Scent Sations 17% Gain
- Rodan and Fields 16% Gain
- Boresha Coffee 16% Gain
- Uppercase Living 15% Gain
- Jewel Kade 15% Gain
- OrGano Gold 15% Gain
- Simplexity 14% Gain
- LifeVantage 13% Gain
- Barefoot Books 13% Gain
- Votre Vu 12% Gain
- Young Living Essential Oils 12% Gain
- Princess House 12% Gain
- ECN 12% Gain
- Tupperware 12% Gain
- Creative Memories 12% Gain
- Amway 11% Gain
- Ambit Energy 11% Gain
- ViSalus 11% Gain
- Passion Parties 11% Gain
- Stampin' Up 11% Gain
- Saladmaster 10% Gain
- Home and Garden Party, Ltd. 9% Gain
- Juice PLUS 9% Gain
- Scentsy 8% Gain
- Fuller Brush 8% Gain
- Royal Prestige (Hy Cite Corp) 8% Gain
- TravelOne International 8% Gain
- Shaklee Corporation 7% Gain
- Tastefully Simple 6% Gain
- USANA 6% Gain
- Advocare International 6% Gain
- Etcetera 6% Gain
- Jewels by Park Lane 6% Gain
- CELL TECH 5% Gain
- Watkins 5% Gain
- Private Quarters 5% Gain
- Send Out Cards 5% Gain
- Isagenix 5% Gain
- Pre-Paid Legal Services 4% Gain
- 4Life Research 4% Gain
- New Vision International 4% Gain
- Silpada Designs 4% Gain
- Ecoquest 4% Gain
- Carbon Copy Pro 2% Gain
- Longaberger 2% Gain
- Avon 2% Gain
- Color Me Beautiful 1% Gain
- Nu Skin Enterprises 1% Gain
- Qivana 0% Gain
- Pampered Chef 0% Gain
MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Other terms for MLM include network marketing, direct selling, and referral marketing.
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12-01-2010, 03:33 PM
#10 | F**K YOUR HEAD
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^Like I said you didn't understand my point is that I know people who are VERY succesful in ACN and you're not selling services here, you are trying to get people under you. Like I said most of the success stories in ACN have very few actual services they signed on. And also like I said, you do not need to approach all your family and friends and get them to sign on. Even if I had EVERY single friend on facebook signed on under me for say a home phone service (1% of 700 friends x $30) I am only looking at $200 a month. You clearly thought you were a salesman and thats why you failed with ACN.
To the OP you aren't going to get an unbiased view from anyone, best bet is to research and slowly understand how the company works. Don't take it from the success stories they will only high five you and give u some fake feel good attitude. Don't take it from the ones who have failed and lost money, they will only talk shit about ACN.
I will stress this there are a LOT more who have failed with ACN and that is because they lacked either Understanding or patience.
If mrzambaleno did understand the system he wouldn't be hardselling his family and friends for services. Instead think of it this way, I opened a restaurant and I need servers, dishwashers, and kitchen people. What do I do? find every family member/friend who isn't busy and get them to join? NO! you need to learn the skills of employment/recruiting, post some ads on craigslist. You can't sign any one to join ACN unless you understand it yourself.
Just to be clear when I say "Join ACN" is working for ACN, not buying a phone service/internet service
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12-02-2010, 03:27 PM
#11 | F**K YOUR HEAD
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LOL mrzambaleno rather than logging onto revscene this morning just to fail why don't you speak up?
Do you disagree that you were not cut out for acn and thing that you are a success story?
Do you disagree and think that ACN is all about selling telus plans and that my example of 700 phone plans is incorrect?
Were you not out there looking for a get rich quick scheme fooled by the promises of a silly powerpoint presentation?
Or are you just sore that you're out $500 and look like a complete fool? Seriously grow a pair
Last edited by ilvtofu; 12-03-2010 at 07:54 AM.
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12-08-2010, 01:54 AM
#12 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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So what re you going to be selling videophones or memberships so others can sell products? and are you going to make money buy selling products or signing up people?
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
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12-08-2010, 09:00 AM
#13 | Banned (ABWS)
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you sign up people. to work with your team and do the same thing you do
and for it, you make a residual income from thier residual income which is a $% of the services you and your team sells.
signing up more people means more bonus for you.
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12-09-2010, 09:18 AM
#14 | F**K YOUR HEAD
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I believe if you sign up two ppl with acn who sign up 2 ppl you get $1000 bonus which covers ur initial 500
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12-09-2010, 06:03 PM
#15 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by ilvtofu I believe if you sign up two ppl with acn who sign up 2 ppl you get $1000 bonus which covers ur initial 500 | So you pay them $500 and you get 2 other people to pay them $500. then you get $1000 and they make $500 for doing next to nothing. At some point the people at the bottom can't get anyone to sign up because the market is saturated and so the pyramid collapses.
Any real company would not want 50 salesmen in the same territory or try to make there customers salesmen. That's just stupid.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
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12-10-2010, 09:27 AM
#16 | F**K YOUR HEAD
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^like I've said before they are not salesman.
and like I've said before it's all about growing slowly.
Remember the market also grows and the market isn't how many telus customers there are, it's how many people you can sign on. That and unlike salesman, after you have your 2 people under you and a few services of your own you pretty much sit on your ass or do what you should be doing and helping the people under you achieve the same.
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12-10-2010, 12:52 PM
#17 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by ilvtofu ^like I've said before they are not salesman.
and like I've said before it's all about growing slowly.
Remember the market also grows and the market isn't how many telus customers there are, it's how many people you can sign on. That and unlike salesman, after you have your 2 people under you and a few services of your own you pretty much sit on your ass or do what you should be doing and helping the people under you achieve the same. | So your making money buy signing people up and buy selling a product. So why even have a product at all?
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
Last edited by Manic!; 12-13-2010 at 02:32 AM.
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12-10-2010, 03:30 PM
#18 | F**K YOUR HEAD
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Those people still need to sign on services to be qualified. It's more than just signing people on. Otherwise it'd be illegal Posted via RS Mobile |
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12-31-2010, 12:59 AM
#19 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by ilvtofu Even if I had EVERY single friend on facebook signed on under me for say a home phone service (1% of 700 friends x $30) I am only looking at $200 a month. You clearly thought you were a salesman and thats why you failed with ACN. | You guys clearly have no idea how the compensation plan works based on that alone.
Personal sales generate you 1-10% commission of the sales volume.
if you sold 700 digital phone services @ 32.99 that would create a billing volume of $23093. out of that you would actually be paid 10% so $2,309.30 per month.
sure digital phone service and internet takes a long time to accumulate a high enough billing volume to earn money but thats how u get residuals u build it up and its with you as long as your customers pay their bills.
Based on your theory that its all about recruiting. If you signed up, didnt get any services to qualify. and then proceeded to recruit 1000 people who did the exact same thing you did which is nothing and not sign up for any services. Nobody makes any money at all. ACN just takes your money and processes all the paper work and laughs at you because they arent issuing any bills for any of your non existent customers.
In BC and Ontario the average household can accrue a billing volume between $200-500+ for landline, internet, cellphones, TV and natural gas. If you were to sign up just 4 homes that would switch all their services and give you a bill of $500 each and you taught 2 friends to do the exact same thing who taught 2 friends all the way down to your 7th level you'd be making a monthly residual of $21350 which in reality is a fairly conservative example considering everyone is only selling to 4 homes each. Natural Gas alone in some homes is already $300/mo on terasen prices but on Planet Energy its probably going to go down to maybe $250.
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01-04-2011, 11:06 AM
#20 | F**K YOUR HEAD
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^phone hardware sales is not residual. The service is though but the monthly plan on those phones is only about $30 IIRC.
You are only supporting my theory, read closer, I said you sign up get a few services sign up another 2 people teach them how to get their few services. So on and so forth you're good. If it was only about recruiting people it's an illegal pyramid scheme buddy.  @ comprehension
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01-05-2011, 03:59 PM
#21 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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I did not mention phone hardware anywhere in my post. unless you are referring to cellphones which also covers the service obviously through Telus.
The only downside I can see right now is how ACN just got the Wholesale account with Telus only it doesn't include Optik TV and Internet because of the Bell Canada market on the east coast which forces us here in the West Coast to sell Bell Satellite TV instead of Optik which when bundled with all the rest of Telus services has even more savings not to mention insanely fast internet.
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03-01-2011, 02:26 PM
#22 | My name is PJ and I like dogs.
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Bringing back up an old thread..
I just got asked by someone to join ACN.. reading into it, I don't get what their angle is.
Why are there not more people doing this?
From what I'm getting, it seems like with the right amount of consistency, without any tricks, bells or whistles, wouldn't everyone be making at least 200-300 a month after 2-3 years?
As stated above, 1 succeeding in 200 seems very low from what I'm understanding.
Are 99.5% of people just looking for a get-rich-quick plan and quitting after a few months? I'm probably missing something here. Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.. (and thanked  )
__________________ Studies show 100% of people die.. Might as well have some fun.
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03-04-2011, 08:44 PM
#23 | I don't get it
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: burnaby
Posts: 426
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the world needs suckers.
You would think despite all the websites and experiences that prove otherwise, one would still want to give it a try to prove the vast majority are wrong. There are more productive things you could do with your time then waste it trying to float a MLM business model.
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