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I think they had trouble streaming it due to the demand, and they had to lower bitrate to meet it. So if you watched it live (or, I know nobody here does this, but pirated it right away) then the quality would have been awful. Subsequent viewings should be better.
But yeah, it was also very dark, I think to keep CG costs down as much as they could
I watched it on my older office LED because my good TV is all wrapped up due to renovations. I’m gonna reserve judgment on the darkness of the episode until I can watch on my better TV, I didn’t find it overly dark on the TV we watched it last night however.
Fuck the scene when the fire is going out on the swords of the Dothraki though fuuuuuuuukkkk crazy
Good point by skinny on the breeze on the walkers hair
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
- Dothraki scene was brilliant, got you super hyped with their lit up swords and looked amazing seeing them ride into battle from Jon an Dany's view and when you see from a distance the fire start to go out and the Dothraki screams start turning to silence it was like holy fuck. I thought the way they did it was amazing
- King of Friend Zone dieing the way he would have wanted to lol
- Lady Mormont going out like a fucking bad ass
- I didn't find it overly dark to the point where I wasn't seeing anything but maybe it was the OLED and I streamed it on Crave later in the night because I was out?
- Glad Dany and Jon kind of didn't play a significant role
- I agree with Skinny in terms of now we can see the true villain Cersei and focus on the real good stuff instead of the whites but the way it ended seemed kind of like huh that's it. I have zero issues with the way he went out but I would have loved to see the NK at least fight someone one on one for a bit he really didn't do shit all all episode and all series.
- Theon, atta boy! I totally thought he was going to stab at least a White Gerneral or something because it seemed like was wasn't quite dead yet but oh wells
- So happy that Brianne and Tormund survived because I need them to have a few more scenes together!
- Hound, good on you man and Cleganebowl!!!!!
"back at the line to Babych.... LONG SHOT....Potvin had trouble with it....ADAM SHOOTS SCORES!!!!
- Dothraki horde, what a waste of a light Calvary charge....jesus, who was the brilliant tactician that told them to charge into complete darkness? You keep your light cav available for quick responses and flanking manoeuvers!
- Bran just warging into birds while all hell was breaking loose all around him. Was hoping he was going to get some "intel" for the battle but he just noped the fuck out of there until the NK got to him
- Who else thought watching the previous episode that hiding in the crypt was a stupid idea? Fighting against an enemy that can literally raise the dead? Let's hide in a freaking cemetery!
- Wonder how much money they saved on CGI labour costs by making it so fucking dark all the time!
I watched it on my older office LED because my good TV is all wrapped up due to renovations. I’m gonna reserve judgment on the darkness of the episode until I can watch on my better TV, I didn’t find it overly dark on the TV we watched it last night however.
Fuck the scene when the fire is going out on the swords of the Dothraki though fuuuuuuuukkkk crazy
Good point by skinny on the breeze on the walkers hair
but i thought the fire was gonna fuck up the dead ice walkers majorly till that happened
i knew they were in for some shit when that happened.
the little battle girl went out like a boss tho,dagger right into the eye for her life!..that Giant would've slapped everyone alive on the ground
Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp
HOLYYYYYYYYYY SHIT! So GoT has been "fine" for a while, but this was fucking incredible.
I watched Avengers and GoT today, and GoT was 10X better. And I liked the Avengers!
The heroic moments were all done in the sake of emotional impact, rather than just "hero porn"
Agree,out of all the battles scenes in the history of war movies why haven't we've seen one done in the dark that puts you on edge on what is about to happen next,so unpredictable
I was hoping the white walkers would fight some of the characters 1 on 1. Jamie, Brienne, etc going 1 on 1 with a white walker. They literally stood there and did nothing.
Originally posted by european i'd say its a bear... from what i've learned from winnie the pooh. you should be able to lure it with some honey.. and it'll be your friend for life!! then you'll meet his friends.. that crazy owl!! and that lazy ass donkey.. whats his name.. Eore or something.. if you meet his llitte piggy friend.. roast him and eat some ribs!! hahahaha.. wtf am i on!! hahaha i'm going nuts over here!!!
Yea the Dothraki rushing out was kinda weird, although guess you want some sort of assault as opposed to sitting back and they are almost all Calvary so an advantage in attacking VS defending?
I actually didn’t think much of the crypt until the Nk raised the dead then you knew they were fucked lol..
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
heard it cost 15 million to make this episode and alot of people complaining that it was either too dark or something was wrong with their tv lol
I think they made it like that. shit gets more intense when you cant see cuz of all the darkness.
but yea a few friends said the quality was just straight crap when they tried to stream it live, so maybe something was up with the app. was fine for me
FYI if you stream using crave app on android/apple + xbox its only 720P i think apple tv 4gen and direct crave tv apps gives you 1080p
Willcox said that Consumer Reports has heard complaints about the last two episodes from a wide range of sources and cable providers.
“So either HBO is screwing up the encoding of the show, or there's not sufficient bandwidth to transmit the show without losing the bit detail in darker images,” he said. “You don't really notice it as much in brighter scenes. I was able to watch it on an OLED TV, which does a better job with blacks, and even on these sets the issue remains. It's not the TV technology.”
According to Wilcox, streaming online is even worse. “One downfall to streaming are live events when everyone wants to watch the same thing at the same time; a lot of pressure both on internet connections and the hosting company's servers,” Willcox said.
There might be something to this. This morning, I loaded up " The Long Night" and watched it directly through HBO’s app and through Amazon. I watched bits of the episode on my television, my phone, and It’s still a dark episode, but much of the compression issues and artifacting seemed to have cleared up compared to last night’s viewing. Even on my phone, in my office, with the windows up in the middle of the day, Game of Thrones looked better.
Yea the Dothraki rushing out was kinda weird, although guess you want some sort of assault as opposed to sitting back and they are almost all Calvary so an advantage in attacking VS defending?
They did it entirely for exposition - to show how fucked they really were. No one would send their only cavalry force into a blind charge. The lighting of their swords by Melissandre was seen as "oh this is pretty badass, we're going to kick ass". Then the extinguishing of their flames was the "oh fuck" moment.
Biggest missed opportunity in TV history. They had a chance to have an epic battle with Jon Snow facing off against the Night King or at a few of The Other's but nope, you got him screaming at an Ice Dragon. For 7 seasons you setup Jon to have this epic show down with The Night King and The Other's and you end it with this.
If GGRM had Arya with the finishing blow at least have Jon fight them first. So many stupid battle setups, Dothraki charging in blind and the Unsullied setup BEHIND the trenches.
- Who else thought watching the previous episode that hiding in the crypt was a stupid idea? Fighting against an enemy that can literally raise the dead? Let's hide in a freaking cemetery!
Lol the crypt thing was the most obvious setup to fail thing like if I could count the number of times they had to point out that the crypt was safe + the fact that you know the NK raises the dead and you're in a room with shit loads of dead bodies = no brainer
"back at the line to Babych.... LONG SHOT....Potvin had trouble with it....ADAM SHOOTS SCORES!!!!
They did it entirely for exposition - to show how fucked they really were. No one would send their only cavalry force into a blind charge. The lighting of their swords by Melissandre was seen as "oh this is pretty badass, we're going to kick ass". Then the extinguishing of their flames was the "oh fuck" moment.
Also I'm glad the NK stuff is over, and we go back to political drama and fighting between the houses. That is when GoT is at its best by far. If anything the "Winter" stuff is kind of a distraction from the best stuff. The houses, names, banners, all mean something. The NK is just a Bad Guy With an Army of Zombies. They're cool and powerful, but kind of dumb compared to the rest of the characters. Think about Tywin Lanister and what his death meant. What he meant to the Lannisters themselves. Such a great character (and amazing actor)
But I digress. This was a great battle, conclusive, and glad they're moving on from the Zombies. I think it will get REALLY good for the rest of the season.
Is that really the end of the NK and WW? I've obviously got the opposite preference to you and find that the most interesting part of the show and a lot of the other stuff pretty bland. This whole time I've been rather hoping they would end up just slaughtering everyone and making all the whiny fighting over the throne completely moot. I'm a bit behind as I haven't had the time to watch anything in a while but it sounds like they glossed over a bunch of things they spent ages building towards which is a little odd.
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Originally Posted by maksimizer
half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
Originally Posted by RevYouUp
reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa
OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:
Jon snow knows everything. He’s a brilliant tactician.
He found out he’s the true heir to the throne.
What does he do? Sends Dothraki on a suicide mission. Leave the unsullied in the front lines. After this battle if he survives. There’s nobody to fight for Dany anymore. Lol
Jon fucking snow!
But skinnypupp is right. I missed all the politics and fighting between houses. None of this night king shit. Like bravos and the faceless men is cool to explore
Late to the party but HORYSHIET BALLS!
That was the most intense thing I've watched in a long time! At points I was so tense that I almost forgot to breathe for a few seconds lol.
- I'm not convinced anyone at Winterfell is a "brilliant tactician" so seemingly bad ideas like the Dothraki charge was somewhat justified... the horde are at their best on a full-on horse charge they are less effective standing their ground. That is what the Unsullied excel at, phalanx formation like Spartans. What they should have done was funnel the undead like Avengers or 300. I'm not sure the Dothraki can flank the undead as they pretty much covered the entire field, but sending them that far ahead was bone-headed. Tyrion would be the smartest mind in the game but they forced him to hang out in the Crypts, even he said so himself he would have been much more useful surveying the battle rather than getting hammered in the basement lol.
- The NK death was semi anti-climatic lol. I get it Arya is a bad ass but I would have loved to see at least some of the main characters put their Valeryian steel to some use. Like Brienne and Jaime battle it out with a Walker general to distract them while Arya jumped in from behind. Jon should have at least fought the NK for 30 seconds before he did the arm raise, we didn't get to see the NK wield a sword at all.
I guess the Walkers didn't want to risk fighting cuz no point, the Wights already overwhelmed everyone, why risk dueling, dying and losing 2000 wights?
- The crypt thing was... interesting because we don't know NK's range of his arm raise, and I would have thought most of the corpses in there have already turned to dust or barely intact, Ned is headless.
- All the deaths were necessary for the build-up, now it gets REALLY intense on what happens when they face Cersei, they have just fraction of what they started with, ALL Dothraki dead, presumably 20% Unsullied and a few strangling Northerners vs the Golden Company and Ironborn. No elephants though lawl.
I guess I'm one of the few who are glad we didn't get a "hero porn" battle between John Snow and Night King. NK would have just shredded him instantly As we've seen before anyone who he doesn't underestimate he just insta-gibs them. No point trying to come up with a way to make a comic book style battle possible. It's better explained by Arya, who has been training for this moment since she was a child, just go in and take care of business.
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With the crypt, I was kind of hoping we'd finally get to see Catelyn Stark again. Seems like a missed opportunity to give a little nod to the lady stoneheart character
As much as I hated on the Dothraki charge although it looked fucking badass giving you hope and it all disappearing within like 10 seconds right at the start of the episode and rag on their deployment of troops I think the point is regardless of what they did they were going to get slaughtered anyway so the end result would have been the same.
"back at the line to Babych.... LONG SHOT....Potvin had trouble with it....ADAM SHOOTS SCORES!!!!