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stewie 10-20-2011 10:42 PM

your right aanthony, you DO have a chill lifestyle.. if i could have that life, i probably wouldnt be using this stuff...but guess what...not everyone is fortunate to have that lifestyle. but you said it yourself, you could understand how it would be different if you lived on your own..

honestly, i dont care about peoples opinions berz said, 3 months of working out on juice is giving me the results of a year+ of working out everyday...

cheating? who gives a fuck, im not asking for your opinion about it being cheating or not, i was asking for information about the stuff i wanted to take.

AAnthony 10-20-2011 11:18 PM

^ LoL! I know you weren't asking, but like it or not this is gunna turn into the official RS JUICE THREAD. I can see it hitting 20+ pages. It'll move like crazy once the suns out!

Fobman 10-21-2011 12:50 AM

damn u juice monkeys get big so fast

SkinnyPupp 10-21-2011 02:48 AM

Hmm what's easier, taking steroids, or having unlimited access to perfect nutrition, being able to get sufficient rest, and not having to worry about anything other than school and working out? :)

spideyv2 10-21-2011 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7623181)
Hmm what's easier, taking steroids, or having unlimited access to perfect nutrition, being able to get sufficient rest, and not having to worry about anything other than school and working out? :)

I dont cosign taking roids, but like berz said, what if ur work hours dont comply?
Posted via RS Mobile

Berzerker 10-21-2011 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by AAnthony (Post 7622787)
You still have to work out and all. But you and I could hit the gym and do all the same workouts for a few months, yet for some reason you'll have grown 10 lbs more muscle than me. To me that's easy.

How could you possibly compare 2 people doing the same workout. Depending on body type, nutritional requirements, daily lifestyle one person will grow faster than another. Genetics Brah. Besides if I was juicing and doing the same workout as you I probably wouldn't grow much. It's entirely different kind of workouts when your on the sauce. You wouldn't be able to train like I do because you wouldn't be able to recover. Just like if I was training like you it wouldn't be enough stimulation. If juice was legal everyone would be doing it. Just like Celltech ;) or any other supplements out there. Only people that wouldn't be are people afraid of needles lol. Everyone's afraid of needles a little bit :heckno:until you pin yourself a couple times.. then you look forward to it :megusta:

Berz out.

hal0g0dv2 10-21-2011 09:21 AM

/thread on the year

SkinnyPupp 10-21-2011 09:26 AM

Yup if only it were legal, everyone would be pumping themselves full of synthetic hormones. As long as they don't abuse it right? Oh, except the people who are 'fraid of needles :troll:

AAnthony 10-21-2011 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7623181)
Hmm what's easier, taking steroids, or having unlimited access to perfect nutrition, being able to get sufficient rest, and not having to worry about anything other than school and working out? :)

haha, kk got me there.
But if anything, shouldn't the guy with perfect nutrition/tons of rest time be the one juicing, as opposed to the guy eating 2-3 meals a day. I see soo many people on the sauce with the shittiest diets....were talking 2500 cals per day, 1000 from food, 1500 from alcohol, party all night, 3 hours of sleep, etc, etc..sooo ridiculous!

hal0g0dv2 10-21-2011 11:45 AM

me and strykn on roids :troll:

Berzerker 10-21-2011 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by hal0g0dv2 (Post 7623523)
me and strykn on roids :troll:

What do you do for work Hal0 :troll: as for Strykn... no comment ;) haha

OH and AAnthony most guys that are juicing don't drink it's one of the things that you shouldn't do while your cycling.

Berz out.

Berzerker 10-21-2011 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by AAnthony (Post 7623411)
haha, kk got me there.
But if anything, shouldn't the guy with perfect nutrition/tons of rest time be the one juicing, as opposed to the guy eating 2-3 meals a day. I see soo many people on the sauce with the shittiest diets....were talking 2500 cals per day, 1000 from food, 1500 from alcohol, party all night, 3 hours of sleep, etc, etc..sooo ridiculous!

That's probably the reason they are juicing. They don't have the luxury of sitting around all day eating and recouping. That's why I juice.

Berz out.

AAnthony 10-21-2011 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Berzerker (Post 7623710)

OH and AAnthony most guys that are juicing don't drink it's one of the things that you shouldn't do while your cycling.

Berz out.

It's pretty common in my age group. Bi's and Tri's then hit the club. Then again these are the types of guys that juice to get girls. As opposed to working out for self improvement.
Makes me cringe a bit..
it's the whole, live for today fuck tomorrow mindset

m4k4v4li 10-23-2011 12:41 AM

lol with all the money you pour into juice, the process of using steroids, the added stress... it isn't much "easier" than just eating right and lifting hard consistently

its called patience.

for me, I just like the idea of how far i can push myself naturally, and to see what type of gains I can get with my genetic limits. its satisfying.

but if you're doing it for purely asthetic reasons... then harm your body all you want in the process. theres really no point in getting jealous over juicers, i mean they've earned their gains through the ultimate sacrifice; their health... which is kinda ironic seeing how exercising is suppose to be an activity for the betterment of your health LOL

SkinnyPupp 10-23-2011 12:49 AM

Oh, but steroids are good for you remember? They are prescribed by doctors after all!
Posted via RS Mobile

hal0g0dv2 10-23-2011 02:31 PM

Will u do pct next time Berz ?
Posted via RS Mobile

Berzerker 10-23-2011 02:38 PM

Yep next time I'll do PCT like I said before the last time I rode a bike PCT was just starting to get talked about. Before any more of you come in here and say they abuse your body go talk to a doctor about it. A real doctor with sports medicine background not a 60 year old family doctor. You'll be surprised with the conversation.

As for it being more expensive? Nope. Factor in the cost of supplements and food over 3 months of eating like a whale and then compare that to eating normally. Easily over 200$ difference just in food. Over 3 months that's 600$. ;)

Berz out.

strykn 10-23-2011 03:23 PM

berz ill start when you start we'll make a log and everything... first one to 250 wins ? :fullofwin:

penner2k 10-23-2011 03:48 PM

I need to figure out how I can get needles and juice up to where I'm working. They do random bag searches when we land (I get flown in and out of site).. cost of food wouldnt be an issue at all since we can eat as much as we want..

Nechako87 10-23-2011 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by penner2k (Post 7625989)
I need to figure out how I can get needles and juice up to where I'm working. They do random bag searches when we land (I get flown in and out of site).. cost of food wouldnt be an issue at all since we can eat as much as we want..

IMO not worth it. If you're caught you'll get kicked off site (and possibly asked to never return), and maybe blacklisted for other sites.

I worked in a fly in/out site where they x-rayed all of our bags / jackets before entering...along with scanners and the such.

BrRsn 10-23-2011 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by penner2k (Post 7625989)
I need to figure out how I can get needles and juice up to where I'm working. They do random bag searches when we land (I get flown in and out of site).. cost of food wouldnt be an issue at all since we can eat as much as we want..

If you were taking orals you can buy plastic heat shrink that looks kinda like the heat shrink on tylenol ... buy a thing of extra strength and load it up with anavar capsules and throw the heat shrink on and just do an oral cycle. Assuming they don't open the thing you'll be fine.

SkinnyPupp 10-23-2011 06:16 PM

Yeah that way your liver will get more of a workout than you do :troll:

hal0g0dv2 10-23-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7626134)
Yeah that way your liver will get more of a workout than you do :troll:

Posted via RS Mobile

Berzerker 10-23-2011 09:11 PM

Yea.. stay away from orals... You can use them to kickstart for a short period but I wouldn't recommend a full cycle of just orals. In that case I agree with Skinny.

Berz out.

penner2k 10-24-2011 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nechako87 (Post 7626033)
IMO not worth it. If you're caught you'll get kicked off site (and possibly asked to never return), and maybe blacklisted for other sites.

I worked in a fly in/out site where they x-rayed all of our bags / jackets before entering...along with scanners and the such.

There has to be a way. There are a couple guys on site that are juicing for sure. The only thing I can think is maybe they are contractors. If you are contracting you can drive your truck on site. Just make sure you hide your shit well and they wont find it.

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