The Tudors
I'm actually quite surprised there isn't a thread for this series. I just finished watching it today, so I thought I'd throw up a quick review of the four seasons.
I'll be the first to admit that The Tudors is a tv show first with historical facts coming in a distant second. While the screenwriters by and large kept to the truth about major events, much of the timeline was skewered and many people were either invented, altered or simply taken out completely. Admittedly it makes for a less convoluted storyline, but if you're someone who enjoys watching historical dramas based on true facts, you'll have a conniption whenever they talk about Henry's "only" sister, the age differences between Henry and many of his wives, and a large portion of when certain events took place.
That said, if you could look past this (maybe large, maybe small) fault, the show presents itself as well written and well cast. Very few episodes felt drawn out, though a few felt like they tried to cram too much storyline into them. Due to the historic nature, few actors stayed with the show for more than a few episodes yet almost all of them performed quite well. Oh, and for those of you who watch HBO/SHO series for the, erm... unfiltered content, many of the hot females cast in this show tend to bare all. Just sayin'... lol. I enjoyed how they didn't shy away from the often brutal nature of King Henry and how the various executions were done well without going into Spartacus-esque territory of over doing on the gore aspect. Plenty of scenes were touching and heart wrenching, even when right up to that moment you hated that particular character. This is very true with Henry's fifth wife, Catherine Howard. Oh, how I hated watching her every moment she was on screen. Yet right at the end, I felt huge sympathy for her and weirdly felt like I didn't want her to leave.
I would highly recommend this series. Sure, it's a historical drama that's loose and free with real facts, but from a purely entertainment point of view, it kept me enamoured through all four seasons. Not an episode went by that I regretted watching.
Seriously. Watch it.