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fcking.... was planning to pick up stuff at PR tomorrow.
I'll one up you... was planning on going to Hagen's to pick something up and then continue down to Bellingham after... still possible if the snow is gone by early afternoon.
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went to the jacky concert stayed a lil longer after the concert
my fault, i didnt know the parking lot i parked in closed @ 11:30 and i got back @ 11:35 and it was already closed! to top it off my phones battery had died, luckily my buddy was still @ his car so we called the Securiguard # to come and open the gate for me (i parked in the Amec building)
the security took 1hr to arrive, according to his map Lot31 (it says on the sign what lot/address the parking lot is) belongs to some other lot on Howe st.; anyway he doesn't have the right key to open this parking lot... his pass won't open it... so he calls it in and they say they'll send a guy in a car (the security that came was on a bicycle) so i shouldnt have to wait too long....
well it took another 1hr for the next guy to arrive and this is with my calling every 20mins going wtf? and getting the reply of (10mins, so sorry) so finally get my car from securiguard and it cost $50 -_- (so parking ended up costing me $71 tonight) and im on my way home
but the thing is its been snowing for a long time now and although its rain in downtown its a snow storm the moment you pass Commercial Drive and i don't have my snows on -_- so Im driving really slow especially since the hwy isn't plowed and some spots its quite thick
saw a bunch of cars spun out and stuck in the snow on my way home, i spun once luckily there were no cars anywhere nearby and luckily i was going slow enough that i didnt keep spinning
took a long ass time to get back -_-
they were just starting to plow West bound lanes when i was almost home
Just drove from gaglardi across port man fuck at least 3-5 people hit major barricades on the freeway, fuxking idiots DO NOT BRAKE going off the port man cause it's a slight fucking downslope, thank god I have 4X4 or buddy would have sandwhiched me between a semi Posted via RS Mobile
First I witness a c230 coupe trying to go up a hill, almost slides into the fence of my house!
Then behind my property, there was a hit and run going downhill. The person hit the right side of the Van, runs up the side walk, smashes their front fence.
I immediately got into my car and tried to track the bastard down, but unfortunately that person took off too quickly.
Or you meet some girl at the club, cum inside of her, find out shes only in grade 12, so you buy a Prada bag for her to make things right, she finds out the bag is a fake and decides to have the kid
Originally Posted by RX_Renesis
wtf did she get some bolt-on titties or what?
they look sooooooooooo much bigger than they were 2ish years ago.
Originally Posted by nns
I can't stand the sound of Mandarin either. Boo yow nee bey nee shing bo now noong gey shee mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo mayo.
Last edited by TypeRNammer; 01-14-2012 at 03:48 AM.
Still snowing here can't even leave the house. RW drive truck, wide low profile summer tires, ain't happening.
I hate snow so much.
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I donīt care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. Thatīs how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth. - Rocky Balboa
It's an IQEye IQ511, 1.3MP network camera. The image is scaled to 1/4 size (640x512), and it IS live (note timestamp in the bottom left) - it'll update every time you refresh.
Originally Posted by Gh0stRider
where do they sell that?
You're not likely to find them retail... probably only from security/CCTV distributors - places like Tri-Ed or ADI (although I don't think either of those carry IQ). We normally sell them to clients for (if memory serves) $799.
Live *full-size* update (click to zoom):
Originally Posted by Godzira
Does anyone know how many to a signature?
Originally Posted by Brianrietta
Not a sebberry post goes by where I don't frown and think to myself "so..?"
Fathered more RS members than anybody else. Who's your daddy?
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Originally Posted by silva95teg
Got 5 inches off como lake in Coquitlam, it is still coming down too.
There goes shopping at No Frills this morning. Fricken buy my lottery tickets from the Asian twins at the Superstore every Saturday for good luck. I ain't going down Decair Street in the snow, LOL. Them roads down to Lougheed Hwy from Austin Avenue is nuts.
What the hell, I've got great snow tires and I love snow. Gotta stop being such a pussy about driving in the snow. On my way to Ikea breakfast, LOL.
A friendly reminder for those with elderly at home:
Dont let the elders shovel snow. Cold weather = constricted blood vessels. Heavy manual work = increased heart rate. Old age = less flexible blood vessels. Combination is heart attack.
And wax up your shovel before you do attack the snow.
Originally Posted by JSALES
While driving yesterday I saw a banana peel in the road and instinctively swerved to avoid it...thanks Mario Kart.
Driving home last night at 3am was... interesting lol
Went from a friends place in east maple ridge, back home to pitt, and Lougheed was a nightmare. Had snow tires, so it wasnt so bad. Really should have just picked up a coffee, and hit the hills in Coquitlam for some fun.
Oh yeah, its still snowin pretty good out here in Pitt awwwwwwyeahhhh!